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Duality: A Neccesity for 3rd Dimension

Duality: A Necessity for 3rd dimensionTry to write a story without some kind of resistance and see how interesting it is to most readers. Even if the challenge is only trying to overcome one’s own limitations, as in the case of a mountain climber pitted against a mountain, this is enough to keep the reader turning the pages to see what happens next.There is no difference between the feeling one gets when the climber reaches the summit, and when Dorothy, melts the wicked witch. It is overcoming adversity.Persevering despite a handicap, prevailing against some injustice, or not giving in to pressures to violate one’s moral principles, all of these are themes that repeat over and over in the stories people love, because they put themselves in the shoes of the hero or heroine as they follow the travails and tests he or she must go through to rise to the occasion, but first there must be a stumble, a fall, or some hurdles standing in the way.It would be quite boring to many people, if the story related how the lead character had a wonderful day soaking up sunshine, and planting trees. The reader or audience would be sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for the poisonous snake, killer bees or greedy logging company to arrive.The adversary plays the villain. This human penchant for seeing things and individuals as either good or bad, black or white is called duality.Thoughts carry frequencies. Higher dimensional thoughts see through the eyes of unity as the sum total of all the parts and in human terms, that the highest good is for all not just one or a group or one nation or one continent. This is why the earth, which is really one planet with one people is split up into many different groups. However duality has also served a higher purpose. It has been useful to provide contrast between what is wanted and what is not wanted. Duality is the study of both what is and what is not. If the higher God Worlds and the etheric realms of pure spirit are places where the connection to the One Infinite Creator is known and felt, then earth has some individuals who see in those terms and many who feel disconnected from the God Source and see in those terms. If there is respect and honor of the planet and its eco system then there is conversely a disrespect of nature and a plundering for profit.Without a comparison how can a moral decision be made as to what values one wishes to adopt. On earth one may adopt unity and compassion or separation and selfishness and everywhere one turns, on every area of the planet, this contrast exists. In the 1981 channeled message from the Ra Confederacy through Carla Ruckert, this group of souls who call themselves a social memory complex says that duality was deliberately part of the design to provide both positive and negative choices to humanity to nudge the population into more rapid decisions either to the negative or the positive. There is no choice without free will.A moral decision is not the same as judgment. Judgment sees the act and the person performing the act as one and the same. A moral decision sees only the act apart from the person performing the act, and this allows for education transformation and a change of direction, whereas duality sees in terms of black and white. White gets rewarded for being good and black get punished for being bad. But when a bad thing has served a good purpose is that thing good or bad? Actually everything serves a good purpose even though at the time it looks like nothing good could possibly come out of it.Duality is actually a paradox as something that ends up for the highest good appears to the left brain logical thinking as something unwanted and therefore bad. Duality is therefore a product of left brain, which has been described as male in nature. This has nothing to do with the sexual organs but with a point of view. In a balanced individual, both sides of the brain are accessed equally. The right brain is the intuitive side and has been described as female in it’s approach This is why so many sources saying it is time for the reestablishment of the divine feminine on earth which sees the whole not just the pieces that make up the whole.The Gnostic book of Thomas given in metaphors describes how thinking changes in those humans who merge the right and left brain and this change in thinking opens the door to the kingdom of God within.“Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]."Jesus was not here talking about doing away with men and women and creating a hermaphrodite population. He was speaking of unity the scope of which sees not just what appears to the physical eyes but what is beneath, above, inner and outer as one wholeness. Duality separates while unity gathers the pieces of duality together.Duality has served it’s purpose to move humanity along their evolutionary paths. This is not to say that those who have chosen to be the negative pattern knew they were serving a much higher purpose. They did not, but nonetheless they have. So whatever path one takes it all ends up serving the purpose of the Creator.
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Wanka Tanka

Thanks to Matthew who found some information on the web about Wanka or Wakan Tanka. I'm sharing it here.
Religion & Beliefs
spacer.gif"From Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery, comes all power. It is from Wakan Tanka that the holy man has his wisdom and the power to heal and make holy charms. Man knows that all healing plants are given by Wakan Tanka, therefore they are holy. So too is the buffalo holy, because it is the gift of the Wakan Tanka."
Meza Blaska, Oglala Sioux Chief
Wakan Tanka
The Wakan Tanka included all that was mysterious, powerful, or sacred. The words Wakan Tanka translate as "all that is holy." The Wakan Tanka had always existed and would always be. It had created the universe, and yet, at the same time, was the universe. The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Earth, the very rocks, and the human soul were all manifestations of the Wakan Tanka.
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Bashar-from Suzanne

