Shift Into The QuantumThe next time you or someone else refers to the news as 'crazy', you might refer to this article and what human science has found in the quantum universe, which is no where in particular but is everywhere. Could consciousness have grown as far as it can dominated by the left brain logical thinking and now an evolutionary leap will break the glass ceiling of perception? The following are a small portion of the whole article. So many of the spiritual masters have taught these principles so if some of them remind you of these teachings, it's because the terms have changed but the intent has remained the same.Quantum Trusting, is derived from chaos theory. Chaos theory provides us with a new way of viewing change and the turbulence that accompanies it. This theory demonstrates that chaos is inherent in the evolutionary process. It is the catalyst that creates the disequilibrium necessary for system evolution. Chaos is the progenitor of all progress. Without the chaos of change, life stagnates and entropy ensues.Nobel Prize winning chemist Ilya Prigogine was the first to point out the positive role that chaos plays in the universe. Prigogene acknowledges that not all chaos leads to evolution and differentiates between active and passive chaos. Passive chaos occurs when a closed system reaches equilibrium and its elements move around in a random fashion. Active chaos occurs in an open system that is in a state of disequibrium. In such a system, environmental feedback serves as a catalyst, disrupting the system and moving that system to higher levels of order and coherency. Love,Tree