The Gulf Opportunity"Become more of who you are so that when you are more of who you on the appropriate frequency you will then be given the inspirations you need to be given that can be put into place in your world that will make a cannot perceive what you are not the vibration of. If you see it as a problem and if you are coming from a level of energy that sees it as a problem then that is not a level that can actually attract the inspiration that in a sense that will change that; will make it a challenge that can be transmuted. You own Albert Einstein said, you cannot solve a problem from the level in which the problem was created. So the idea is that the more you are who you truly are; truly wish to be on that frequency, then just by being on that frequency you will automatically find yourself being inspired with creative solutions to things by not being on the frequency you cannot come up with, you imagination cannot provide you with, but when you are on the frequency then your imagination, being the conduit to the higher self will allow the higher self to speak to you clearly and you will get that through inspiration and you will be given ideas that you can implement in your world that will change your world that will change these things in positive and constructive ways.This is a blessing.The more the old systems reveal their inadequacies the more it will be possible that something new is needed. See every situation as an opportunity and a blessings. Define everything as a blessing and you will only get a positive effect. Nothing has meaning."The above quote comes from Bashar speaks of being more of who you really are, this reference is of the one you left behind when you took this incarnation and was born into earth lifeThe true self, stands behind the human body/mind/spirit complex, you believe you are.I speak now of the higher self, which is you, yourself, at a point when you evolve to a much higher frequency of thought that you have now. That true you but because it is yet in your future, you haven't yet arrived there from your perspective.In one of Bashar's message, he explains that to the third density mind everything is a problem but to the higher vibrating mind, everything becomes an opportunity. This is what is meant by his phrase, “there is meaning in anything, but the meaning is given by the one viewing the situation”.In this case he was talking of the Gulf Oil spill, and the opportunity lies in the majority of individuals to agree to change to a form of energy which is clean and healthy for the earth.It is not by accident that this great opportunity comes when there is ever increasing talk of technologies which is available and cheap and harmless to the earth.There are no problems, only opportunities and in this case the opportunities for beneficial change are vast, but enough of the people must see the opportunities within the problem to move in a new direction.