
How Would You Describe Your Energy?

"Cat" energy was given to me in my first energy reading.

What Are Your Interests?

All of life and beyond

What Would You Like To Share With Others?

Love, Joy and connection

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  • i was just fortunate enough to recieve,listen to and watch the Sarah brightman cd and dvd from a cathedral in Vienna. It moved more than one emotional energy blockage and i achieved the release of emotional disfuntion that tears sometimes bring. Sarah is incredible.
  • Thank you.
  • Its an honor to be here Kathy, Thank You for inviting me.
  • Hi Kathy, I am listening to the sunday meeting and it is going along with the idea of 'projects' that we were discussing where we could make some good some where. I had a dream over the weekend where people were gathering in a room and bringing there 'best outfit' like I saw a woman bringing a gown. One like would be worn for a prom. I felt like the group gathering here (in dream) was going to get assistance in making any alterations that they needed for there outfits. I take a seat in the second row. I look to my left and see a person with a stack of back scratchers on there lap. Then I hear my name being called by the person at the front of the room and I was highly surprised by this. I wondered how she knew my name. I asked the person next to me if they told her. That I was there to "write articles and share a product ...not avon".
    After listening to the meeting on sunday I sorta think it fits with this new call. What's your thoughts? karen
  • Can I do it again this Sunday?
    Then I will be gone for 3 weeks. I am taking my daughter to visit my family in Europe.
  • Thank you Kathy, it's good to be home :) I look forward to joining the Campfire calls on Sunday's.

    ~~with Infinite Love & Gratitude,
  • Thanks Kathy. The site looks great! - Matthew
  • Thank you so much Kathy, Matthew, and everyone!
  • Thanks Kathy, It is nice to keep in touch and to know we are still connected regardless of the distance.
    Keep up the great work you are all doing.
  • Yes thank you!
    I am excited to be a part of this group.
    Thanks Kathy! I appreciate you!
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