God's Balancing ActCarl Calleman, long time researcher and author of explanations of the Mayan Calendar puts forth the concept that the two hemispheres of the earth can be likened to the two hemispheres of the human brain. Out of the east comes meditation and enlightenment and out of the west comes technology and the use of the intellect.The left hemisphere of the brain is that of problem solving. It sees in pieces and is considered masculine in energy, while the right hemisphere sees in terms of the whole and is considered female in energy. The left brain wants physical proof and the right brain relies heavily upon intuition. An example of this would be the way the two different sides might view the earth, for example. The earth is one planet, and since a person who is right brain dominant would more easily see the earth as one and pay less attention to borders and made made boundaries. Their attitude lends itself more easily to, what is good for one is good for all.A person who is left brain dominant would have a more difficult time seeing the overall planet in this way and would be more likely to see their own group or nation as separate and apart from the whole. Their attitude might be. What is good for myself and my group is more important to me than what is going on in other areas.While there are men who are more right brained dominate and women who are more left brain dominate, but in a general sense this applies.According to Callemen's knowledge of the Mayan Calendar, there is a balancing that is now taking place to offset the over abundance of left brain thinking all over the planet and will be most noticeable in those nations which have been most heavily steeped in the attitudes that proceed from this kind of thinking.What would case such a change and how does it come about?The entire solar system moves in an orbit around the galaxy; the Milky Way. This movement is not readily apparent as is the movement of the earth around the sun, because the length of time it takes to move around the entire galaxy is enormously longer than the shorter cycles humans are used to. In the middle of the Milky Way is the Great Central Sun and is sometimes called the Hub, so you can think of the hub of a wheel and the spiraling arms coming out from that center or. The process Callemen writes about is due to a change of position so that earth has been moving into a part of the orbit where the light energy comes in at a higher, stronger and different angle.The Mayan Calendar clearly shows periods of light and dark, and earth has been moving out of ever decreasing dark into areas of ever increasing light and whereas in the past the light have favored the back of the head (the parietal lobes), it is now is favoring the frontal lobes of the brain and of course this is where the pineal gland (the third eye) is located.There are many unexplainable spontaneous changes which can be proven by the fossil records, where new species suddenly appear. One is 250 million years ago, another is 62 million years, and latest one of these is 26,000 years ago. It takes earth's solar system 62 million years to travel one quarter of the way around the galactic center. This orbit is like a giant clock. When the clock moves to certain positions, evolution takes a leap. This is one of those times. Anyone reading this was not born into this particular time by accident or happenstance but there is purpose for your being here to witness this.Why does western human science with all their technological advances and advanced mathematical formulas, not know about this cycle, when a group of Indians without highly advanced technology, not only knew of it, but based their way of life and beliefs around it?If we come to understand how this cycle operates, we will arrive at the answer.The Mayans relied heavily upon their right brain as do all truly indigenous nations. This thinking allows direct connection with their higher minds and with the spiritual aspects of the cosmos. The left brain wants proof but there is no physical proof for intuition and so science (the left brain) will always be limited in what they can perceive. They need the right side to balance their conclusions, and up until recently they have turned a blind eye to anything they could not categorize and hard evidence.Is it light energy which in from the Hunab Ku which is the Mayan name for the galactic center, and the amount of light depends upon the solar system's position relative to the galactic center and the area is so heavily charged with light energy that all the planets of earth's solar system are glowing with this energy.The energy is that of transformation and takes the shape of a wave. Think of an oscilloscope which displays the highs and lows of a wave. This is why those who are going through this process and who are sensitive to energy fluctuations say it feels like a roller coaster ride.This may be why the periods of light and dark in the Mayan Calendar are called 'days' and 'nights'. This is describing the properties of a wave.First a wave has a high period where light information is very illuminated, followed by a period of integration of the information which has recently come in.This also accounts for the days (the high periods) and the nights(the low periods) of the Mayan Calendar. This is an intense time for all the inhabitants of earth and these rest periods are needed to ponder, absorb and integrate such enormous changes.In November of 2010 earth will be entering what the Mayans called the Seventh Day and during 2011 this Seventh Day will continue until the Mayan Calendar ends at the end of 2011. After November 2010 there will be no more nights of the Mayan Calendar. There will be only light. Could this be due to the fact that the waves of transformation will be coming in so close together that it will seem as if there is little time to ponder before one is hit by another wave of energy?By such contrasts between light and dark the living intelligence of the universe seeks balance in it's creations. The Hopi native Americans describe earth in their language as 'world out of balance'. Some has said earth is on the brink, but that could mean a brink of destruction or the brink of opportunity as this new balanced energy is causing a bridge into the future for those who wish to walk on it.Based in part on the writings of Carl CallemenSuz