Bashar Thank you to Suzanne who put this together to share! Whatever vibration you create; what ever belief structure you create is what determines the kind of reality you experience regardless of who else might have another agenda. If you stay in the higher frequencies and stay self empowered then really it's up to you to determine what kind of realities you prefer to experience and people not of that frequency then don't really have that kind of effect on us. Eventually they drop out of our reality altogether. The sensation of excitement, that energy we feel as passion and love and joy is actually the body's physical translation of the vibratory energy that is our true core self. We are most in alignment with our true self, which is the aspect that is the original reflection of creation. What we were created to be, and which is that Source vibration we are all a part of. The experience of joy and passion and love is the closest expression we have of maintaining our true alignment with that energy. Acting on things that contain that state are the things that keep us in that state. You can't experience a vibration that you don't allow yourself to operate on. You can't perceive something you are not the vibration of. If you don't allow yourself to exist in that higher state the things that could actually reflect your happiness remain invisible to you. We actually have to be in that state first in order to attract those circumstances and those situations and opportunities that would then reflect the joy and happiness we are choosing to stay in the state of. What you put out is what you get back. The experiences within physical reality are real. What we see as real, are just symbols of what is going on in our consciousness and operate as mirrors to reflect back your own reflection. If you see your reflection in the mirror frowning you don't try to change the reflection. The only way to make the reflection smile is for you to smile first. The reflection has no choice but to reflect the smile. But if one tries to manipulate the reflection, that doesn't work because you have to make the change within yourself and then the world around you will reflect that change. Thoughts are not as strong as beliefs. Thoughts and emotions stem from beliefs. We create with our definitions; our beliefs. We cannot have a feeling about something or think a certain way until we have a belief about that thing. These definitions govern how we experience life. Define one's beliefs and then you can see it and change it. Identification may alone be enough to let go of a belief. You see where it came from and then release it as something you picked up. What we are attempting do learn here is to use the power of illusion instead of succumb to the illusion of power. It takes a lot of courage and strength to choose a reality with such a great degree of darkness and limitation. We are learning how to transform the darkness into light and this is the advanced master class. If we can overcome the great limitation here then anything is possible. We always have the ability to transform the darkness into light. We deserve to love ourselves and to be loved and to find those beliefs that stand in the way. When we flow our energy through positive belief systems which are aligned with our true self we feel our energy as passion, creativity, joy and love. When we flow our energy through negative belief systems which are out of alignment with our true selves we feel the same energy as hatred, depression, doubt, hesitation, anger and fear. When we feel those things it's telling us that we have belief systems which are out of alignment. All emotions spring from belief systems. When we have no definition of something we have no feeling about something. Use the negative feelings as indicators of what kind of beliefs we are holding onto and let them show you what those beliefs are. Don't deny them, use them. The idea of spiritual growth is the product of expansion and inclusion not exclusion. All That Is, includes both the dark and light. You don't have to experience the dark but when you allow it to be an equal choice to the light you actually dis-empowerment it from manifesting. When negative choices become equally valid to the positive choices then all choices are equal and you can choose what you prefer because not any one side or another has any power to become manifested except what you choose. When you allow them to be there for a reason and that they are there to teach lessons then you pull all the energy out of it because you have used it for the purpose for which it exists. It is are no longer trying to get your attention because now it exists in equilibrium with all choices. Out of that balanced state you can choose what you wish to manifest rather than giving energy to the negative side fearing it might manifest without your say so, which it cannot do. Every individual is a true individual but every individual is not only part of the whole but each individual is also a unique expression of the whole. It's holographic. All parts completely contain the entirety of creation while at the same time it is also part of a larger creation. Every person is a real aspect of creation but the only way you can experience anyone in your reality is to actually create your version of them to interact with. By agreement you create them in your universe. When an actress becomes the character. When the singer becomes lost in the song, that is the channeling state. It is natural. We do the things we love. If you experience 5 hours as one half hour then you are stepping out of the agreed time the world agrees upon. You have created a different time and you do not age during those times. You may choose to create circumstances that reinforce certain states of being but the state of being is what caused the circumstances and thus the circumstances are illusory, not real, a projection. When you see circumstances be neutral to them and pause and then and do not imbue them with meaning you do not prefer. Put within them the meaning you choose. Space time always has echoes. Do not judge that you have changed by whether or not the outside has changed. Gauge how you have changed by your response to the outside whether it has changed or not. That's how you know you have changed not by how the outside looks. It's how you respond to it that makes the difference and then things can change because if you respond differently to something that looks the same that is the statement that says you have really changed. Then the outside can reflect that. But if you say you are going to change in order to get the outside to change then you are still doing it in reverse fashion. We remind you of all these principles now because this is the tool kit you will need for the next five year span. Use these tools, sharpen these tools, use these tools during these five years. These are the tools you need to have for this next five year span. This five years is designed to fine tune your engine to allow you to pass through the conduit; to allow you to tip the scale, to allow you to ride the wave of the collective positive energy that will begin to seed your world; to infuse your world after the threshold crossing in the middle of 2012. Get yourself ready, fine tune yourself. Do not leave a single nut or bolt laying on the ground. Put it all together and it will fit, it will work flawlessly together. This 5 year span, if you do your part, then you will afford us the opportunity along with many others who are preparing eventually for open contact. It will allow us much more facility also to use your collective energy to harmonize and make agreements with your collective energy to help balance the energy of your planet and help smooth out any shift mechanisms that might heretofore have been experienced catastrophically and smooth them out into easy transitions; little bumps instead of massive mountains. As you do this during this five year span we will be working with you intimately with you in your dream states on many difference energy levels, in the template reality with your higher selves to smooth and balance out the energy of your world with you. We will not do it for you but we can do it with you. So if you will do your part during this five year span we will then be capable to do our part more effectively. Because after all, all we have to work of is your energy, it's your planet, it's your world and you have to make the decision of how you want that energy to go and we will aid and assist in the balancing of it so that the transitions will be smooth but you must play your part or you give us less to work with. We can only do so much. In that sense we are only allowed to do so much because we cannot do it for you and remove your responsibility. Just know that you will not be alone in this transition. You will not be alone in this span that you will be working with us and as you harmonize yourself and sensitize yourself as a greater antennae for these higher frequencies you will become aware of the work more and more that we are doing together on higher planes all the time. Your dreams will reflect this. Your inspirations will reflect this. Your imagination will reflect this. Your synchronicities will certainly reflect this, guaranteed. By the time you arrive at 2015 some of you will be, maybe some of your literally, be 'beside yourself'. The idea is that this five year span is an extremely accelerated moment in space/time construction. We will help you ride that wave on the balance point so it can be the most powerful powerful redirecting of energy that it can be. Remember that in all martial arts the true power is in matching the frequency of your attacker and arriving at the balance point where neither of you are moving relative to one another. When both are harmonized relative to one another it takes the lightest touch to redirect the energy of a negative attack because there is no great momentum or inertia to overcome because you are moving in total harmony together. As we have said and we will remind you of now the greatest power requires the lightest touch. That is why the greatest power there is; God, Goddess or whatever you wish to call it, that's why you hardly feel it at all unless you really pay attention. That is how powerful it is. It does not have to exercise will over anything. It does not have to flaunt it's power over everything. Why? Because it is everything, therefore everything moves within it, everything moves in accordance with it and you do not feel it because it's momentum and yours are perfectly matched. When you allow yourself the true recognition of that perfectly matched momentum you will feel the same flow, you will feel the same power and you will marvel at the effortlessness required to allow things to start manifesting synchronically to manifest in your life and it will become almost laughably simple, and you will laugh. So allow yourselves the opportunity to work with us in this way, to allow the agenda to unfold that leads to the idea of open contact and let us remind you, that when we talk about the idea of contact, we are not just talking about the idea of contacting those who come from elsewhere but contacting every single aspect of your consciousness and integrating it into a holistic being; the holistic being with whom we have made the agreement to have contact. We will all arrive together at that contact point together. You are well on your way. Use this five year span wisely, joyfully, creatively, lovingly. Do not fret. Relax and enjoy and share.
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Archangel Metatron: Time Gates and Spirit CavesReceived by James Tyberonn=========================================Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you all within this precise vector of timeless space. I embrace you in unconditional love. Love that is geometric, love that is scientific, a love of immeasurable sacredness. Love is the source of ALL. It is not an emotion, it is an omnipotent resonance. The source of power that enables your present consciousness has never been physical, and where I reign, there are many divine beings of light not even aware that such a physical system as yours exists. Does that surprise you?Divine Intelligence and sentient consciousness existed long before your earth was formed. Consciousness is the engine of all creation, all matter and antimatter, and it forms many other realities besides your Earth. It is, again, your own viewpoint that is presently so limited that it seems to you that physical reality is the rule and mode of existence. Your academics look for life on other planets within your solar system, and because they are different from your Earth, assume that no life exists upon them. We tell you not only are they teeming with life, but the planets and stars and the space particulate between are themselves all conscious beings. Even the void is alive. Physical life is the exception, not the rule.The physical system in duality is a purposeful illusion. You are dreaming the dream of humanity. You are powerful spiritual beings wearing filters. You are Divine sparks of Creator source attending the University of Earth. And so you must accept this axiom, and from your viewpoint try to understand the greater realities that exist beyond your physical perceptions, and they are many. And LOVE is the building block, the core 'DNA' of everything.And so we speak of Time Warp.Question to Metatron: Last year I spent time at a very unique power node called Grimes Point located near Lake Tahoe, outside Reno, Nevada on the border with California. The area is covered in very interesting petroglyphs and is recognized by some Native Americans as a doorway to Star Nation. A cave exists in the area that has very interesting energies. I spent some time alone among the rocks and soon went into a meditative state that felt very similar to ayahuasca. I felt as though I had passed into a time void, outside linear time, and the physically visible surroundings had a wave like haze and I sensed an electrical pulse in the land. Can you speak about this area? Is it an area of time warp?Metatron: Grimes Point is indeed an area of time distortion. That distortion occurs on several levels. The first is due to a gravitational flux that rhythmically occurs in the specific area. The very gravity distortion also effects the space-time continuum in the area, and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.Question to Metatron: There are Native American stories from the Paiute Tribe and a report from a physician in the 1940's of underground cities in this general area. Can you speak of this?Metatron: We have spoken before of the civilizations and colonies that exist within the inner earth, and have spoken about the vast underground network of tunnels and caverns that network your planet. These were originally constructed by the Sirians and Pleiadians, and utilized extensively by the advanced Atlanteans. Those you think of as the LeMurians inhabit many of these chasms below the areas of Mt Shasta, Grand Tetons, Arkansas and extensively in the area of Grimes Point, the Mohave Desert and Death Valley regions of the United States.These areas exist, it is not folklore, rather a fact of dimensional overlay in the unified field. While there have indeed been random incidents of discovery of these caves containing tunnel networks and evidence of past civilizations and bases, these have been disavowed, sealed and the discovers discredited.The caves at Grimes point are indeed an entry to the Atlantean tunnel system, but what primarily occurs in current times below Grimes Point is a massive portal. Specifically because of its unique frequencies, it is indeed an entry point to the inner earth bases used primarily by the Pleiadians. While this sounds fantastic and unbelievable to many, it is quite true. Your primary origin is in fact from the Pleiades and Sirius, yet despite overwhelming evidence, it is largely dismissed as delusion by mankind. You are indeed of Galactic origin, and you co-exist in multi-dimensionality, as these very races you deny exist.You speak of Paiute legends, in fact most of the tribal indigenous recognized what they termed 'Star Nation.' Many of their languages include names for the Pleiades. The Lakota, Hava Supai and Navajo all reference the Pleiades and Sirius. The Hava Supai refer in legends to spindly blue gray 'ant people' as having taken them into underground refuge cities during the first and second Atlantean deluge. These were indeed the LeMurians and Sirians. It is understood by your geologist that this area was under water 12,000 years ago.The human remains of what you term 'Spirit Cave Man' found in Grimes Point is an enigma to your anthropologist. Your current technology ages the remains to 8,400 BC. Yet the greatest mystery is that the remains are not of the indigenous race, but rather of a small human with Caucasian characteristics.Question to Metatron: So is Grimes Point an entry point to the inner Earth?Metatron: Indeed! One of many. It is directly connected to the Agartha City of Mt Shasta and to the vast underground chasms below California, Nevada, Arizona, Arkansas and Wyoming.Question to Metatron: Is the cave reportedly discovered by Dr. F. Bruce Russell an actual event? Did it occur? He spoke of finding mummies of 9-foot men with red hair and geometric symbols.Metatron: The cave was found and does exist. There are many discoveries of what you term giants all over the planet. The ones found in Nevada and California are of the Atlantean tall race of golden skin and often with blond or reddish hair. The golden race of Atlantis were typically 9 to 12 feet in height. The Ayrians of Atlantis were Caucasian in appearance and between 5 and 6 feet in stature, as were the red race of Og that became known as the Native Americans, the Mayan, Iroquois and many others are of Atlantis in root.While we have no desire to get into what you term conspiracies and secretive policies, portions of your government have been in liaison with certain of the extra-terrestrials and the inner Earth LeMurians for most of the past century. Some of this is actually benevolent work, some is around secretive technology advancement. It is not our mission here to delve into this, other than to tell you that in the near future your extra-terrestrial connections will be much more apparent. But again, these connections were commonly recognized, and without fear by the Indigenous.Many of your campestral tribal societies interacted openly with 'Star Beings' and indeed with the inner Earth LeMurians. Yet interaction was for teaching and assistance. While your government is in contact with these now, there is no desire of the inner Earth LeMurian civilization to intermingle with mankind in the current. These are tranquil beings, highly spiritually advanced, with no religion other than recognition of the Divine. They are on a separate course and very near the completion of their cycle.When you develop the inner ability to raise your frequency, you will discover the ability to interact with all Divine Intelligence. You will discovery your true origin, your true purpose and multi-dimensional nature. You will discover that you are the extra-terrestrials, you are the Star Beings, the Dolphins, Atlanteans and LeMurians.___________Grimes Point___________Question to Metatron: Thank you. Back to Grimes Point, the petroglyphs there are quite interesting. Many of these show wave oscillation and zigzag patterns. Were these symbols of a specific meaning?Metatron: There are varying time periods and ages of the petroglyphs. Some are simply ceremonial. The ones that are of the wave oscillations and zigzags are symbols of the time and space distortions that the post Atlantean indigenous of the area felt and experienced in the area. For indeed it is a most poignant area of gravitational anomaly and thus time-space dimensional concentricity. You discovered first hand while meditating there, the area exuded a translucent wave field, similar to the mirage you see when observing heat rising from tarmac roads in the height of summer.You see the veil that separates realities is very thin at Grimes Point. Actual scenes, ongoing events from other worlds and other time frames can be visibly seen at certain times, and psychically perceived quite easily here. The electromagnetic bolts that are indicated by the zigzags and the wave oscillation petroglyphs are clear signals of what occurs in the area. The concentric circles and spiral patterns indicate the vortex portal of the area, the entry into what the indigenous termed as Spirit world. All are quite tangible at Grimes Point, and visibly and physically apparent in terms of the gravitational anomalies and time distortions.The caves in the area were and are used at various periods as entry points for the Pleiadians, and these energies are quite powerful. One can at specific periods truly access greater portions of multi-dimensionality in such energies as Grimes Point.This energy was recognized by the indigenous as a 'doorway to other realms' because of its unique energy field and its resulting effects on the human visitor. Its effects are many. The adept can employ this energy for retrieval of the integral self. For healing and changing the past and future. The various dimensional realities of the Self merge in the overall perceptions of the whole self. There is a constant subconscious interchange of information between all these layers of the whole self, and this is an extremely important process. It is somewhat easier to enact this healing integration within the concentric dimensional overlays of areas like Grimes Point. Indeed these energies are quite available to the seeker in that manner.____________________Multi-Dimensional Time____________________The energy of Grimes Point creates a time anomaly, as do certain other locations on the Earth. Some are recognized, others are not. Time is a created illusion and gravity, earth spin ratio, electromagnetics and celestial alignments are components of its unfolding. Now, time as you perceive it, is simply that, a perception. We assure you that time truly does not exist in the linear manner that you believe, beyond duality. And even within the filtered lens of duality, there are certain areas of dimensional overlay that occur on your planet in which striking time anomalies can and do occur.You see there are many Earths that concentrically occur within the space that mankind perceives physical earth to occupy. There are frequential mechanisms that connect these overlays of parallel dimension, and these create gateways to other time frames and realities that coexist differently within these unique areas.So from the greater aspect, time as you know it does not exist. Time and space are intricately connected, aspects of the same mechanism. Space, in a manner of speaking is congealed light held in a matrixial format within duality that allows for the separation and unfolding of the illusion of trapped or sequential time metrics.To explain it in your present day computer analogy, Space and Time are sub-programs of digital-dimensional light. Space-Time then is a holgramic server that can simultaneously store many different files and subfiles within its storage capacity. Just as there are locations within the stages of computer access that allow you to see all of the programs and files and navigate from one to the other, so there are locational vectors on the Earth program that anchor the hologramic dimensional gateways that allow access into other metric/matrix files of reality and time formats.So as you live this 'present' life in the perceived time of today, you also live all your existences at once. Time 'programs' are hologramic and these programs are manifolded and coded in certain areas, especially the polar regions. Gateways or multi-program access occurs in them.The area you currently call Grimes Point, near Lake Tahoe, Nevada is one of these. Within this area are many overlays of energy dynamics. It is indeed a portal, but we will say an open-ended portal that is not just a wormhole in space to other points in the Cosmos, but indeed (and especially) a unique gateway to other dimensional aspects of what may be termed the holgramic Omni-Earth program. It may be termed a time-gate vector. It is one of many coordinate points on your planet that contain within in it time code scripting.Such coordinate points are anchors that peg each reality to the physical worlds, the Omni-Earth. And so then, within this concentric overlay vector other time programs; other dimensional realms can be frequencially accessed more easily. The ancient adepts knew this, and certainly experienced to varying degrees by many of what you term as the indigenous.Time Gate Vectors are not the only means to access other realities. Indeed this can be done myriad ways, including the crystalline energies of the phi resonance, in deep meditative states. But what is different in the Time-Gate Vector co-ordinate-points is that the Omni-Earth Time program itself is anchored, to use a simplified explanation, to certain aligned points that occur on your planet, within certain frequencial matrixes. These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Grand Tetons, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates. In the former one access' other realms, other epochs, other programs of terrestrial time, whereas in the latter one travels to other dimensions in Space. Do you see the difference?Question to Metatron: Are you saying that Grimes Point and other such 'Time-Gate Vectors' allow for or enhances the ability to travel in time?Metatron: Yes. But let us be clear, it is better to say that all programs of hologramic times programs co-exist more clearly, more tangibly within such points.That does not mean that when one walks into Grimes Point that you will disappear from the present and materialize into a future or past program, rather it means windows into other time-sequence frames are (more) accessible here. But we will indeed tell you that materializations can and do occur here quite intentionally and occasionally by accident. We will tell you those more technological civilizations, both from the future and past in your terms, which understand the very real science of time travel chose such time gate vectors for entering other epochs for various purposes. Indeed this can, has and does occur.__________Time Travel__________Time travel has occurred in both your future and past. Although there are instances in which people have temporarily passed into different time holograms, there are very few cases where the transition was permanent. Your Admiral Byrd did in fact temporarily view a very real passing into a different time epoch during his polar flight. Most of the flight disappearances that are so publicized over the Bermuda Triangle were not permanent transferals. Time disruption did occur, but the airplanes did not fully disappear into another epoch of time. Rather were they caused by related instrument malfunctions that created misdirection and radio silence, and the disappearances were simply crashes into the sea.Certain of your governments working in classified tandem with covert corporations have already developed crude mechanisms of time travel. These are not yet at a truly manageable level, and the stress that results on the human 'tempornaut' is considerably, stress-aging the human body approximately 7 to 10 years on each journey. At present they are only able to move forward in time about 20 years, and are unable to navigate into the past. In time, when the apparatus utilized is converted from magnetic forces to crystalline bioplasmic field this will be improved considerably, and time navigation will be deliberate and not by random mishap.Optimal time navigation occurs Merkivically through a consciousness refined Bio Plasmic field, and while certainly aided in terms of time vector by crystalline apparatus, it is primarily operated by the light-consciousness of the traveler. Many of you time travel in dream state quite often, and therein is the key to how it will be optimally done in expansive conscious states.There are indeed Laws of Physics that apply to how time and space are navigated interdimensionally. And in time, the seemingly apparent boundaries between past, present and future will be better understood as filtered illusions caused by the limitations of dimensionality perception that mankind can physically perceive in duality. It is indeed these single lens filters that create the linear illusion of sequencial unfolding of time. This then is precisely the reason mankind believes that one moment exists and is gone forever, and the next moment comes and like the one before also evaporates into the great elusive mist of the past. We tell you that everything in and on the Omni-Earth and indeed the Multi-verse exists at once, simultaneously. The past, present and future only appear to those who exist within three-dimensional reality. And the programs that separate time-epoch files on the Omni-Earth can be navigated.__________________The Past is Not Fixed__________________The past and future as you 'believe it to be' exists as a series of electromagnetic receptors held in the crystalline portion of the physical brain and in the non-physical mind within the ultra-violet field. These electromagnetic codelings can be changed, and in fact are in constant flux. You script your destiny, and your destiny is not a linear one way dynamic. Your creation of your past is just as important as the creation of your present and future. The past then, is quite malleable and no more fixed than your future.Now, your mental process and beliefs create your past, and there are as many valid versions of the past as there are of the future. We tell you that if the next generation were all to be taught from an early age that the Roman Empire ruled the world until the 17th century, indeed that past would become a reality, and evidence would be found to confirm it. Yet it would be a completely different past from which the older generation constructed. But BOTH would be true. Both would be separate yet valid files within the hologramic programs of time.As humans in duality, you take it for granted that present action can change the future, but present actions can and do change the past as well. The past is no more detached or uninvolved from your present than the decisions you make today. We share a great truth for you to ponder, and that is that everything you do effects your past, and you can accordingly remove what you may term traumas and mis-actions that occurred years ago or lifetimes ago from your present stance. Furthermore, all of you are required to do so! The electromagnetic crystallographic portals within the human brain are forged and mantled totally and completely by each of you, and uniquely so. The probable past can be changed, and such changes are far from uncommon. These changes happen spontaneously on a subconscious basis. You can now learn to do this consciously.The linear aspect of the past is rarely what you remember it to be. In fact you constantly rearrange your memory of the past with the experience of each new moment, each new occurrence. It is a constant metamorphosis from the instant of any given experiential event. Your hypno-therapists are aware that pseudo-memories of fictitious or altered past events can be implanted in the minds of humans through deep state inducement, and in a very real sense these memories and the way they effect the subjects present become quite real. So, it follows to reason that the future, present and past are always re-created by each individual as beliefs, attitudes and associations evolve and change.And take note that what occurs is a real-time actual recreation, not a metaphoric one. The changes you make are quite real. The small inner child is indeed still within the adult human as you progress in years. But that inner child is also dynamic, not molded into a permanent version that remains as it was. The child within the human constantly changes every day, as does the teenager, young adult and elderly you in your future._________________Re-Scripting the Past_________________Accordingly, it is now incumbent on you as you enter the Ascension energies, to grasp the power of NOW, and realize that you can and must change the past, your individual past, from the stance of Now. Within the NOW, you can Merkabically convert to the MerKiVa and as such gain the controls of all within our multi-dimensionality. That is a sacred Universal Truth, and that Truth expands when you enter into it. It expands into power that allows you the fulcrum of co-creation in the singular moment of NOW, above linear time and hologramic sojourns within time in the Omni-Earth.We tell you that personal issues and blockages can and do arise when appropriate evolvement of the past are stymied and not allowed to spontaneously take place. In some scenarios serious neurosis occurs precisely because an individual has not changed his or her past. As an example, the channel has some close associates who at times sense a great panic of claustrophobia and paranoia in large crowds. He is aware that this is due to the associates having a traumatic past life bleed - thru of escaping the chaotic rampage of Athens with children in hand hours before the invading Turks destroyed the city. Literally leaving all behind and running in terror for their lives, with children in tow.Now we tell you that many of the souls that were drawn into this experience in Athens, were pulled into the re-enactment because the trauma they felt when desperately attempting to escape the shaking earth of Atlantis along the land bridge that connected to the Yucatan created such an electrical charge in their multi-dimensional self that it became a recurring energy. Such is the power of extreme emotion and fear. The Law of Attraction works in all of your Earthly sojourns. Any event can bleed over into another, and attract by its intensity, similar experience.This is a perfect example of past life trauma occurring and osmotically effecting the present in the simultaneous NOW. If that probable past is faced and deliberately changed, it can and will eliminate the panic disorder and the resulting neurosis. It does so by changing the past. When you rescript your past and change the experience of the past, the fear behind it is eliminated. It is as if the trauma never occurred, and that is exactly what happens. This is but one example.So irregardless of the specific details, all of you have traumas in the past that can and will be altered in order for you to gain the perfection required in enlightened co-creation. Do not be dismayed, this is quite do-able, and in a subconscious level you have done it many times in dream state. We assure you it can consciously be done in the Merkiva within the NOW.And precisely because the past, present and future exist simultaneously, there is no reason why you cannot react to an event and alter it whether or not it happens to fall within the limited scope of reality in which you normally participate. You have the ability to remove trauma from the past at anytime, and from an over view that is the completing portion of the lesson of why you chose the experience in the first place.______________________Time - Dimensional Portals______________________Now, the LeMurians who escaped the islands of Mu going into the inner realms of the Earth did not simply do so by spelunking. They did not suddenly finding a cave and venture deeper and deeper into it until they stumbled upon a vast inner world chasm. Rather they entered into a different program of the Omni Earth precisely by gathering in a Dimensional-Time Gate coordinate portal and raising their frequency through intent and self-mastery in order to shift into another hologram.This process was also followed in a far more scientific protocol and technique by the Atlanteans of the Golden Era, and for different purpose. The LeMurians relied primarily on natural time gate vectors, whereas the Atlanteans had sophisticated devices and crystals that created time gates. Yet both required Mastery of the Self to raise the vibratory level to different frequencies.Many humans have experienced the dimensional gate aspects of Shasta and the Grand Tetons, and have read of Guy Ballard's (Founder of the IAM Movement) exploits with the Beloved Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters in the Etheric Light Cities above and inside these mountains. Although in truth, these light cities are neither above nor below in a directional sense, rather separate programs occurring in the same spaceless space, and accessed by Dimensional-Portals anchored to the specific energy matrix of these locations.These areas, these etheric light cities are very key coding points on your planet. All of you will at some point spend time within them. Consider them graduate schools. There access involves the same mechanism as time gates. Well to visit these areas and exercise consciously what you already know how to do in subconscious dream states. Indeed you visit these areas quite often in dream states.________Closing:________The ability to become unfixed in time, and indeed navigate within it, has a succinct utility that serves the integral healing of the whole self within multi-dimensionality. Certain areas on your planet make accessing the time holograms and multi-dimensional aspects somewhat easier. Grimes Point, Grand Tetons, Arkansas and Mount Shasta are among the most potent of these. This is due to the frequencial energies that are exuded within these portals. Yet it can be achieved Merkivically at any point. No event is 'written in stone' nor predestined. Any given event can be changed not only before and during but after its occurrence. Scripting your future and changing the past remains one of the final challenges for many of you, and no time is more potent than NOW.I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. And so it is.==========================This channel is copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or public print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at *
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Pleiadian Portal of Light

