8-23-09 “The Gift In Change”

Campfire Call Transcript – August 23, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“The Gift In Change”

Delivered through Sonoktar, August 23, 2009 Opening Transmission: “Stillness. Stillness opens a door. Why are you moving? Why are you acting? What is it that pulls you forward? When you become still, do you realize why? You realize the forces at play because you are not affected by them in that moment? When the wind stops, you realize how much it was blowing. But while the wind is blowing, while the changes are all around you, you have nothing to compare it to, and so you may not even realize why you are being driven, why you are acting, creating, doing, being. As the death of your former world occurs- and it is not a tragic death, it is simply a completion, a moving on, a transformation- but as that death occurs, you find yourself arriving in silence, having more and more moments where you have nothing to achieve, nothing to complete, nothing to arrive into. And although there is many forms of activity, many demands on your time, many objectives you may have - because change always calls for action - although you may have many objectives, there become more and more moments of spaciousness where you simply have no option but just to be. Because what you had expected, what you had anticipated as your objective for the moment is simply not possible because of the changes. So you find yourself in a lapse, in a spaciousness, in an emptiness, in a silence. Originally, this would have caused panic. For many, this will cause panic. To not be able to achieve your goals, to have circumstances not supporting your expectations, making it impossible for you to proceed- that would often cause anxiety, stress for humans. However, when you realize silence opens the door, stillness makes something new possible, then you may consider that those moments of disappointment, those moments of not being able to continue as planned, or circumstances have changed unexpectedly- there is simply no possibility of continuing your planned approach- those moments become opportunities. You will open to something larger. You will move beyond your plan and into a sea of experience, an absolute symphony of being that is occurring all around you. But you were so determined to get to your goal that you would have missed it all, much like a driver from one of your carriages- your motorized carriages- who is able to make their way specifically to their destination and not touch the ground, not necessarily even breathe the air of the streets along their route because their carriage is so completely controlled by them. But if that carriage were to break down, if it were not possible to continue the journey and the driver had to leave the vehicle, then all of a sudden the world would open up. The sights and the sounds, the neighborhood, the truth of the place that they were passing through would become their world for a few moments, few hours, perhaps days. And that journey which originally was planned to simply pass through that place, that journey would become a journey of that place, about that place. A new world would open up because progress towards the goal was interrupted. That is the gift. That is the invitation. When your plans go awry because of changes around you, open up to the new opportunity. Then you find life becomes a gift once again. What are your questions? How can we be of service?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: Forgiveness is such an important part of the growing process, but personally I have trouble forgiving some of the leaders in our history and our present that kill people by the millions. I don’t want to hate anybody, but every time I think of certain people I just get fried. How do I get passed that? RESPONSE: “Give it forward. To forgive is not to condone. To forgive is not to agree. Forgiving does not mean forgetting, nor does it mean that you allow it to occur again. It simply means you allow yourself to move forward and you allow the world to move forward. You give it forward. And part of that is entrusting that life will balance what has occurred. However, part of moving forward may be completing your own truth. For example, if an action done by another makes you very angry, part of forgiving is to express the anger- not necessarily to the person, not necessarily to the group involved, but somewhere. Somewhere in your life, express the anger. That will allow you to complete your process and move forward. That will allow you to allow the world to balance that act over time. Because truly, it takes the whole world to balance any act. No individual is qualified to judge another. It is the combined forces of all of the aspects of creation that will eventually bring that act into its fullness of balance, which is called justice. Justice is not able to be surrendered by an individual. It is something that unfolds over time because the Universe completes what was begun by that act. And then in the fullness of time, the balance of all the forces come into play and that act finds justice. However, your question was, why is it you cannot move forward. And the answer is: Because you have not completed your own expression. You have passion, you have strong ideals, you are a man of word, you expect others to also be. So when you are confused by their action, frustrated, disappointed, you must complete your expression of that so that you can be honored in your wholeness by yourself. Your passion, your anger, your frustration are all aspects of your grace- aspects of your commitment. So you must complete them. Go to the beach, the place where there is sand and rocks and simply pound on the sand your frustrations for everything that has happened, everything that is not yet completed in you that has occurred that has been tragic, [that] you have anger about. Complete the anger through an expression of absolute freedom of expression on the sands of the beach at night. And that way you can be assured that no harm will come from your expression, because that is part of your concern- you do not want to cause harm - and yet you must honor your feelings. So do it in a way that it cannot possibly cause harm, and then you will find that you are able to move forward more freely. And that does not mean agreeing [that] what happened was right, and it does not mean condoning it, and it does not mean allowing it to re-occur. It simply means you give it back to the world. You make it possible for you to move forward and the world to move forward. So you give it forward. That is what it is to forgive.” QUESTION: Greetings, Sonoktar, and thank you for being with us. I would like to know if you can tell me what the blessings are brought by simple, esoteric ritual, if any. RESPONSE: “Ritual is powerful. Ritual is the essence of intention combined with action, which is faith. Faith is action. It is not simply sentiment or belief or even intention. It must be action. If there is no action, there is no faith. To trust the world enough to adopt a child is an action of faith. To feed the child each day are actions of faith. To simply believe that it is possible or good or right to adopt a child