(Posted for Peg)
Kathy this is sooo important that I request you mail it to the members of the tribe.
You can say I requested it. Blessings peg
We as humans are not aware of how specialized our creators, and guides are.
unless we have read Robert shapiros books.
How You Traverse to Your Home Planet in Deep Sleep to Recharge
Soul Portal through Robert Shapiro
Soul Portal through Robert Shapiro
2 February 2010
We Support Your Nightly Passage to Your Home Planets
I work as an intermediary between worlds. There are many of us in
existence—millions, many millions. We are part of the living spirit
world that must be close to you all, all the time, in order to keep
your world stable and to allow for your comings and goings. All of you
on the soul level are from other planets, and you are not at home on
Earth. As a result, you must go to your other planets in your deep
sleep state and recharge your existence. Beings like myself will
connect to anywhere from thirty or forty individuals, (and sometimes
some groups of individuals up to a hundred, sometimes even more) to
act as intermediaries to support moments of passage of your
unconscious sleeping self to your home planets in this universe or
beyond. This is why there are so many of us here.
We do not originate on this planet, but we have the capability to be
present on your planet without any adaptation or training. We seem to
be some of the few who can do this, and we are not here for anyone
other than the human being. This allows you as individuals to
traverse, then, perhaps three or four times in a twenty-four hour day,
often happening in between teachings with your guides, teachers,
angels and so on. At the deep sleep state,
• I work as an intermediary between worlds to support moments of
passage of your unconscious sleeping self to your home planets in this
universe or beyond.
• This allows you to traverse to your home planet to breathe in the
energy of that place.
• The picture that was taken close to Bradshaw Ranch in Sedona had
many colors in little tiny circles. Each one of these represents a
traverse for souls. The reason there are different colors is that it
accommodates the soul’s different moods, since the colors have to do
with feelings.
you might go temporarily to your home planet, but what you do there is
not what you might think. You may not know that this is necessary, but
what you do there more than anything else is that, as a soul being,
you will go to your home planet, and even though you are not physical
there—you might even appear like a spot of light—occasionally you
might appear in the form of life associated with that planet that you
identify with. Almost the first thing you do is to breathe.
By “breathe,” I do not mean take in air as you do here on Earth, but
rather you will take in the energy of that place, just a deep
reception that I would call breathing, but you do not exhale anything
from Earth.
The reason this happens is that we are connected there, meaning we
have the capacity to function as an intermediary, which is like a
living portal creating a truly conscious portal, by which you can make
such a journey instantaneously so that all other beings are insulated
and protected from all that you are on Earth that may be uncomfortable
to them, including the planets. Anything on the home planet that may
be incompatible with your soul does not affect you or cause any
detrimental or otherwise influence to affect your life on Earth.
I personally have been functioning in this capacity on your planet now
for about a thousand years. As we get more experienced and have been
here longer, some of us grow larger. When we are newly arrived, some
of us are smaller, but this is not a fixed situation. Sometimes
[chuckles] some stay small no matter how experienced they are. But we
are not assigned, you see, to souls, so we might have thousands of
experiences with different souls, many experiences with some souls or
anything in between.
Generally speaking, the dots that seem to make up our being have to do
with one or more traverses, so what you’re really seeing is something
that’s a tube. If you were to see a tube in a cross-section, it would
look very much like a circle. So that’s what you’re really seeing. It
isn’t a plasma that makes us up. If you were to see us in our natural
state, we usually would appear as a single color and there would be
none of this “little circles” stuff [chuckles]. I’m getting used to
your language here.
Your Souls Have The Same Shape We Do
So I cannot tell you where I am from, because I have been told it’s
vitally important that this remain a secret to you. I can say that
it’s at the outer boundaries of this universe, but that’s all I can
say. This may be why we are able to help Earth souls traverse to a
home planet beyond this universe, because we are used to being in our
state at home.
We are used to being at the border of things. Perhaps this is why we
can function in an unusual capacity this way. Generally speaking, we
do not stay in this capacity for more than a thousand years. I have
lingered a bit and I might linger for a couple more years, but soon I
will return to my home place. We are not humanoids, as is obvious, but
we do have lives. We also do not have a fixed amount of life but exist
in an ongoing fashion.
Which we would call immortal, right?
Yes, but this is what you are too when you are not in your adventurous
mode exploring different life forms. You do not look exactly like us,
but upon examination, you would be circular in form. This is why
perhaps we were requested to come, because your souls have the same
shape that we do. When you are at the deep sleep state, you are most
at ease with beings who are circular like yourselves. In this way,
there is a natural built-in compatibility.