Pleiadian Portal of Lighta message from The Pleiadians channeled by Gillian MacBeth-LouthanFriday, 22 January, 2010We are a portal of light within the Pleiadian Star System a crystalline beacon that allows you entrance into our place of space and time where light can bend and pulses knowledge and wisdom to all who enter our door. We are as a crystalline stargate that houses codes of light that have been held captive and seek to be completed by those that have a yearning in their heart for our energy.We have always existed as light. We can be nothing but the expression of light. We herald from the suns behind the suns, the light behind the light. We are your reflection as we are your beginning. We are all that has ever existed and all that has been birthed into form throughout time.We are referred to throughout text as the Great Beings from the Pleiades that escorted humanity into a higher echelon and a ladder of genetic difference. We come forth to reflect to you portions of yourself that have been hidden within your own human shadow. We come to reflect to you the trueness of your beauty and of your abilities that you see not as you are caught up in the whirlwind of healing, of fixing, of deleting, of letting go, of releasing.You each represent a universe, a universe that has had amnesia and has forgotten that it is a universe. Your body holds within it trillions of galaxies and constellations that represent all of the livingness that you have incarnated as. Your earth is a host to all of these millions of universes that expedite themselves into fullness of being and fullness of remembrance. There is not a mere meek mortal within all of earth’s structure. As in all existence there are black holes, white holes and blue holes. There are red giants, brown dwarfs. There are hot stars; there are cool stars. There are energies that are friendly to their environment and energies that wish to destroy their environment.You are galactic beings of unimagined proportion. As the universe that you are and were birthed to become, it is time to tie up the loose ends and cut away the frills of being stationary and inept in your so-called humanness. The light that comes forth emanating and radiating from your daystar – the Sun -- is from deep in the Pleiades. We shone in Atlantis, in Lemuria, and in Ancient Egypt. We were the light that was worshipped by the Mayans. The Anastazi and Sumerians alike knew our warmth. We have been known throughout civilizations that go beyond your records of time and stone. The Light of the Pleiades reaches down and gently gathers you. It gathers every iota of you that is fractured. It gathers DNA that is thin and frail and it makes it strong and vibrant. It gathers cells of sadness and it brings them joy. It gathers all parts of you into a point that can only begin creation. It is a point of love.It is this energy that comes and escorts you into more than what you have ever experienced or ever thought possible. You must secede from the union of all that you have known to be limitations and become a sovereign nation of light unto yourselves. No longer can you wait on your city, your councils, your family, your town, and your government to become unified. You are a complete entity onto your self. You are a complete unified field of light onto your self. There is nothing that is fractured or broken within your existence except, as you perceive it to be. You must step back from the pain and the isolation and look fully at who and what you represent.You are each here as Emissaries of Light, as Ambassadors of the Creator You are not here to putt about, to grow frail and old and diseased in your body. You are here to grasp completion and see in totality – why you have existed at all. It is through this particle acceleration and unified field of light that you are birthed into totality. There is nothing that you cannot accomplish. There is nothing that you cannot create. There is nothing that you cannot heal. You effect and affect everything. Everything in your world hears you.You are beings that have forgotten their vastness. If you are to save this world as you have so incarnated to do, you must begin with yourself. You are not a victim to anything and to anyone unless you decree it is so. There is nothing that can harm you, there is nothing that can destroy you, there is nothing that can take from you – for you are the center of the universe in human form. You have forgotten the totality of your being. Wake up to who you are.Speak as a God. Think as a God. Become as a God. Allow not the distractions of your day, of your humanness, of your body to own you and enslave you in such a fashion that it belittles the very creation of who you are. Step outside of the body and observe it as a vehicle that you instruct, a vehicle that transports you through space and time in every way and in every thought.Where your thoughts are is where you dwell, look at it as your creation address. This address then becomes your quantified universe and defined field of light. Redefine who you are to yourself and then it will follow as the day and the night that you are re-defined in every cell of your body, in every level of your life, and in every document that has ever recorded your life, your birth, and your death. You are the center of the universe. Do not take that lightly. For where you stand in your thinking, in your self, in your construction of circumstances -- ripples out through all existence. It affects your past and present and your future, for all is connected.Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -
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God's Balancing Act

