Posted by Firekeepers on September 5, 2010 at 2:09pm
Thank you to Suzanne who put this together to share!
Whatever vibration you create; what ever belief structure you create is what determines the kind of reality you experience regardless of who else might have another agenda. If you stay in the higher frequencies and stay self empowered then really it's up to you to determine what kind of realities you prefer to experience and people not of that frequency then don't really have that kind of effect on us. Eventually they drop out of our reality altogether.
The sensation of excitement, that energy we feel as passion and love and joy is actually the body's physical translation of the vibratory energy that is our true core self. We are most in alignment with our true self, which is the aspect that is the original reflection of creation. What we were created to be, and which is that Source vibration we are all a part of. The experience of joy and passion and love is the closest expression we have of maintaining our true alignment with that energy. Acting on things that contain that state are the things that keep us in that state.
You can't experience a vibration that you don't allow yourself to operate on. You can't perceive something you are not the vibration of. If you don't allow yourself to exist in that higher state the things that could actually reflect your happiness remain invisible to you. We actually have to be in that state first in order to attract those circumstances and those situations and opportunities that would then reflect the joy and happiness we are choosing to stay in the state of. What you put out is what you get back.
The experiences within physical reality are real. What we see as real, are just symbols of what is going on in our consciousness and operate as mirrors to reflect back your own reflection.
If you see your reflection in the mirror frowning you don't try to change the reflection. The only way to make the reflection smile is for you to smile first. The reflection has no choice but to reflect the smile.
But if one tries to manipulate the reflection, that doesn't work because you have to make the change within yourself and then the world around you will reflect that change.
Thoughts are not as strong as beliefs. Thoughts and emotions stem from beliefs. We create with our definitions; our beliefs. We cannot have a feeling about something or think a certain way until we have a belief about that thing. These definitions govern how we experience life. Define one's beliefs and then you can see it and change it. Identification may alone be enough to let go of a belief. You see where it came from and then release it as something you picked up.
What we are attempting do learn here is to use the power of illusion instead of succumb to the illusion of power.
It takes a lot of courage and strength to choose a reality with such a great degree of darkness and limitation. We are learning how to transform the darkness into light and this is the advanced master class. If we can overcome the great limitation here then anything is possible. We always have the ability to transform the darkness into light.
We deserve to love ourselves and to be loved and to find those beliefs that stand in the way. When we flow our energy through positive belief systems which are aligned with our true self we feel our energy as passion, creativity, joy and love. When we flow our energy through negative belief systems which are out of alignment with our true selves we feel the same energy as hatred, depression, doubt, hesitation, anger and fear. When we feel those things it's telling us that we have belief systems which are out of alignment. All emotions spring from belief systems. When we have no definition of something we have no feeling about something. Use the negative feelings as indicators of what kind of beliefs we are holding onto and let them show you what those beliefs are. Don't deny them, use them.
The idea of spiritual growth is the product of expansion and inclusion not exclusion. All That Is, includes both the dark and light. You don't have to experience the dark but when you allow it to be an equal choice to the light you actually dis-empowerment it from manifesting. When negative choices become equally valid to the positive choices then all choices are equal and you can choose what you prefer because not any one side or another has any power to become manifested except what you choose. When you allow them to be there for a reason and that they are there to teach lessons then you pull all the energy out of it because you have used it for the purpose for which it exists. It is are no longer trying to get your attention because now it exists in equilibrium with all choices. Out of that balanced state you can choose what you wish to manifest rather than giving energy to the negative side fearing it might manifest without your say so, which it cannot do.
Every individual is a true individual but every individual is not only part of the whole but each individual is also a unique expression of the whole. It's holographic. All parts completely contain the entirety of creation while at the same time it is also part of a larger creation.
Every person is a real aspect of creation but the only way you can experience anyone in your reality is to actually create your version of them to interact with. By agreement you create them in your universe.
When an actress becomes the character. When the singer becomes lost in the song, that is the channeling state. It is natural. We do the things we love.
If you experience 5 hours as one half hour then you are stepping out of the agreed time the world agrees upon. You have created a different time and you do not age during those times.
