
P'taah: Well, in a way, you have, what is called 'hit the nail on the head' by saying to assist them to heal themselves, because in truth it is always oneself who heals oneself. It does not really come from outside except insofar as the connectedness with the Unified Field of Perfection, of Unlimited Potential.
So what is essential for healer is to understand that they are a conduit for this connection, a connecting rod, in a way, to remind the patient of his ability to heal himself, of the body's own divine intelligence.
And to assist the patient to understand that the dis-easement of the body is a reflection of the dis-easement of the mental/emotional embodiment. When the mental and emotional embodiment are in harmony, at ease, in their (?) and connectedness, then indeed the body can do nothing but to show forth a reflection of that frequency called health.
The other thing is to look at, in a negative fashion, how it is that you, in a way, blame the body when it does manifest the symptoms of dis-easement. Rather than giving forth the thanks to the body for this opportunity to heal holistically, not only the body. To say, "Thank you for showing me and now I will take care of it and you may get along with your own business of health and well-being and I will take care of everything else."
So, there is a tendency when people are in dis-easement to berate themselves and their body. In a way, this can be worse for those of you involved in this new, if you like, quantum consciousness where you understand that you create your own reality. So where the body is in dis-easement, it is likened unto washing the dirty linen in public, we would say, so that everybody knows there is something not quite perfectly balanced, shall we say.
And this is a very unhealthy tendency, to say, "I do not want people to see that I am sick because they will know that I am not quite perfect." So this is another very subtle way that you are in negative judgment of who you are. That you are not enough. That you are not in every now moment perfect.
So, all of these things are the ways that a healer may assist the patient. To help the patient become more aware of the connectedness of body, mind and spirit. To know that the healing is simply not on a physical level.
Of course, it is perfectly valid to utilize whatever medicine or remedies to assist the body into easement, whilst knowing that whatever practices or remedies on the physical level will not transform that which created the dis-easement in the first place.
Much of it is very subtle and much of it is a grand opportunity for you to learn to listen to the body.
Q1: Yes. Is it, for example, possible for me as a healer, to know what emotional issues are behind the illnesses of my patients?
P'taah: Well, you know, beloved, the body tells you and you only have to use that beautiful logic to come to understand what the body is trying to say.
So you have the body divided into quadrants, as it were. The left side of the body represents Goddess, feminine principle of allowance, of surrender, and by that we mean surrender to one's own Goddess knowing, the receptivity, the creativity.
The right side of the body represents the male principle or God energy, that which is logical, that which is direction, that which is action, that which in a way is the outward protection.
You know what the blood represents because the blood is that which carries the life, that which are the parts of the body and what they represent to the function of the body, that which are the parts of body that represent the external, that is, how you move, how you are balanced in your direction, etc.
And you can go on and on refining that which are the functions of the body and what they represent in the non-physical. And so it is only to suggest to your patients, you see? To suggest, "What does it represent to you? What do you do with part of the body? What does that represent in the non-physical?"
Thusly, you are expanding your knowledge and certainly you are assisting your patients to expand the knowledge and by contemplation and stillness, then each comes into a further understanding.
Q2: You know, P'taah, I've mentioned before my friend who had cancer twice. The first time she had chemotherapy and then completely changed her life around. She honored herself, was good to herself, nurtured herself. Then the disease came back and she may not make it, and that also is valid.
P'taah: Indeed, it is so. There are many situations where the easement is in letting go and not in fighting to remain here. After all, the truth is, that the death is the illusion and there is also that which be the option for those who are considered to be or consider themselves to be terminally ill and who are living in great agony and anguish to have the right to end their life. And we would say, this is a perfectly valid choice given the consciousness of humanity.
By that we mean, at the greater level, there is nothing which cannot be changed. But in the usual state of consciousness of humankind at this time, much of that is beyond the reach of consciousness. So the option is to struggle on in agony or to say, "I have had enough now." and both options are valid and both options should be honored.
The truth is, it is perfect, the body is perfect, in whatever way it manifests the reflection. And it is also to know you cannot see around corners, you cannot always know what it is that the greater self has in store for you and what is the greatest benefit, not only to you but the people who are in the emotional attachments to you. In other words, the co-creation around this one life.
Q2: Yes, I cannot get over what a radiant light she is for everyone around her.
P'taah: Indeed, it is so. You see, it is indeed that many will come into this illumination and this greater understanding in the surrender to what is, in the surrender to the Goddess light of their own beingness. To know that really it matters not whether they continue in this physicality or not, and many would choose at that stage to not. And in that state of illumination they are indeed a light to everyone they touch.
Q2: Thank you, P'taah.
P'taah: Indeed, beloved. Sufficient unto the time for this day? All right, then it is with greatest love that we issue forth to you both, and to all,