Hello All,
This is talking about something that I feel is a great way to be of service and that our group is good at.
Anyone who is interested in being a part of this please email me.
Wayne and I are doing this for sure, so after you read the post below and you would like to join in, Wayne has down loaded the "Pyramid Om" and we can send it to you.
Light and Love,
Special message: - Dec. 9, 2009 -
From: "Russ Michael"
Highly Important Special Edition...
A Lightworkers'--Serious "Call to Action"
Dear beloved 'Michael Worldwide Newsletter" and "Message from Michael" subscribers,
The Puharich article caused me to have a strongly sensed "Call to Action" inspiration the night after I posted it in my 'Message from Michael' on Sunday, Dec. 6, 2009.
The Masters and E.T's keep saying "now is the time" that humanity needs to 'make it's destined powerful collective move' to get the disclosure ANNOUNCEMENT made, to throw out the existing U.S. government, etc...and Puharich mentioned that 100 people who synchronized their thoughts together--while in a meditative 8 hertz resonance frequency field--could do incredible things (create virtually almost any kind of positive instant 'mind over matter" miracle on Earth). SO...let's do it!
So...as of today, Wed. Dec. 9, 2009, I am starting an active 'movement' in this direction! I am forming a 100-Group--and eventually "groups of 100" of fully committed, self-attuned people, in every major country--correlated to meet in synchronized 'real time' earthwide, all holding the same ONE powerful co-creative collective divine IMAGE, for any designated HUMAN BRAIN, MIND AND SOUL COLLECTIVE target project manifestation...we as a group determine! Suggestions, and input or time-to-time divine IMAGES is appreciated by group members, as well as non-group members!!
With much pondering I made the decision to name this timely 'movement' the 100 Co-Creative Correlated Collective Divine IMAGES Membership Organizations Worldwide (100CCCCIMOW) in brief, the 100-Groups'...by which they will soon become widely known. So be it!
Thus 100CCCCDIMOW (membership groups of 100 will grow and grow with lightning speed and power worldwide!!!
If you make the soul choice to commit to being a member of a 100-Group, I suggest you first 'team up with 1 or or 2 others who "catch the vision"--who also see and welcome the opportunity to serve humanity in a positive, uplifting and creative way...and then submit your registration to me, as a Lightworker 'duet,' or as a Lightworker 'Triplet...' I repeat for clarity, I am asking any "committed" subscriber volunteer, to first link up with either 1 or two securely 'committed' other Lightworkers, contact me, submit your names and email addresses, and I will then add them to a registry list from the first of these 'duets' or 'triplets'--that combined add up to 111 or more members into the initial first USA 100-Group.
That 11 or more additional registered group memberships, assures that at least the required 100 of any such unique group will be active on any given divine IMAGE targeted date. I suggest those initial members registered in other countries do the same...for soon--in due time--they will have their own first unique 100-Group in their country. Meanwhile, if you are in any other country if your 'duet' or 'triplet' is registered with me as a committed 100-Group member, be assured that you can 'join in' with our USA group, and any other fully formed 100-Group in other nations. When our first USA 100-Group is filled, I will let subscribers know, and we will start on our second, third, 100-Groups ad infinitum....
In due time, tens of thousands, or even millions of active, inspired, upliting Lightworkers will be part of an ever growing 100CCCCDIMOW worldwide "movement." We will soon have our own collective The Groups Website URL posted, meanwhile all 100CCCCDIMOW registrations and contacts can be made to me directly at Age-Reversal.at
Our 100CCCCDIMOW AIM is: To collectively do the inner work of transforming the outer Earth we humanly embodied to do!
Our 100CCCCDIMOW Motto is: "Let's do it!
Our 100CCCCDIMOW Credo is: "Love all, serve all."
Think of what "A powerful force for good on Earth" that we will soon BE!
The end times are here and the time for wise collective real INNER action has now begun! Are you observing or getting personally involved? Trust the answer within your own divine soul!
Dr. Patrick Flanagan writes - #1
As you probably know, Puharich and I were connected to each other since 1962 when I went to New York to be on the "Gary Moore: I've Got a Secret" show. He took me out to lunch at the "21 Club" and tried to get me to cancel my patent application. I applied for a patent on my "Neurophone" 6 months prior to Puharich's patent application on a similar device.
He was forced to buy my first patent by the US Navy when he was doing Neurophone research for them.
I put my "Earth Resonance Generator", a 7.8 Hz personal oscillator on the market in 1972. Puharich was upset at that too. We sold millions of the devices.
The Great Pyramid is also tuned to 7.8 Hz.
Much Love,
Gillis Patrick Flanagan
Dr. Patrick Flanagan writes - #2
It is a good idea. (100CCCCIMOW) The Schuman resonance of the Earth is still 7.83 Hz. Greg Braden claims it has changed, but the Colorado School of Mines has been tracking Earth Resonance for years actively and they say it is the same. ERG's (Earth Resonance Generators) are no longer available. However, our fractal sound called the Pyramid OM will be good for every one to listen as it will put them in to perfect resonance.
I will send you the link to download it. Every one should have it and play it at the same time to resonate with the Great Pyramid.
Gillis Patrick Flanagan
Therefore armed with--and listening to this Dr. Pat Flanagan's Fractal Om Sound--for 5 or 10 minutes before our 100-Group members focus begins simultaneously towards holding and projecting the exact same assinged unique new Earthly divine IMAGE manifestation, all our members will be in a conscious, collective 7.8 to 8 hertz vibratory divine IMAGE contemplative state, thus highly magnifying our potential for instant 3-D project materialization success!