God's Balancing ActCarl Calleman, long time researcher and author of explanations of the Mayan Calendar puts forth the concept that the two hemispheres of the earth can be likened to the two hemispheres of the human brain. Out of the east comes meditation and enlightenment and out of the west comes technology and the use of the intellect.The left hemisphere of the brain is that of problem solving. It sees in pieces and is considered masculine in energy, while the right hemisphere sees in terms of the whole and is considered female in energy. The left brain wants physical proof and the right brain relies heavily upon intuition. An example of this would be the way the two different sides might view the earth, for example. The earth is one planet, and since a person who is right brain dominant would more easily see the earth as one and pay less attention to borders and made made boundaries. Their attitude lends itself more easily to, what is good for one is good for all.A person who is left brain dominant would have a more difficult time seeing the overall planet in this way and would be more likely to see their own group or nation as separate and apart from the whole. Their attitude might be. What is good for myself and my group is more important to me than what is going on in other areas.While there are men who are more right brained dominate and women who are more left brain dominate, but in a general sense this applies.According to Callemen's knowledge of the Mayan Calendar, there is a balancing that is now taking place to offset the over abundance of left brain thinking all over the planet and will be most noticeable in those nations which have been most heavily steeped in the attitudes that proceed from this kind of thinking.What would case such a change and how does it come about?The entire solar system moves in an orbit around the galaxy; the Milky Way. This movement is not readily apparent as is the movement of the earth around the sun, because the length of time it takes to move around the entire galaxy is enormously longer than the shorter cycles humans are used to. In the middle of the Milky Way is the Great Central Sun and is sometimes called the Hub, so you can think of the hub of a wheel and the spiraling arms coming out from that center or. The process Callemen writes about is due to a change of position so that earth has been moving into a part of the orbit where the light energy comes in at a higher, stronger and different angle.The Mayan Calendar clearly shows periods of light and dark, and earth has been moving out of ever decreasing dark into areas of ever increasing light and whereas in the past the light have favored the back of the head (the parietal lobes), it is now is favoring the frontal lobes of the brain and of course this is where the pineal gland (the third eye) is located.There are many unexplainable spontaneous changes which can be proven by the fossil records, where new species suddenly appear. One is 250 million years ago, another is 62 million years, and latest one of these is 26,000 years ago. It takes earth's solar system 62 million years to travel one quarter of the way around the galactic center. This orbit is like a giant clock. When the clock moves to certain positions, evolution takes a leap. This is one of those times. Anyone reading this was not born into this particular time by accident or happenstance but there is purpose for your being here to witness this.Why does western human science with all their technological advances and advanced mathematical formulas, not know about this cycle, when a group of Indians without highly advanced technology, not only knew of it, but based their way of life and beliefs around it?If we come to understand how this cycle operates, we will arrive at the answer.The Mayans relied heavily upon their right brain as do all truly indigenous nations. This thinking allows direct connection with their higher minds and with the spiritual aspects of the cosmos. The left brain wants proof but there is no physical proof for intuition and so science (the left brain) will always be limited in what they can perceive. They need the right side to balance their conclusions, and up until recently they have turned a blind eye to anything they could not categorize and hard evidence.Is it light energy which in from the Hunab Ku which is the Mayan name for the galactic center, and the amount of light depends upon the solar system's position relative to the galactic center and the area is so heavily charged with light energy that all the planets of earth's solar system are glowing with this energy.The energy is that of transformation and takes the shape of a wave. Think of an oscilloscope which displays the highs and lows of a wave. This is why those who are going through this process and who are sensitive to energy fluctuations say it feels like a roller coaster ride.This may be why the periods of light and dark in the Mayan Calendar are called 'days' and 'nights'. This is describing the properties of a wave.First a wave has a high period where light information is very illuminated, followed by a period of integration of the information which has recently come in.This also accounts for the days (the high periods) and the nights(the low periods) of the Mayan Calendar. This is an intense time for all the inhabitants of earth and these rest periods are needed to ponder, absorb and integrate such enormous changes.In November of 2010 earth will be entering what the Mayans called the Seventh Day and during 2011 this Seventh Day will continue until the Mayan Calendar ends at the end of 2011. After November 2010 there will be no more nights of the Mayan Calendar. There will be only light. Could this be due to the fact that the waves of transformation will be coming in so close together that it will seem as if there is little time to ponder before one is hit by another wave of energy?By such contrasts between light and dark the living intelligence of the universe seeks balance in it's creations. The Hopi native Americans describe earth in their language as 'world out of balance'. Some has said earth is on the brink, but that could mean a brink of destruction or the brink of opportunity as this new balanced energy is causing a bridge into the future for those who wish to walk on it.Based in part on the writings of Carl CallemenSuz
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Global Support: Ending helplessness