What do we do when we get there? Just take in the energy?
You do the same thing, yes, with the energy. It’s like if you’ve ever
taken a deep breath of fresh air and felt that sense of exhilaration
and refreshment. It’s very much like that experience, which is part of
the reason why a person can have a nap for twenty or thirty minutes
and wake up profoundly refreshed, whereas they might sleep for four or
five hours and not really have that experience.
So it means you went home during that time?
That’s what it always means. Our Different Colors Accommodate The
Soul’s Different Feelings
I saw the picture of you that was taken close to Bradshaw Ranch in
Sedona and you had many, many, many colors in these little tiny
Are you saying that each one of these represents a traverse for souls?
Yes. The reason there are different colors is that it accommodates the
soul’s different moods. When the soul is coming from Earth, traversing
wherever it needs to go, it will still have feelings. Even at the deep
sleep level, there are strong feelings. The colors accommodate those
feelings, both going to the home planet and returning, so that when
you are, say, passing through Earth, you leave those feelings, and by
the time you get to the home planet, you are in a state of being in
which you can be totally receptive. But when you return, you must pick
up at least a portion of those feelings so that you are reminded who
you are and can return at ease without resistance to your physical
self. Otherwise, you would not want to go back to your physical self.
So the colors have to do with feelings. We do not feel these feelings,
although they are within the tubes as you might see them within us.
Thus, we are insulated from feeling the feelings, but with some
photographs of you I’ve seen that are taken here and there over the
world, you can see the energy feeling. Different colors are not always
associated with the same feelings. It depends largely on the
individual or their family of souls. Some groups of souls will radiate
this or that color for the same feeling, and other groups of souls
might have an identical feeling and radiate a different color. So
there’s much variety, I have noted.
Do the humans in deep sleep go to you, or do you go to them? How do
you connect with them?
It is not a problem of time or space. Wherever I am and wherever they
are is not a difficulty. Once you are in the deep sleep state and your
soul can traverse, there is no limit to where you could be. I could be
inside a mountain—just as an example, though I don’t do that—and you
could easily come and make your passage.
Okay, but do we go to you? Do the same souls always go to the same
beings like you?
Oh yes, you would come. You would have to come in order to make a safe
So when you first came here a thousand years ago—that would be A.D.
1000—how much did you see of Earth?
Not very much. In order to perform such a function, I need to have a
strong connection to my home planet so that I do not lose myself, my
personality, with such passages. So I do not really observe your
history, your culture or anything like that. To the degree I know you,
it is in my relationship with your souls. It is not based on your
experience upon the Earth. My relationship, then, is that I feel you
with your essential mood as you make your traverse through and then
into your home zone, so to speak. When you come back, you are a bit
more comfortable for me because you are completely clear, but then you
traverse back and I am releasing some of that matter of your feelings,
as I said before. So I do not observe your history and manners and
mores and all that.
I Am Stabilizing Your Energy
How did you happen to come here? Did someone go to your home planet
and request that you do this for the humans on Earth?
That’s how all of us have volunteered to do this, because we were
requested to come here to create a much better stabilized energy. When
the first humans were on the Earth—not really your people—it wasn’t
necessary, because Earth in those times was benevolent. But once the
Explorer Race, as you are deemed, came and there was some
discomfiture, there needed to be not only a means to stabilize your
traversing to your home planets, as I’ve mentioned, but also a means
to insulate the planet and the planet’s other life forms from such
jolts, you might say, to the veil system that protects your planet and
protects other planets from what happens on this place, on Earth. So
we were asked to come in as great a number as needed. That’s why I say
there are millions of us, but one can perform such services for many
souls. Even though you might have billions of individuals, millions of
us are enough.
What was your life like before you came here?
Oh, very calm: a benign and benevolent existence with communication of
ideas and concepts, like that. I wouldn’t say we were purely
intellectual, but that was part of our pursuits.
Do you have a form there?
We look the same here. We look the same, with the exception that you
do not see all the little circles. We are of one color, but we would
be circular.
Ah! So before you come and then also after you go back home, all the
circles are gone?
Yes, because the circles . . .
Are the portals.
That’s right, the traversing mechanism. It is not part of our physical
functionality. Some have said it is a kind of plasma that makes us up,
and as well-intended an analysis like that is, that is not the case.
