Posted by Suzanne Hayes on September 13, 2009 at 4:12pm
You In The MiddleStart thinking of yourself in a different way, not as the observer of the universe but right in the middle of a process which is affected by what you think and what you do. You are a point of focus and as such have your own private universe and sit with your own unique vantage point. Deny or embrace it, choose to make it painful or joyful, it’s yours to create.According to Nassim Haramein, who has synthesized an explanation of this process, it is self organizing and creates reality based on the feedback it gets. This is living intelligence and you are one of it’s cells in it’s vast body.The process you are part of works like bio-feedback loop. The more you become aware and convinced you are of part of this loop, the better you become at feeding information into the loop, which means the faster and more accurate is the feedback that you receive. This feedback if often called synchronicity.According to Haramein, what you put in to the loop always returns just a bit altered from what you put in because all the other beings on the planet are also entering their data in the loop. Mr. Haramein, who has brought the quantum universe and physics to a new level, explains that while you are creating the loop via your feedback, it is also creating you. This is what is meant by co-creation. It learns about itself from itself and you are an intrinsic part which cannot be dispensed with anymore than you can dispense with it.To be absolutely convinced that you are in this loop is the equivalent of the religious tenet of faith. This is because in a feedback loop you only get back what you put in. Could this be why Jesus said that the man without faith will most assuredly get little?But this is not just about fulfilling your desires, it extends to how you deal with others, how you view life and death and how you see yourself. In fact seeing yourself in the middle affects every aspect of your life.You could also say, when you doubt the process you also doubt yourself and you look outside yourself for what you feel is lacking. This is why human religion through the ages taught that God was outside humans because the power over individuals lies in keeping them ignorant of their own power and place within the feedback loop. You have everything you need right within you. Why would you feel fear because of any situation if you know you have the power of the universe only a thought away? If you feel fear then you have shifted your focus from seeing yourself in the middle to seeing yourself outside of the process. Then and only then will you take responsibility for all thoughts both conscious and unconsciousness because those attitudes you harbor and don’t realize you have are also feeding into the loop.When you are in the middle you can’t help but love yourself and the process you are part of since it works so seamlessly and without fail and dispels doubt, fear, and elevates you to that which you are. You have no envy since all other focus points are likewise in the loop and if they do not know about their place they will. There is no lacking within yourself since there is no need to elevate yourself to compensate for feelings of unworthiness and best of all you see the abundance in the process and you can let go of hoarding and greed and give to all who have not yet seen themselves in the middle since you know the supply is endless. As long as you keep your mind in the middle of it all, even mountains seem moveable.Sueiszen