I liked her solution, it felt good to me. It's a pass-it-forward type idea... to do all we can, right where we are, to add lovelight to our world. Being all One, whatever we contribute heartfeltedly graces the Whole. Lu (I found this today on Spirit Library, daily channels & occasional articles)Every baby is our baby, every woman is our mother...Global Support: Ending helplessnessa message from Cheryl RichardsonTuesday, 19 January, 2010Like so many of you, I've watched the earthquake devastation in Haiti this week with a heavy heart. It's tragic to witness so much pain and easy to feel so helpless. While donating money is important, it just doesn't feel like nearly enough.This morning, as I watched the news about relief efforts, I thought about how a global tragedy ignites a feeling of oneness with all humanity. People of all ages, races, religious beliefs, or political affiliations, come together to offer what they can to their global sisters and brothers. Prayers are said, resources are pledged, and feelings are shared between strangers. I often imagine what the world would be like if we could only maintain this level of respect and heartfelt cooperation...For those of you who, like me, feel helpless and would like something more to do, I have an idea. In addition to offering what financial support you can to relief efforts (for a list of top-rated charities, click here) let's spend the week committing acts of kindness in honor of our Haitian brothers and sisters. These acts might include:* Help a friend with his or her resume.* Provide care for a child.* Volunteer for a local shelter.* Help a colleague look for a job.* Give a hug to someone who's having a tough time.* Buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you.* Shovel a driveway or walkway for a neighbor.* Offer to pick up groceries for an elderly friend.* Call someone who's going through a tough time and simply listen.If, in fact, we are all connected (and I firmly believe we are), then taking steps to help someone here in honor of someone suffering in Haiti will make a difference. At the very least, the energy of love will heal some part of our shared universe.Ready to join me? Check out this week's Take Action Challenge and offer your ideas. I will, too!Take Action ChallengeInspire others to get onboard by sharing your kind acts on our facebook page here: All actions - large or small - count, so please take the time to tell us what you've done.This week's inspiring video comes from Max. The music and the message are filled with hope. Thanks Max BH!
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Quotes from Return of the Bird Tribes

From Return of the Bird TribesPg 170There is a perfect image for you, a spirit energy field that calls your biology into the vibrating patterns of Being’s perfect purpose. You a have only to relax and release the ways you have formerly thought of yourself to sense this perfect image, to feel your spirit purpose, to allow God {Source} to describe you.Why create yourself in the image of imperfection, when the Great Spirit, source of all life, holds out to you an image of unspeakable beauty? Cam you feel it now, fluttering into the atmosphere of your consciousness? It is defining you as a projection of all that is, as a steward, a caretaker, an Ongwhehonwhe, bearing special gifts of love for the earth and for all here creatures, for the fishes of the sea, for the four=footed, the winged and for all that you perceive. This world lives inside you, her creatures are the organs of your body, they are a part of you. They are you.You are this world’s organ of consciousness, awakening. You are eternity’s love for time-embodied in human form.Pg 171And this new consciousness specks of the circle, of the round, of the Sacred Hoop, of giving and receiving, of seasons for harvest and seasons to gather u the fruits of all that has been. A new harvest, a new species, loving people to explore and develop, to enjoy every sunlight, every shade, every hillside, every field, every river valley.
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You Are An Image Maker: a creator

You Are An Image Maker: a creatorThis is what you are. You create with or without your awareness of doing it. Every thought, forms an image in the spiritual plane where it begins building an image of itself. It is not just private in your head, but is there in the etheric, for all beings of a higher level of vibration to see.An image is a replica of the original. So if you wish to create something different than you see in the physical world, you must form in your imagination an image of what you want, not of what already exists. This is entirely different than pretending that something exists that does not. This is a knowing how the process works and how others have used this to get their images to come into earth reality. This is not to tell you what to create but how to create.If your will is that someone who is ill becomes well, you do not hold an image in your mind of a broken diseased body. You must hold an image of a healthy whole individual to get back the reality of a whole healthy individual.If it is your will to see a just and fair society upon earth and an earth which is respected and loved than see that, but be careful not to taint your image with mental mind constructs of what exists already or you will get back more of the same.You are manipulating the illusion because your consciousness if made out of the same thing the illusion is made out of. The stronger your belief in what you are doing and the longer you hold that image in place, the stronger it becomes, and when other hold the same image, the image moves from the etheric to manifests into the physical.The Wizard of Oz is a perfect metaphor for happenings on earth. There the wizard stands, hiding behind his curtain running his machines which impress and strike terror into the hearts. His purpose is to fill their minds of every person with dread and convince them his proclamations are their destiny. Maybe that makes us all Dorothy peering behind the curtain. If so then according to the story, courage, heart and clear vision stands beside us. She learned she had the power all along.You do have the power.You can lend a mind and heart to helping create in the etheric, an image of a planet called earth with clear turquoise waters, and peace in all hearts. You can then let your heart and imagination lead you and you will combine your image with others who want the same thing.Where is prayer in all this?The One Infinite Creator is aware of all prayers and those whose service is as messengers and assistants, hear those prayers and send love-light and send grace, but they are not creators on earth. This is the earthly realm where advise can be given but only humans create.Do you think God wants humans to get off their knees and stop begging and start creating? Could this be what ascension is all about, going from a stooping position to standing erect? If you have had to struggle to your feet, you know what I mean.And finally, think of Dr. Emoto's water experiments. Did the water molecules not make an image of the word or words written on the vials of water? Was there one occurrence where the word hate or fear produced a jewel like shape? No, not one, but each and every time love was written or harmony or I like you, was written on the vial, the water changed into a jewel shapes.If you see something ugly don't mirror it, create it's opposite and beauty will return to you. These abilities are due to the fact that you are a creator and you are made as the image of God.Suz
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"Bashar" Quotes by Darryl Anka

I think I will print these and stick them on the frig. door! ******************** You are a non-physical consciousness that is experiencing physical reality. You were created in the image of The Creator, your essential essence is unconditional love and the experience of ecstasy is your birthright. You are here on Earth at this time because you chose to be. The highest purpose of your life is to be yourself to the best of your ability and live each moment as fully as possible. You always have free will and the freedom to choose. Anything you can imagine is possible for you to experience. You attract your life experiences through the interaction of your strongest beliefs, emotions and actions. Excitement is the physical translation of the vibrational resonance that is your true, core natural being. Follow your excitement! You are naturally abundant and your choices are always supported by Creation. There are only Four Laws in Creation: 1. You exist. 2. The One is All and the All are One . 3. What you put out is what you get back. 4. Change is the only constant... Except for the first three laws, which never change. There is actually only one moment in Creation. Everything you experience is the same moment from a different point of view. You create the past and the future from the here and now. You are an eternal being and while you may change your form, you cannot cease to exist. Everything you experience is another aspect of yourself. You are loved so unconditionally by Creation that you can even choose to believe that you are not loved.
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The Great Thought