In our natural state, we would just be circular with no “tubes.” I’m
using that as a simplified means by which you can imagine in your
mind’s eye what that might look like, because you are familiar with
You said you keep a strong connection to your home planet. So then are
you able to connect with the rest of the beings there while you’re
doing this, or do you have to not do that because of the discomfort?
Usually I would do that—speaking for myself—when I am not having
traversing going on. I cannot have traversing going on for a few time
segments and then connect to my home planet to refresh myself. For
you, such a refreshment would come in sleep. For me, it is more of
being present there, during which time I do something not unlike what
you do. I take it in. But I don’t exhale in that sense.
You take in the energy of your home planet?
That’s right, and this refreshes me.
And gives you the strength to keep doing this?
Strength is not actually a factor. We have a natural endurance.
This is amazing. We knew we had to go somewhere during sleep to get
recharged, but no one ever said before how the process worked.
This is my experience of it. I do not claim to have all knowledge, but
I’m sharing what I know based on my experience.
Well, I’m sure that the others of your kind do something similar.
The Service Is the Joy
Are there any special joys in doing this? I mean, do you get
satisfaction from it or is it just a service?
The service is the joy. To be of service is a great pleasure. You on
your planet know this pleasure, because you might do little things
throughout the day where you are in service to others, and often there
is pleasure associated with that. There might be other times perhaps
for you when it is a burden, but it is not a burden for me or the
others of my fellow beings, as far as I know, because what we do is
one thing. If there were a multitude of things we had to do at the
same time, then that might be too much. But the function we provide is
something we can do and is easy for us, and therefore, it is a joy of
service situation, as you yourself mentioned.
To be of service is natural for all forms of life. Even though there
are extremes on your own planet, such as beings consuming each other,
still that’s a service. From my understanding of your planet—not based
upon day-to-day observation but simply on what has been explained to
us before we came here for service—the whole interaction of all beings
on your planet is largely service. So this is part of your nature as
The reason you can do this, you said, is that you’re from the edge of
the universe. You exist at the borders, so in your natural state do
you go to other universes—when you’re home?
First off, I think you’ve made a slight error in your question if
you’re saying the reason we can do this is because we are at the edge
of the universe. In fact, there are many other forms of life at or
around the same “edge,” and they do not do it. The reason we do it—can
do it—s because of our makeup, because of who we are. I believe the
reason we are able to more easily accommodate such an action is
because of our location, but I cannot state with certainty that this
is so. It is what I have come to believe. But I do not claim to have,
as I say, all answers. So you can perhaps rephrase the question?
You Are Taking Service to Another Level
You said you could do this because of your makeup, because of who you
are. Can you say a little more about that?
Not too much, but we are what you are when you’re not performing such
a service, as is all life in this universe. And we do not have any
need to forget who we are. It’s important to note that so you do not
put a distance between yourselves and us.
Well, you know, the Explorer Race has some great goals. What do you
think about the concept?
It is very advanced, taking service to another level—being of service
to the entire universe at the very least.
Hopefully, all universes.
Yet there are profound risks involved. I can see that it is essential
to keep it all very well bundled so it doesn’t affect other planets,
the rest of the universe, and so on. So it’s too soon for me to say
that I think it’s a good thing or I think it needs more thought. Ask
me that question again when you have completed your service here.
Okay. Why a thousand years? Who picked that as your length of service
Nobody did. It’s just what I have chosen.
Oh! It’s different for all of your beings?
Yes, it’s entirely associated with the individual. Some, I think, have
been here for close to 3,000 years. But with me, I think I would like
to return to my home planet soon.
What do you look forward to there?
The exchange of ideas and the interactions from one to another.
Nothing complicated. It is essentially summed up by saying a single
word: home. I think we will have to stop this session soon.
You’ve given us incredible information that helps us understand how
our life is possible here.
I believe, on your world, with you as souls in human form, that you
are constantly surrounded in every waking and sleeping moment with a
vast fabric of spirit and other physical forms that make it possible
for you to continue the delicate balance of your lives on Earth. From
what I have been guided before coming to this place, it is a very
delicate balance indeed. Yet from the angelic messenger from Creator
who came initially to explain why and what and so on about your
service on Earth as souls, I believe that your intention is of the
highest and I wish you well in your pathway to accomplish such a
worthy goal. Good night.
Thank you very much. Good life.
Robert Shapiro http://www.google.com/profiles/101684123468266008752
Photo of the Orbs similar to that shown in the above article from the
Sedona Journal are these below taken from this link
Photos by Kelly Wittwer