Our 10 minute singular collective divine IMAGE manifesting project is simple enough for a child to do.
Being a registered 100-Group member you will be notified of the exact same divine IMAGE--and the exact date and real Earth TIME, well in advance--as a rule.
A decisive unique target project will start off at the exact same real time earthwide for all groups participating...by first--connecting mentally and emotionally--first with your 'duet' partner or your 'triplet' partners--then connecting mentally and emotionally as a time-correlated group by divine IMAGING and thus 'tying in' collectively with--the GREAT PYRAMID (since it is already attuned to the 7.8 hertz frequency...(for anyone can easily envision and feel connected to the Great Pyramid for a minute or so)...and then ALL collectively holding, feeling, sensing the targeted divine IMAGE--collectively sought to be manifested--for about ten minutes. Then it is done!
Lightworkers I have contacted--about being 100-Group members--have already 'committed' so we are already moving forward with a 'full steam ahead' momentum!
Know absolutely--as a registered member--you still can of of course choose not to participate in any select collective 100-Group divine IMAGE target, as divine personal free choice is eternally yours at any moment of your eternal existence.
This is a definite "Family of MAN" movement to help bring swift and positive Earth changes, and I anticipate and await your own much desired personal loving 'family' member commitment and registration.
Date: Dec. 21, 2009
7 P.M. - Eastern Standard Time
6 P.M. - Central Standard Time
5 P.M. - Mountain Standard Time
4 P.M. - Pacific Standard Time
(My Austria Date & Time: Dec. 22, 2009 - 1 A.M. (since we are 6 hours ahead of New York's E.S.T.
Step-by-step - 1st Collective 100-Group Divine Image Projection Scheduled:
Start slowing down your physical and mental activity at least a half hour to an hour before our collective focus on this unique 10 minute divine IMAGE begins--in your time zone--and allow yourself to leave all other daily distractions vanish. Situate your body and soul Being in a secluded quiet outer and inner space, at least 15 minutes before joining the collective in the foregoing divine ceremony or ritual....
Get your body postured in a comfortable, seated or lying down position and listen to the 7.8 hertz fractal frequency Pyramid OM sound--kindly supplied to our collective--by Dr. Pat Flanagan.
Intend consciously that you are allowing your soul, body, mind, and feelings to move into a quiet, calm, meditative state. You will ignore any sounds or physical distractions that would cause physical body movement, since you want to "let go" of your tight body consciousness, to let go of any emotional or mental concerns, to feel "light as a feather" as you go into and manifest this ritual in exact real time-line divine IMAGING with your unique and beloved Lightworker collective....
As the collective divine IMAGE moment 'strikes on the hour'...first connect in mind, feeling and soul with your 'duet' or 'triplet.'
THEN call forth a huge stone image of the Great Pyramid...knowing and sensing the entire 100-Group collective is connecting with you in mind, body and soul....as One....Enjoy the uplifting feeling of this this communal collective ONENESS for a few expansive moments.
THEN, eyes closed, bring up the clear IMAGE before your inner mind of the 'word' PEACE in huge gold letters
and ponder deeply and joyfully on each successive letter of this word...
P stands for peace Earthwide...see it, sense it, know it, love it, bask in the joy of it! No wars, no terror nor violence, only peaceful, loving, caring sharing interactions within the entire worldwide Family of Man on Earth.
E stands for Extra-Terrestrial EXPOSURE & DISCLOSURE....See President Obama & staff, or a well-known living human being of your choice, making a worldwide ANNOUNCEMENT that our government has been covertly in communication and interaction with our peaceful Galactic Neighbors for over 60 years, using their E.T. technology and Tesla's free energy science to build anti-gravity spaceships and bases on our moon and Mars...that for nearly 40 years we have had teleportation 'elevators' enabling our government scientists instant physical teleportation to the moon and Mars...that "flying saucers are real" and that NOW the past long worldwide E.T. 'cover up' has now ended...
THEN feel or get the sense of the positive great change in consciousness of all of humanity on Earth that this shocking, publicly-aired worldwide true disclosure brings....
A stands for ASCENSION & ALL IS WELL" on Earth now....
Bask joyfully in that calm, centered, feeling KNOWING that our bountiful, ever-sustaining Mother Earth is Ascending, you are Ascending, and ALL on Earth are Ascending and YES, YES, YES....ALL IS WELL.
C stands for Christ Conscious & Co-Creativity, of our Earth human entrance into the final Golden Age on Earth of peace, prosperity and loving co-creativity with everyone humanly embodied on Earth from this day forth....
E stands for ETERNAL EVERLASTING LIGHT, LOVE & JOY for all on Earth....
Feel your genuine deep gratitude to Creator God Source for the gift of Eternal Life and stewardship over All That Is in CREATION, and your endless joy in sharing 10 blissful minutes in a collective divine IMAGE with your ever-loving, caring, sharing sisters and brothers on Earth....knowing "you have asked' AND confident that
"Ask and you are given" is an absolute immutable Law of Creator God...AND it is done!
AND...SO IT IS. Bless us all.
***END...of this divine IMAGE event.
Let's do it! Share this "Call to Action" ANNOUNCEMENT with others and post it at your websites!
Blessings... and love. We are one. Thanks for being you. Bless us all.
In warm loving brotherhood, I am, Russ Michael Age-Reversal@aon.at
You need to be a member of Tribe of Firekeepers to add comments!
GLOBAL OM Patrick Flanagan.wmv.mp3