The Great ThoughtThe Great Intelligence which flows through everything has been called The Great Thought.All life exists in the middle of this Great Thought.Humans are children of the Great Intelligence.When a conscious mind flows in unison with the Great Thought it attunes it’s own thoughts to It’s thoughts and this is at-one-ment.But what constitutes a great thought among humans? The greatest thought that springs from the human mind, is the intention of seeking the highest good not just for oneself but for all others as well.Thinking only of oneself is a lesser thought, with lesser power, because only the self benefits from this intention, whereas complete whole love covers everything and everyone. What can be superior to this? The highest good cannot be improved upon as it is all encompassing and leaves nothing out.The human mind is capable of forming a great thought. Each one has the gift of imagination to see what joy and satisfaction could fall upon humanity, if they could reach and hold these thoughts. They can imagine sharing; imagine abundance for all, but lesser thoughts of fear of change keeps crowding out the higher thought.To remember the connection between all things and to hold high thoughts towards all, works for the benefit the whole company, in other words, to lift oneself up also lifts others up at the same time.It takes courage to hold a great thought in the midst of many other minds which hold lesser thoughts but when one has glimpsed a vision of what life could be, there is no settling for a lesser vision.Does it not follow that if the Great Thought uses conscious intent to create, that all it’s children should likewise create with thought? To do this effectively, one must create a template in the etheric; a vision of your ideal. If the word ‘earth’ brings up only images in your mind of devastation, pollution, wars and contention, then this is what you are creating in the etheric and this is what will manifest in the physical, but if you see pristine waters, and beautiful vistas and peace among nations, then these are higher thoughts and your thoughts will add to other higher thoughts and that power will manifest your dreams.Suz
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dimensional weaves- Eileen Adair

Channeled by Eileen AdairGreetings, We have messages from entities who wish to speak.Q-and who are they?We are the creators of what you term wormholes between realms.We use thought and intent to create structures on all levels of reality.We are the dimensional weavers.We are a malleable essence of adaptability and invisibility.WE have never communicated with humans.Selfhood is our work translator.This entity speaks through council of channel.(Information from this creator must be stepped downin vibration by another entity.)We wish to address those whose inner calling choose toground information in certain geographical areas with particlesof divine truth and love.This is the completion of one cycle. To those who engage inthis completion of one cycle, andgeographically impregnate with light, from formula of loveand intention, for creating material reality.Becomeing self aware and finding resonant frequencyin your geographic areas creates a unified construct experience-to usewhen cycle complete and unifacation of forces serve to move that planet.Turn attention of groups toward each other so they may weave too,the new fabric of consciousness they choose.Each has a part of the quilt of higher consciousness.Time together will form unification.There are suitable symbols in major religion constructs.Choose those symbols infused with truth that resonate for you.WE advocate those easily accessible to mind /spirit. Of those we suggest;focus and meditate at regular times upon chosen constructs.We suggest eye of Horus,rose,sacred heart,divine Mother,merkaba.Consciousness can use love and color. That will improve the form to carry them.Six pointed star,3 pointed triangle, flower of life. Kabala good.Choose those that resonate to math energies to reach cohesionthru special time for spiritual symbols.Chant simple invocations with thought form of oneness.Light worker should move away from Religions,thoughts of danger,thoughts of rescue or pick up.Light workers lite up resonant field.Electric and magnetic wiring of earth is accomplished.You can now create a mechanism of special force to plug into the new gridand weave the new reality.-------------------------------------------We are RA,We greet you in the love/light of the infinite creator.We comment upon previous information.The described process is that used by our social memory complexto lift our understanding from one dimension to the next.We are heartened by what we observe as the election in the united states.Energies that are dramatic and hopeful are released into your atmosphere..Do not become cold or-indifferent..See or let love restore growth and release bondage.It is not foryou to be concerned about the planets evolvement.Light workers create the picture you desire.Cooperate one to another, this is your work.DO NOT SEND,DISCUSS,OR PARTICIPATE IN NEGATIVE DRAMAS.BLISSFULLY PREPARE For WHAT YOU ARE CREATING.WE APPLAUD YOU.I AM RA.peg notein case you did not get all of this, these creators specialize in creatingdimensional weaves or connections.New grid now in place.They ask that groups now join, at specific times, to visualize a specificsymbol by all. With suggested symbols. and benefits.Ra says that's the way they moved from one dimension to another.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Resistance (by St. Germaine)

This could be a very good topic for discussion. In my perspective what struck me was that those who have fashioned this earth system and have controlled it in the past have used resistance (aka struggle) to create the kind of world they want. St. Germaine says they know this principle and sat back and let humans by their resistance, bring it on. The Ra'An also said the same thing. They said they did not want to focus on something that was still in the etheric because the more one does that the more likely to bring it from the etheric level into the physical level and voila!So to guard our thoughts is really important and as soon as one reads their plans or the news media (The mouthpiece) saying this is a given, or this will definitely happen, just say to yourself the opposite. Even if we do not discuss this on Sunday it's still an excellent reminder.Resistance - From Saint GermainBe mindful of what you are resisting. Resistance is a powerful magnet, which attracts only that which is being resisted.Tricky though it may seem, it is the Law. As your brother Yeshua, said, 'Resist not evil.'In His Divine Wisdom, He understood that evil does not exist in the mind of God; it is but a man-made construct held in the lower consciousness, made real by the power and recognition you give it through fear and resistance. It may surprise or even amuse some of you to hear this, but your 'secret cabals' as they have been labeled by some, have used the strategy of resistance in their favor through out time.They intentionally feed information and ideas that serve their agendas and provoke your resistance, so that their agendas will have your added power to manifest.They know that resistance works to attract and serves no other function.Resistance is a mighty teacher in duality, for sure. And in your efforts to avoid limitations from being inflicted upon you, you protest and resist, drawing into reality exactly that which you are resisting.Review your Earths history and you will see a pattern of Truth in what we speak. We urge you, "resist not evil". Give it no power at all. Do not allow yourself to be blinded by false patriotism and lies. Ask within for the truth to be revealed. Seek the truth. Expect the truth. Demand the truth. Live the truth.Collectively, if you do this, you will draw to you the Real Truth.Your thoughts will create a vortex that will magnetize Truth, and the darkness in it's effort to hide the truth, will magnetize it into reality. You see how you can righteously use the Law of Resistance in service to the One.Use Universal Law with Mastery to create Heaven on Earth, as that is how it was intended to work from the beginning. These are your tools, use them wisely, do not be used by them.Notice the words of those in influential positions. Notice what they are affirming. "A long, hard road to recovery," seems to be a common theme. We say to you beloveds - DO NOT ACCEPT IT into your consciousness. There is no absolute here. You have the ability to change it.When you hear such statements, use your consciousness to counter-act them with something constructive such as, "Recovery is swift. Resolution is swift and peaceful. We are at peace." It does not have to be a long dark road ahead. Do not allow war to be declared for you if it is not your choosing. Use your ability to change things through inward action and there will be no need for outward action.Remember that YOU Are The Creator - so what do you choose to create? Please use discernment toward all information you receive from all sources. I assure you, there is no Master or representative from the Higher Realms that is declaring war or proclaiming the long dark road ahead. Detach yourself from the various exploited potentials.Visualize it as you wish it to be. If pictures enter your consciousness that are not the ideal of peace, immediately hold them in the violet flame and release them into the Light, and then breathe in peace.Be in peace.Affirm the Love and Light that you are.Affirm Peace.Affirm Ascension. And transmute anything that comes in your path or enters your consciousness that is not of the Light and Love.We urge you to guard your words and discussions, your interactions regarding the potentials of war and retaliation. Again we remind you, whatever you focus attention on is where you hold your consciousness, and is thus, what you create.Be mindful and create consciously and responsibly.We cannot stress this enough, as so many allow their consciousness to run off by itself at times, giving power to the outer and creating chaos. It is Mastery to control and direct your thought and words, beloveds. So, be mindful of what you are resisting and what you are calling forth through your thoughts and words.Many of you seem to be looking for something "to DO" to assist or to bring resolution. Remember always that the outer projection is the illusion. The illusion is only real when you believe into reality and allow it to run you. It is empowered by your beliefs. You have the ability to run your reality and out-picture it consciously as you desire it to be.The true Reality is the Christ-Self within.So therefore, the only thing for you "to DO" is to focus your heart, your mind, your energy and your attention on the peace, truth, and love of the I Am Presence within you. If you join together to do this, as you have all joined together this past week, as One Heart of Love, the legions of Love and Light will band with you and manifest Once (ONEs) and FOR ALL Heaven upon Earth.Can you be the Master that watches and observes, while remaining completely detached from appearances and detached from the outcome, holding firmly to your True God-Reality?Can you walk the middle way and allow the energy to run its course, holding the heart flame steady with the flow of the Mighty I AM within, without allowing the outer disruptive currents to cause you to waver?Can you accept that there is One Power One Divine Order in the universe and hold your consciousness there until it becomes manifest in your reality?And the answer to all of the above is, of your course you can.So, will you but do it! Allow the events of the day to liberate you from the illusions of bondage and limitation. Every event, every tragedy is but another call to wake up from the deep slumber that you have allowed to capture your attention.The alarm clock is ringing it is time to awaken to the Truth of who and what you are. Will you awaken or roll over and wait for another day?The time is now. Be in peace and share your love and so shall be the new order of the day! So be it. I AM with utter confidence in each and everyone of you. In love, peace and service,I AM your loving brother St. GermainLove and Light,S
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Perceptions of Snow

