Moving Into a Higher Vibration

Subj: Maitreya . Moving Into a Higher VibrationDate: 8/20/2009Sent from the Internet (Details)Maitreya . Moving Into a Higher VibrationAs we approach the year 2012, the earth plane is moving into a time when time, as you know it is changing. This has many causes. One is that your human bodies are reacting to a higher vibration of energy that is coming into the energy field on earth. This energy field has been called the Photon Energy, and it is here for a purpose.Since 1982 this band of energy has been approaching closer and closer to the earth and has been having an incredible effect on all those who are receptive to its energy. It is speeding up time, as you know it, and eventually taking you away from linear time. This energy has also been the cause of hundreds of thousands of people around the earth plane searching for the spiritual within themselves, seeking healing on many levels physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is transforming many clerks, secretaries, shop workers, factory workers etc. into becoming healers, either on a full time basis or part time.As you head toward the year 2012, this band of energy " because that is what it is" is coming closer and closer to the earth plane. It is not only creating a problem with time as you know it, it is also affecting you physically. Very few books have been written on this subject, and the few that have are so technical that you need a special dictionary just to understand the terms. It is the lack of this understanding that prompts me to write this information. I hope that it will help many people who are spiritually developed, searching spiritually, or just opening the door to understanding the changes that can occur because of this energy.These changes are occurring because we in the world of Spirit are helping humanity to raise the vibration of their energy to cope with the higher vibration that the earth plane is going through. You may have noticed (who hasn't?) that time as you know it is speeding up. Once, you had all the time in the world: you got up in the morning and time stood still all day. You meandered through the day, managed to do all your chores and then, at the end of the day, sleep. These days you are no longer out of bed and it is noon! You ask yourself, where did the day go? It soon is evening and you have done nothing that you planned to do; time has just gone haywire. The cause of this is the Photon Energy.If you have opened the door spiritually, are on the path, or are what is termed a Light-worker (someone already working for the spiritual realms), then you can guarantee that you will have one or more of the symptoms I will write about in the coming days. As the energy changes on the planet, so your body will change. Many people will not be able to handle the energy and will decide on an unconscious level to vacate the planet either by their own hand, or by accident. But it will be their choice when it happens.For those who stay and move into the energy of the Photon Energy, not only will time not be the same as it was, but a number of symptoms may be experienced. If you are one of those experiencing these symptoms, take heart; you are not alone. Thousands of other people around the world are also experiencing them.For many years you have been told about the earth shifting its axis, of major changes that were coming toward the turn of the century. Well, they are here, and nobody is prepared for them. It is in effect, "The Christ Energy". It is preparing those who have been waiting spiritually for the dawning of the new age. At the same time it is "like a thief in the night," as Christ said of his return. The Photon Energy is like a virus silent, moving slowly through the body, waiting to come to the surface. Nobody is prepared for it, and most people in the media laugh when told about it.This energy is affecting all of your communications systems, electricity grids, computers in fact all areas where electrical power is used. On at least two occasions in the USA, huge power outages have been experienced with no exact cause being given. They can't you see, because nobody has seen anything like it before and it is certainly going to change the way you look at electrical power in the future. During the next three years more and more areas of the world will experience these outages and nobody will be able to explain why.Those who are attuned to the energy of the Photon Energy have nothing to fear. They will have worked on themselves to free themselves from their blockages and will be already on a higher spiritual dimension or vibration. They will also have gone through a lot of the changes mentioned in this blog and so will be attuned to the higher energy. The energy of the Photon Energy will not affect them because they have worked on themselves worked on their karma, faced their Self, and worked on all the issues that have blocked them in this and other incarnations. Learn to live in the NOW! Do not worry about the past and the future. You will find it easier to cope with the Photon Energy.So what are these changes that will occur and how will they affect you? In the coming days I will list most of the symptoms and, if possible, how to deal with them. Some changes you will just have to work through. Others you can find solutions to that will help you to cope. Through it all, know that you are raising your vibratory rate to cope with that of the planet. As one who has gone through it personally, my channel knows it is not a pleasant experience. She survived though and future editions of this blog are a survivor's manual to help you cope also.Margaret went through the changes over twelve years from 1984 until 1996. It was a rough period, but she is glad she went through it because she worked through all of her blockages. Her chakras are clear and active. Light travels through her body clearly and swiftly. She has become powerful as a healer, more clairvoyant, and is a clear channel for the Christ energy. This energy is waiting to flow through others as well. She is a teacher, healer and spiritual counselor, but she could not have done it without the changes she went through. You won't be able to either. Just remember that, if you are going through these changes, know that you are not alone. That in itself should help you.