Hello Firekeepers,
I receive “word of the day” from dictionary.com and today’s word is burgeon – “to grow or develop rapidly; also to put forth new buds or greenery; sprout.” I thought that was a nice synchronicity ; ) I wanted to share that the opening of the August 16 call has been very helpful to me. In it, Source shares some words that seem to be preparing us for the direction or directions we may be going. If you’re drawn to re-listen to that call, I think you’ll find it very helpful.
Here is what I’ve been asking myself about the “we” that we are: Are we interested enough in each other as givers of gifts to maintain the circle around the campfire, even if multiple campfires form or if what feeds the fire changes? Do we trust each other enough to allow the fire to be fed by individual offerings of wood and have faith that Spirit will consistently provide the wood? Do we see each other as Spirit or do we continue to seek Spirit through a limited number of sources we have come to “trust”? Do we feel we are together for a purpose or a potential beyond our current perception? Are we prepared to allow each one their own process, to share their gifts freely, or to have an empty space, without judgment or expectation? If yes to any of these questions, how can we move individually to create a space – both literal and etheric – for that to happen? How can I move?
~ Marianne
P.S. From me: Dear Spirit,.mht
Love you Marianne.