The Great ThoughtThe Great Intelligence which flows through everything has been called The Great Thought.All life exists in the middle of this Great Thought.Humans are children of the Great Intelligence.When a conscious mind flows in unison with the Great Thought it attunes it’s own thoughts to It’s thoughts and this is at-one-ment.But what constitutes a great thought among humans? The greatest thought that springs from the human mind, is the intention of seeking the highest good not just for oneself but for all others as well.Thinking only of oneself is a lesser thought, with lesser power, because only the self benefits from this intention, whereas complete whole love covers everything and everyone. What can be superior to this? The highest good cannot be improved upon as it is all encompassing and leaves nothing out.The human mind is capable of forming a great thought. Each one has the gift of imagination to see what joy and satisfaction could fall upon humanity, if they could reach and hold these thoughts. They can imagine sharing; imagine abundance for all, but lesser thoughts of fear of change keeps crowding out the higher thought.To remember the connection between all things and to hold high thoughts towards all, works for the benefit the whole company, in other words, to lift oneself up also lifts others up at the same time.It takes courage to hold a great thought in the midst of many other minds which hold lesser thoughts but when one has glimpsed a vision of what life could be, there is no settling for a lesser vision.Does it not follow that if the Great Thought uses conscious intent to create, that all it’s children should likewise create with thought? To do this effectively, one must create a template in the etheric; a vision of your ideal. If the word ‘earth’ brings up only images in your mind of devastation, pollution, wars and contention, then this is what you are creating in the etheric and this is what will manifest in the physical, but if you see pristine waters, and beautiful vistas and peace among nations, then these are higher thoughts and your thoughts will add to other higher thoughts and that power will manifest your dreams.Suz