You may choose to create circumstances that reinforce certain states of being but the state of being is what caused the circumstances and thus the circumstances are illusory, not real, a projection.
When you see circumstances be neutral to them and pause and then and do not imbue them with meaning you do not prefer. Put within them the meaning you choose.
Space time always has echoes. Do not judge that you have changed by whether or not the outside has changed. Gauge how you have changed by your response to the outside whether it has changed or not. That's how you know you have changed not by how the outside looks.
It's how you respond to it that makes the difference and then things can change because if you respond differently to something that looks the same that is the statement that says you have really changed. Then the outside can reflect that. But if you say you are going to change in order to get the outside to change then you are still doing it in reverse fashion.
We remind you of all these principles now because this is the tool kit you will need for the next five year span. Use these tools, sharpen these tools, use these tools during these five years. These are the tools you need to have for this next five year span. This five years is designed to fine tune your engine to allow you to pass through the conduit; to allow you to tip the scale, to allow you to ride the wave of the collective positive energy that will begin to seed your world; to infuse your world after the threshold crossing in the middle of 2012. Get yourself ready, fine tune yourself. Do not leave a single nut or bolt laying on the ground. Put it all together and it will fit, it will work flawlessly together.
This 5 year span, if you do your part, then you will afford us the opportunity along with many others who are preparing eventually for open contact. It will allow us much more facility also to use your collective energy to harmonize and make agreements with your collective energy to help balance the energy of your planet and help smooth out any shift mechanisms that might heretofore have been experienced catastrophically and smooth them out into easy transitions; little bumps instead of massive mountains. As you do this during this five year span we will be working with you intimately with you in your dream states on many difference energy levels, in the template reality with your higher selves to smooth and balance out the energy of your world with you. We will not do it for you but we can do it with you. So if you will do your part during this five year span we will then be capable to do our part more effectively. Because after all, all we have to work of is your energy, it's your planet, it's your world and you have to make the decision of how you want that energy to go and we will aid and assist in the balancing of it so that the transitions will be smooth but you must play your part or you give us less to work with. We can only do so much. In that sense we are only allowed to do so much because we cannot do it for you and remove your responsibility.
Just know that you will not be alone in this transition. You will not be alone in this span that you will be working with us and as you harmonize yourself and sensitize yourself as a greater antennae for these higher frequencies you will become aware of the work more and more that we are doing together on higher planes all the time. Your dreams will reflect this. Your inspirations will reflect this. Your imagination will reflect this. Your synchronicities will certainly reflect this, guaranteed. By the time you arrive at 2015 some of you will be, maybe some of your literally, be 'beside yourself'.
The idea is that this five year span is an extremely accelerated moment in space/time construction. We will help you ride that wave on the balance point so it can be the most powerful powerful redirecting of energy that it can be. Remember that in all martial arts the true power is in matching the frequency of your attacker and arriving at the balance point where neither of you are moving relative to one another. When both are harmonized relative to one another it takes the lightest touch to redirect the energy of a negative attack because there is no great momentum or inertia to overcome because you are moving in total harmony together. As we have said and we will remind you of now the greatest power requires the lightest touch. That is why the greatest power there is; God, Goddess or whatever you wish to call it, that's why you hardly feel it at all unless you really pay attention. That is how powerful it is. It does not have to exercise will over anything. It does not have to flaunt it's power over everything. Why? Because it is everything, therefore everything moves within it, everything moves in accordance with it and you do not feel it because it's momentum and yours are perfectly matched. When you allow yourself the true recognition of that perfectly matched momentum you will feel the same flow, you will feel the same power and you will marvel at the effortlessness required to allow things to start manifesting synchronically to manifest in your life and it will become almost laughably simple, and you will laugh.
So allow yourselves the opportunity to work with us in this way, to allow the agenda to unfold that leads to the idea of open contact and let us remind you, that when we talk about the idea of contact, we are not just talking about the idea of contacting those who come from elsewhere but contacting every single aspect of your consciousness and integrating it into a holistic being; the holistic being with whom we have made the agreement to have contact. We will all arrive together at that contact point together. You are well on your way. Use this five year span wisely, joyfully, creatively, lovingly. Do not fret. Relax and enjoy and share.