[Moving Into a Higher Vibration – Part 1]Moving Into a Higher Vibration – Part 2by Maitreya.HEADACHES:These can range from migraines to cluster headaches. For some reason women seem to get them more often than men. They are caused by too much energy flowing through the crown chakra, and by hormonal changes which occur due to the chakra being stimulated. This can be eased by asking the Higher Source to help remove it. You also can ask your Guardian soul to help in removing it. If it is meant to be helping you with your pineal or pituitary gland opening, then you will notice – on asking for it to be removed – that it is not removed totally but there will be less pain than previously.As you vibrate higher, the pineal and the pituitary glands change to accommodate the higher energy. Other glands change also, but these two are the major ones that do so. This can last a few months or a few years depending on what level of spiritual development that you are at. Wearing an amethyst crystal can also help, as can taking natural or homeopathic remedies.FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS:This is quite common and it seems that you just cannot shift the symptoms. This is caused by all of the rubbish that you have accumulated in your chakras coming to the surface. You basically have to ride this one out. Hot lemon drinks will help cleanse you further. Don’t work too much during this time; you are going through a major shift in vibration. Take it easy; it will pass.NAUSEA, LOOSE BOWEL MOVEMENTS OR DIARRHEA:Here the solar plexus chakra is opening up and clearing out. People who have stored fear, anger and resentment experience this change. A yellow crystal-like citrine can help you. You can also drink water in which the crystal has been immersed for 24 hours, or wear the crystal close to the chakra. The Bach Flower remedy, Rescue Remedy, is also great for helping ease this. Don’t be afraid to take it every 30 minutes if necessary.EXTREME TIREDNESS:This can occur on waking; you have slept through the night, but can’t get out of bed in the morning. In the middle of the day you just have to lie down and sleep. This is caused by the shift in energy throughout the whole spiritual body. This will pass in time. Each person has a different time frame. For some it can be weeks, for others months, for others years. Just go with the flow and, when you feel tired, rest. On waking in the morning do not give in to turning over and going back to sleep. A plain quartz crystal can help you either worn around the neck for energy or drinking water in which a quartz crystal has been placed. If you can create a pyramid structure to sit under, this will give you a wonderful boost of energy.EXCESSIVE ENERGY:You have gone to bed, exhausted, at 10:00 PM. You have awakened and it is only 1:00 AM but you feel as if you are wide awake at 8:00 in the morning. This is caused by the Photon Energy building around you, and your body’s inability to store it because of blockages. Don’t go and clean the kitchen! The energy is there for a reason. It is there to help you heal on all subtle body levels – spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. Sit and read quietly, watch TV (that usually does the trick for many people and makes them tired) or listen to a meditation tape. This symptom can last for quite some time.CRYING FOR NO REASON; FEELING EMOTIONALLY VULNERABLE:If you find yourself feeling emotional or crying for no reason, it is because you are releasing blockages that have been there from not only this lifetime, but from other lifetimes as well. Now it has to get out, and the Photon Belt energy is helping it do just that. There is little you can do to stop this as it is meant to be free. Stopping it will only make things worse. Just let it release. Cry if you have to and seek out a Bach flower remedy to help with the emotional level. Rescue Remedy is also great. The more you clear the blockages the quicker it will cease to be.HOT FLASHES AND NIGHT AND DAY SWEATS:These are quite common in both men and women. It has to do with the energy flowing too quickly through the body – hormonal changes (which men have too) and the body adjusting to the higher vibratory rate. Some men even grow breasts or have an enlarged chest area for a while. If you are a man and you are concerned about this, please don’t be. You will not have to wear a bra! You will, however, have a little puffiness in the chest area for a short while.MUSCLE ACHES AND JOINT PAIN:As the higher vibratory rate enters your body, its force will be so strong that many people feel its effects in the physical body in the form of aches and pains in the muscles and joints. Asking the Higher Source for help in removing this pain will help a great deal. Once the body gets used to the higher vibration, it will settle down and then the energy coming in will be of no further problem.FLUTTERING IN THE HEART AREA, PAIN, AND BREATHING PROBLEMS:This sensation can be frightening because you may think you are having a heart attack. If you are to work for the spiritual realms in any way, then you will probably have this sensation at some time. It can also feel as if you cannot get your breath. As the heart chakra opens to receive the higher energy, it cannot cope with this for a short while and so needs to adjust. These symptoms and a feeling as if energy is running through your solar plexus and heart chakra (heart and stomach area) is quite common. This can last for quite some time. When it happens there is no solution, but total relaxation will help you to adjust. Do not have any fear; it is a normal part of raising the vibratory energy in the body.PUTTING ON WEIGHTMany people with the above symptoms often mention putting on weight. It is a form of protection because the body feels it is being invaded and the Self comes in to protect itself. You are also using more water in the body. Drinking eight glasses of water a day will be of great help in keeping the weight off. If you are to work for the spiritual realms as a Light Worker, you will need fluid in the body to help them work with you. They use the water in the body to create energy, just as we use water for electricity. The body will store water if it does not get