Human Perceptions of SnowThis is about how humanity sees.When each individual perceives the world, they do not do so just for themselves alone, because human perceptions are each a pathway for Source to perceive in multitudinous forms.Because all perceptions are simultaneously shared between the individual and Source, each perception is appreciated for it’s unique quality, and not weighed on some scale that reads ’acceptable’ perception and ’not acceptable’.Why cannot humanity itself, appreciate all the different ways that each one perceives the world around them, instead of creating arguments and insisting there must be a right or wrong way? Perhaps it will come when humanity puts down it’s defenses and sees there is nothing to defend.Does a pie cease to be a pie the moment it is separated into pieces? Does God cease being God the moment it separated part of Itself into pieces?The human mind sees the pieces and does not see the whole pie. What they cannot see with physical eyes is the energy signature of the pie in it’s true energy form. It is a whole pie and the pieces are a trick of illusion; a holographic projection.If there is an unmanifested part of something there is also a manifested part. Humans are the manifested part of Source trying to reunite with the other half of Itself.From the bacterial to the plants, to planets and humans, from animals to minerals, all have awareness within them and are a vast array and display for Source Itself is a fractal Being and even the mineral life has a level of self awareness. Take snow for example. Humans generally do not see snow as conscious, but when the individual snowflakes move together as a unit, snow is able to accomplish many changes in the form of the physical world.When experiencing snow, one could simply perceive the body’s reactions to snow; the feeling of discomfort or numbing sensations; the chills and sneezing and all the negative things about snow.Or one can see snow as part of the water cycle and all the benefits it brings.One can see the beauty and listen to the silence that only falls over the land after a snowfall. One can see how this is water much needed by a thirsty land and people. This is how the native people always saw snow as yet another gift of the One Great Spirit. Under the snow other worlds sleep.In Spring those worlds emerge anew.If there is blazing summer heat, there must be frozen snow. One is the other half of the whole.Both of the above, are valid ways of seeing snow, and yet there are others.Another way of seeing snow is to see every snow flake as a gem of exquisite crystalline structure; no two being identical. In each of these tiny flakes is the manifestation of love, for when loving thoughts are focused upon polluted water, the water is instantly changed into similar structures.The question is: Who imbued flakes of snow with this symmetry. If they come down from the sky in that form, then we can trace them to the intelligence that exists all around us and interpret that as the love that it is.If the flakes are imprinted with love then what else is also imprinted with this energy?If music has been called frozen geometry then why not snow being frozen love?One can see either a slushy mess to complain about, or one can see the ultimate good that results from snow as part of the natural order. Or one can see snow as a loving provision from a caring Being. To one person snow is mundane and quite ordinary, to another it is exciting and beautiful, to another each flake has a fingerprint of the divine. It all depends upon how one sees.Suz
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Forgiveness neutralizes judgement

Forgiveness releases judgement and heals the self. (Brief)Sometimes information on how polarity is used will help to do that healing.Everything manifested is actually the light.There are beings who have volunteered to explore the dark.There are volunteers that played the victims.Every exploration is used for the light.It is part of the divine plan andThe intent of our creator is to learn how to neutralize the dark,or how to use the dark to serve the lightSome extreme cases have shown humanity its dark they could be changed.Some of those patterns are judgement,victimization ,powerlessness,following,better and lessor patterns, apathy,denial etc.Because we have explored so many aspects of it, a greatdeal has been learned. Free will was needed to do that.Because we are one, past and future, all the one benefited fromthis process.This included our galactic neighbors.Some species have already changed from what has been learned here.Some species have changed their past so they change their future..Based on our research.Those who choose to play the part of the dark, have also contributedto the process, by offering themselves, as the dark in this scenario.That was the most difficult path.If the entity after transitioning is damaged too much by this exploration,it will be recast.This is a process of reliving the experience andreversing the choices made.Thus healing the polarized entity.The universe brings all back into balance.Thus the dark served the light.I hope this is helpful peg
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Merry, Joyful Christmas and for our New Year

I would like to pass on a gift I gave to myself that is amazing........the books called Conversations with God by Neale Donals Walsch. Most all have probably heard of them, but I hadn't but felt moved to get the set as I know the author, I sat down on christmas eve morning and started book two, it is wonderful, then last night I started book three, just in the first few pages it made my heart sing.If you haven't read these find them they all full of answers love and to all, we are One glenda
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The Gulf Opportunity

The Gulf Opportunity"Become more of who you are so that when you are more of who you on the appropriate frequency you will then be given the inspirations you need to be given that can be put into place in your world that will make a cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of. If you see it as a problem and if you are coming from a level of energy that sees it as a problem then that is not a level that can actually attract the inspiration that in a sense that will change that; will make it a challenge that can be transmuted. You own Albert Einstein said, you cannot solve a problem from the level in which the problem was created. So the idea is that the more you are who you truly are; truly wish to be on that frequency, then just by being on that frequency you will automatically find yourself being inspired with creative solutions to things by not being on the frequency you cannot come up with, you imagination cannot provide you with, but when you are on the frequency then your imagination, being the conduit to the higher self will allow the higher self to speak to you clearly and you will get that through inspiration and you will be given ideas that you can implement in your world that will change your world that will change these things in positive and constructive ways.This is a blessing.The more the old systems reveal their inadequacies the more it will be possible that something new is needed. See every situation as an opportunity and a blessings. Define everything as a blessing and you will only get a positive effect. Nothing has meaning."The above quote comes from Bashar speaks of being more of who you really are, this reference is of the one you left behind when you took this incarnation and was born into earth lifeThe true self, stands behind the human body/mind/spirit complex, you believe you are.I speak now of the higher self, which is you, yourself, at a point when you evolve to a much higher frequency of thought that you have now. That true you but because it is yet in your future, you haven't yet arrived there from your perspective.In one of Bashar's message, he explains that to the third density mind everything is a problem but to the higher vibrating mind, everything becomes an opportunity. This is what is meant by his phrase, “there is meaning in anything, but the meaning is given by the one viewing the situation”.In this case he was talking of the Gulf Oil spill, and the opportunity lies in the majority of individuals to agree to change to a form of energy which is clean and healthy for the earth.It is not by accident that this great opportunity comes when there is ever increasing talk of technologies which is available and cheap and harmless to the earth.There are no problems, only opportunities and in this case the opportunities for beneficial change are vast, but enough of the people must see the opportunities within the problem to move in a new direction.
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Mastering Alchemy

Jim Self who has founded "Mastering Alchemy" is offering so many free tools to the world. I listened to him the first time on Linda Pannell's show and was very impressed with him and that was before I ever visited his web site. There are so many things offered on the site that I cannot begin to get through them all and these are in addition to the free live seminar's that he has, along with "webinars" that he offers live on the web. I recommend to anyone to visit his site, listen to a very short clip "Meet Jim Self" and see what you think, there is a huge library of information forward from there! I'm very excited with what I feel is a "Treasure" that I have found and I want to share it with everyone! IN-JOY, Kathy
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(Posted for Peg)
Kathy this is sooo important that I request you mail it to the members of the tribe.
You can say I requested it. Blessings peg
We as humans are not aware of how specialized our creators, and guides are.
unless we have read Robert shapiros books.
How You Traverse to Your Home Planet in Deep Sleep to Recharge
Soul Portal through Robert Shapiro

2 February 2010

We Support Your Nightly Passage to Your Home Planets

I work as an intermediary between worlds. There are many of us in
existence—millions, many millions. We are part of the living spirit
world that must be close to you all, all the time, in order to keep
your world stable and to allow for your comings and goings. All of you
on the soul level are from other planets, and you are not at home on
Earth. As a result, you must go to your other planets in your deep
sleep state and recharge your existence. Beings like myself will
connect to anywhere from thirty or forty individuals, (and sometimes
some groups of individuals up to a hundred, sometimes even more) to
act as intermediaries to support moments of passage of your
unconscious sleeping self to your home planets in this universe or
beyond. This is why there are so many of us here.

We do not originate on this planet, but we have the capability to be
present on your planet without any adaptation or training. We seem to
be some of the few who can do this, and we are not here for anyone
other than the human being. This allows you as individuals to
traverse, then, perhaps three or four times in a twenty-four hour day,
often happening in between teachings with your guides, teachers,
angels and so on. At the deep sleep state,

• I work as an intermediary between worlds to support moments of
passage of your unconscious sleeping self to your home planets in this
universe or beyond.
• This allows you to traverse to your home planet to breathe in the
energy of that place.
• The picture that was taken close to Bradshaw Ranch in Sedona had
many colors in little tiny circles. Each one of these represents a
traverse for souls. The reason there are different colors is that it
accommodates the soul’s different moods, since the colors have to do
with feelings.

you might go temporarily to your home planet, but what you do there is
not what you might think. You may not know that this is necessary, but
what you do there more than anything else is that, as a soul being,
you will go to your home planet, and even though you are not physical
there—you might even appear like a spot of light—occasionally you
might appear in the form of life associated with that planet that you
identify with. Almost the first thing you do is to breathe.

By “breathe,” I do not mean take in air as you do here on Earth, but
rather you will take in the energy of that place, just a deep
reception that I would call breathing, but you do not exhale anything
from Earth.

The reason this happens is that we are connected there, meaning we
have the capacity to function as an intermediary, which is like a
living portal creating a truly conscious portal, by which you can make
such a journey instantaneously so that all other beings are insulated
and protected from all that you are on Earth that may be uncomfortable
to them, including the planets. Anything on the home planet that may
be incompatible with your soul does not affect you or cause any
detrimental or otherwise influence to affect your life on Earth.

I personally have been functioning in this capacity on your planet now
for about a thousand years. As we get more experienced and have been
here longer, some of us grow larger. When we are newly arrived, some
of us are smaller, but this is not a fixed situation. Sometimes
[chuckles] some stay small no matter how experienced they are. But we
are not assigned, you see, to souls, so we might have thousands of
experiences with different souls, many experiences with some souls or
anything in between.

Generally speaking, the dots that seem to make up our being have to do
with one or more traverses, so what you’re really seeing is something
that’s a tube. If you were to see a tube in a cross-section, it would
look very much like a circle. So that’s what you’re really seeing. It
isn’t a plasma that makes us up. If you were to see us in our natural
state, we usually would appear as a single color and there would be
none of this “little circles” stuff [chuckles]. I’m getting used to
your language here.