enough. If you don’t want a weight problem, then drinking lots of water will help.LOSING YOUR MEMORY OR FEELING SPACEY:This can be a frightening experience because you cannot remember what you had for dinner only an hour ago. YOU ARE NOT LOSING YOUR MEMORY. You are changing over from left-brain function to more of a right-brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Margaret, my channel, used to feel as if she were having a stroke and would feel as if she were not going to be able to talk. Often words came out jumbled or garbled. This situation will pass, but there is no time limit on this.PAINS IN THE EARS AND HEARING PROBLEMS:Finding that sound is too loud all of a sudden is another problem associated with the higher energy vibration. All of a sudden noise is so loud. Even a dog barking three streets away sounds as if it is next door. Some people feel as if someone or something is in their ears and feel the need to scratch them all the time. Pain can often be experienced as well. This is caused by the higher energy coming in.EXTREME SENSITIVITY:As you open up to the higher vibration, you will find yourself becoming extremely sensitive to people, noises, all sorts of things. This can affect the central nervous system and can be quite a difficult thing to cope with. You do need to take B group vitamins and a multi-vitamin if this is happening to you. If you are allergic to these vitamins then look for a homeopathic remedy or a Bach flower remedy for extreme sensitivity.DEPRESSION:Experiencing depression is a very common symptom of vibratory rate increase. The higher energy coming in forces any illnesses, viruses, anything that has been hiding in the body to come to the surface. This will often come up in the form of depression. Visit a spiritual counselor and try to get to the root of the problem. It could be past-life related, so check this out too. Don’t be afraid; it will pass and you will feel so light when it is all out of you. The herb, St. Johns Wart, can be of great benefit for depression.BLOWING LIGHT BULBS AND FIZZING ELECTRONICS:My channel, Margaret, once walked into a New Zealand radio station in Auckland and all the controls went haywire. When she visited a Los Angeles TV station to do a TV show, all the lights kept flickering. She also has a real problem in recording studios and recording CDs as well. If this is happening to you, then you are really reaching a very high vibratory rate and will probably be a profound healer or channel for spiritual realms. It is due to extremely high energy coming into the physical form. It could be described as 50,000 volts of electricity coming in at once. Not only can the body not cope, but the electricity goes through the body and out again. As it does so it affects all electronic equipment.The Photon Energy itself will do this as it gets closer to the earth plane. One good thing is that you will be able to handle the Photon Energy a lot better than the normal person in the street.ANIMAL REACTIONS:You will find that dogs, cats, and other animals will become aware of your energy and either be frightened of it or want to be around it all the time. Many animals can’t get enough of the energy. Others are somewhat frightened because they do not understand it. As your body gets more and more used to the higher energy this will pass.FOOD CHANGES:As you vibrate higher, you will find that you no longer want the things that you used to. Eliminating coffee, tea and meat are just three of the dietary changes that people often make as they vibrate higher. Meat is especially dense and can really affect the body’s energy, especially if it has hormones in it.You may develop cravings for certain foods, or go off your favorite foods. This is normal and a part of the change to the higher vibration. If you find this happening, then let it happen and explore the new possibilities.As you raise your vibration you will go through different levels of consciousness. When you first begin to change you enter Lunar consciousness. This is where you start to develop clairvoyant and healing ability and become more sensitive. This stage of consciousness typically lasts for about five years.Solar Consciousness is the next step. During this stage you become even more attuned and start to heal and clear problems from all the subtle bodies. For those who are not aware of it, we not only have a physical body, but emotional (or astral), mental, and a spiritual bodies as well. In Solar consciousness, we clear all problems from these areas. The time period for this to happen is usually between three and five years. Many people never go any higher as this is a very high level.Stellar Consciousness is the next step but is only for the person who is going to be working on a very high level with the spiritual realms. To reach Stellar means that you have cleared your chakras, dealt with all your karma, and you are a clear channel for the spiritual realms. Merging with the Divine Force, God, Ultimate Being, or whatever you wish to call the superior force is the next step, and it truly is only available to the great spiritual teachers.The purpose of the Photon Energy is to change the energy of the earth plane to a higher vibration. It clears away all the old and negative from the earth plane so that the new teaching can take place, and it helps mankind to raise itself to a higher dimension. This will cause a lot of upheaval in the world. There will be natural disasters – they are happening now – and more will be forthcoming. When it is over though, we will be a different race of people, no longer full of ego or self, no longer wanting war. There will then be 1,000 years of peace.Welcome the Photon Energy into your life; allow the changes to happen. Don’t fight them (you can’t – you will lose). Try to laugh as you go – life was not meant to be taken seriously. When things get you down, just look at what is happening in the world. Be grateful for what you have. Many of us in the future will be working with the spiritual realms to make this world a better place. To do it, we have to come up to their level, their dimension. That is what the Photon Energy is helping us to do. Have fun on your journey!Maitreyahttp://www.maitreya-edu.org
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