Your Souls Have The Same Shape We Do

So I cannot tell you where I am from, because I have been told it’s
vitally important that this remain a secret to you. I can say that
it’s at the outer boundaries of this universe, but that’s all I can
say. This may be why we are able to help Earth souls traverse to a
home planet beyond this universe, because we are used to being in our
state at home.

We are used to being at the border of things. Perhaps this is why we
can function in an unusual capacity this way. Generally speaking, we
do not stay in this capacity for more than a thousand years. I have
lingered a bit and I might linger for a couple more years, but soon I
will return to my home place. We are not humanoids, as is obvious, but
we do have lives. We also do not have a fixed amount of life but exist
in an ongoing fashion.

Which we would call immortal, right?

Yes, but this is what you are too when you are not in your adventurous
mode exploring different life forms. You do not look exactly like us,
but upon examination, you would be circular in form. This is why
perhaps we were requested to come, because your souls have the same
shape that we do. When you are at the deep sleep state, you are most
at ease with beings who are circular like yourselves. In this way,
there is a natural built-in compatibility.

What do we do when we get there? Just take in the energy?

You do the same thing, yes, with the energy. It’s like if you’ve ever
taken a deep breath of fresh air and felt that sense of exhilaration
and refreshment. It’s very much like that experience, which is part of
the reason why a person can have a nap for twenty or thirty minutes
and wake up profoundly refreshed, whereas they might sleep for four or
five hours and not really have that experience.

So it means you went home during that time?

That’s what it always means. Our Different Colors Accommodate The
Soul’s Different Feelings

I saw the picture of you that was taken close to Bradshaw Ranch in
Sedona and you had many, many, many colors in these little tiny

Are you saying that each one of these represents a traverse for souls?

Yes. The reason there are different colors is that it accommodates the
soul’s different moods. When the soul is coming from Earth, traversing
wherever it needs to go, it will still have feelings. Even at the deep
sleep level, there are strong feelings. The colors accommodate those
feelings, both going to the home planet and returning, so that when
you are, say, passing through Earth, you leave those feelings, and by
the time you get to the home planet, you are in a state of being in
which you can be totally receptive. But when you return, you must pick
up at least a portion of those feelings so that you are reminded who
you are and can return at ease without resistance to your physical
self. Otherwise, you would not want to go back to your physical self.
So the colors have to do with feelings. We do not feel these feelings,
although they are within the tubes as you might see them within us.
Thus, we are insulated from feeling the feelings, but with some
photographs of you I’ve seen that are taken here and there over the
world, you can see the energy feeling. Different colors are not always
associated with the same feelings. It depends largely on the
individual or their family of souls. Some groups of souls will radiate
this or that color for the same feeling, and other groups of souls
might have an identical feeling and radiate a different color. So
there’s much variety, I have noted.

Do the humans in deep sleep go to you, or do you go to them? How do
you connect with them?

It is not a problem of time or space. Wherever I am and wherever they
are is not a difficulty. Once you are in the deep sleep state and your
soul can traverse, there is no limit to where you could be. I could be
inside a mountain—just as an example, though I don’t do that—and you
could easily come and make your passage.

Okay, but do we go to you? Do the same souls always go to the same
beings like you?

Oh yes, you would come. You would have to come in order to make a safe

So when you first came here a thousand years ago—that would be A.D.
1000—how much did you see of Earth?

Not very much. In order to perform such a function, I need to have a
strong connection to my home planet so that I do not lose myself, my
personality, with such passages. So I do not really observe your
history, your culture or anything like that. To the degree I know you,
it is in my relationship with your souls. It is not based on your
experience upon the Earth. My relationship, then, is that I feel you
with your essential mood as you make your traverse through and then
into your home zone, so to speak. When you come back, you are a bit
more comfortable for me because you are completely clear, but then you
traverse back and I am releasing some of that matter of your feelings,
as I said before. So I do not observe your history and manners and
mores and all that.

I Am Stabilizing Your Energy

How did you happen to come here? Did someone go to your home planet
and request that you do this for the humans on Earth?

That’s how all of us have volunteered to do this, because we were
requested to come here to create a much better stabilized energy. When
the first humans were on the Earth—not really your people—it wasn’t
necessary, because Earth in those times was benevolent. But once the
Explorer Race, as you are deemed, came and there was some
discomfiture, there needed to be not only a means to stabilize your
traversing to your home planets, as I’ve mentioned, but also a means
to insulate the planet and the planet’s other life forms from such
jolts, you might say, to the veil system that protects your planet and
protects other planets from what happens on this place, on Earth. So
we were asked to come in as great a number as needed. That’s why I say
there are millions of us, but one can perform such services for many
souls. Even though you might have billions of individuals, millions of
us are enough.

What was your life like before you came here?

Oh, very calm: a benign and benevolent existence with communication of
ideas and concepts, like that. I wouldn’t say we were purely
intellectual, but that was part of our pursuits.

Do you have a form there?

We look the same here. We look the same, with the exception that you
do not see all the little circles. We are of one color, but we would
be circular.

Ah! So before you come and then also after you go back home, all the
circles are gone?

Yes, because the circles . . .

Are the portals.

That’s right, the traversing mechanism. It is not part of our physical
functionality. Some have said it is a kind of plasma that makes us up,
and as well-intended an analysis like that is, that is not the case.
In our natural state, we would just be circular with no “tubes.” I’m
using that as a simplified means by which you can imagine in your
mind’s eye what that might look like, because you are familiar with

You said you keep a strong connection to your home planet. So then are
you able to connect with the rest of the beings there while you’re
doing this, or do you have to not do that because of the discomfort?

Usually I would do that—speaking for myself—when I am not having
traversing going on. I cannot have traversing going on for a few time
segments and then connect to my home planet to refresh myself. For
you, such a refreshment would come in sleep. For me, it is more of
being present there, during which time I do something not unlike what
you do. I take it in. But I don’t exhale in that sense.

You take in the energy of your home planet?

That’s right, and this refreshes me.

And gives you the strength to keep doing this?

Strength is not actually a factor. We have a natural endurance.

This is amazing. We knew we had to go somewhere during sleep to get
recharged, but no one ever said before how the process worked.

This is my experience of it. I do not claim to have all knowledge, but
I’m sharing what I know based on my experience.

Well, I’m sure that the others of your kind do something similar.

The Service Is the Joy

Are there any special joys in doing this? I mean, do you get
satisfaction from it or is it just a service?

The service is the joy. To be of service is a great pleasure. You on
your planet know this pleasure, because you might do little things
throughout the day where you are in service to others, and often there
is pleasure associated with that. There might be other times perhaps
for you when it is a burden, but it is not a burden for me or the
others of my fellow beings, as far as I know, because what we do is
one thing. If there were a multitude of things we had to do at the
same time, then that might be too much. But the function we provide is
something we can do and is easy for us, and therefore, it is a joy of
service situation, as you yourself mentioned.
To be of service is natural for all forms of life. Even though there
are extremes on your own planet, such as beings consuming each other,
still that’s a service. From my understanding of your planet—not based
upon day-to-day observation but simply on what has been explained to
us before we came here for service—the whole interaction of all beings
on your planet is largely service. So this is part of your nature as

The reason you can do this, you said, is that you’re from the edge of
the universe. You exist at the borders, so in your natural state do
you go to other universes—when you’re home?

First off, I think you’ve made a slight error in your question if
you’re saying the reason we can do this is because we are at the edge
of the universe. In fact, there are many other forms of life at or
around the same “edge,” and they do not do it. The reason we do it—can
do it—s because of our makeup, because of who we are. I believe the
reason we are able to more easily accommodate such an action is
because of our location, but I cannot state with certainty that this
is so. It is what I have come to believe. But I do not claim to have,
as I say, all answers. So you can perhaps rephrase the question?

You Are Taking Service to Another Level

You said you could do this because of your makeup, because of who you
are. Can you say a little more about that?

Not too much, but we are what you are when you’re not performing such
a service, as is all life in this universe. And we do not have any
need to forget who we are. It’s important to note that so you do not
put a distance between yourselves and us.

Well, you know, the Explorer Race has some great goals. What do you
think about the concept?

It is very advanced, taking service to another level—being of service
to the entire universe at the very least.

Hopefully, all universes.

Yet there are profound risks involved. I can see that it is essential
to keep it all very well bundled so it doesn’t affect other planets,
the rest of the universe, and so on. So it’s too soon for me to say
that I think it’s a good thing or I think it needs more thought. Ask
me that question again when you have completed your service here.

Okay. Why a thousand years? Who picked that as your length of service

Nobody did. It’s just what I have chosen.

Oh! It’s different for all of your beings?

Yes, it’s entirely associated with the individual. Some, I think, have
been here for close to 3,000 years. But with me, I think I would like
to return to my home planet soon.

What do you look forward to there?

The exchange of ideas and the interactions from one to another.
Nothing complicated. It is essentially summed up by saying a single
word: home. I think we will have to stop this session soon.

You’ve given us incredible information that helps us understand how
our life is possible here.

I believe, on your world, with you as souls in human form, that you
are constantly surrounded in every waking and sleeping moment with a
vast fabric of spirit and other physical forms that make it possible
for you to continue the delicate balance of your lives on Earth. From
what I have been guided before coming to this place, it is a very
delicate balance indeed. Yet from the angelic messenger from Creator
who came initially to explain why and what and so on about your
service on Earth as souls, I believe that your intention is of the
highest and I wish you well in your pathway to accomplish such a
worthy goal. Good night.

Thank you very much. Good life.

Robert Shapiro

Photo of the Orbs similar to that shown in the above article from the
Sedona Journal are these below taken from this link
Photos by Kelly Wittwer
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