without actually taking action is not faith. That is a simple example. So action is faith. Ritual is simply an action that embodies an intention and it combines your ability to act with a kind of an awareness that a larger system is in effect- that there are forces beyond you that are combining to create reality. So there is humility in ritual because it often implies that there are greater forces and you are asking them to participate. You are giving an opening for Spirit, for example.” QUESTION: Several months ago, I had the opportunity to ask you a question regarding my purpose here on Earth. I seemed to be searching at that time and you suggested that I am like a trumpet, there are things that I want to say and I like to be heard. And you suggested that I go and find a song that I want to play that I want the world to hear. And I’m still looking for that song and I understand that life is a process of discovery and learning, but at this time is there anything that you could tell me that would guide me towards that song, guide me towards finding that ultimate purpose that I came here for? RESPONSE: “You will not be able to avoid your purpose. Everything you do drips with your purpose. Everything you are, even as you search for it… you are your purpose in action. However, to align with it so that you have a conscious experience of it- yes, we can propose another instrument for you to explore. There is a keyboard instrument- an instrument that has black and white keys. The keys work together. Each one is a unique sound and yet in certain specific combinations, they make a sound that is a new sound that is greater than any one of the sounds that make it up. In other words, it is possible to combine parts of the sounds to make transcendent sounds. They are called harmonics. Explore that; explore the way that the keys make unique sounds and yet can be combined to make new sounds. That is a part of you finding your song, so to speak. It is also a bridge for you to begin to understand the effect you have on the world- the role that you play in groups, for example. But explore with the keys, and actually act upon the guidance. In other words, you will not understand what it is we are giving you unless you act- unless you take the guidance and actually implement it because it is the journey of the actual action unfolding that gives the insight, not simply the concept. Does that make sense to you?” Seeker: “I think so. It’s going to take a little bit of thinking and exploring this, but I think so. It’s a good start, so thank you.” RESPONSE: “Find a keyboard. Do not sit and think about it. Find it, make sounds with it. Experiment with the combination of sounds.” QUESTION: I have a personal question that I think involves some other people, too. Lately I have been having trouble getting to sleep and once asleep, having trouble staying asleep and I’m wondering what is going on. And the second part is, what should I do about it? I’d appreciate your insight into that. RESPONSE: “There is a simple issue of consideration of many ideas. Your mind is full, however, that is not the opportunity. The opportunity at hand is to embrace the break in your habitual patterns. There will be moments when you cannot sleep as planned. Your normal rhythm that is expected is not possible. That is the kind of opportunity we spoke of in the beginning [of this session]. Take the opportunity, take the quiet time. Rather than trying to get back to your planned activity, actually embrace the time. Be awake. Explore what is alive in that time of the day which is not what is alive during other times, and you will also find that your patterns of thinking are more clear then. There are actually things that are possible in your own life that are not possible unless you are aware at that time of the day. There are life changes happening for you. It is not only women who go through cyclical changes, changes in their cycles. It is also true of men. So you are arriving into a new pattern. But in the interim, do not simply disregard the breaks in your patterns as being errors or problems to be solved. They are actually new patterns. They are new windows. They may not stay long. Most likely they will not stay long, so it is an opportunity in the interim. Write, create, dream, remember, imagine, listen, study, examine, appreciate. All of theses things are possible in this break. And if you find that you must balance your need for sleep by sleeping more in the daytime, see if that is possible to arrange so that you still have the rest as your body organically asks for it, rather than what you planned would be the schedule. Let your body guide the actual schedule.” QUESTION: I have entities who visit me in my house. Sometimes they introduce themselves in dreams and only once have I actually seen them in my house. I would like to see them more. I think I am well enough grounded to do that and I wondered what is required for me to get to the point where I can see some of these visitors. RESPONSE: “See them behind the candle flame.” Seeker: “Behind the candle flame.” RESPONSE: “Light the candle, ask them to be behind the flame, and then be present with the space that exists just behind the flame of the candle. And what you will see there is a kind of a shadow light, a place that is lit and yet also not lit. And that will allow your imagination to combine with your vision, not only your ocular vision but your internal vision, to create a kind of a synthesis picture and that will allow you to interact with them. Do not doubt your interpretations, simply go with them. It is almost like a semi-dream state and it is purposeful that it is not a hundred percent clear. Because if it were a hundred percent clear, you would not understand what you are seeing. And so it must be on the border between your world and their world and that is what exists at the extreme ends of flame.” Seeker: “Would they be fourth-dimensional then?” RESPONSE: “Perhaps.” Seeker: “Or more?” RESPONSE: “It depends on the Being. All Beings have dimensional aspects, and it depends what aspect. For example, you yourself have fourth and fifth, as you would call it, fifth-dimensional aspects. However, that is not what a person sees when they sit with you at the bus stop. They see your third-dimensional body. So it depends what aspect you are looking at.” QUESTION: I would like to ask, we are being encouraged to form groups and I would like to ask what the importance and the benefits of forming groups is to the ascension process. RESPONSE: “One minute, let us prepare for this answer. You are already ascended; however, what is not apparent is that you have already ascended. And so, in one way of considering it, you are actually catching up with your true self. Your mind, your body, your self-concept, and your life patterns are catching up with the reality of your being, which is that you are Spirit. You are embodied Spirit. That being the case, time is actually a recollection process, a remembering process, a recalling of the wholeness of your being. The primary way that you discover the other parts of your being - the wholeness - is through relationship with others. They actually mirror back to you parts of yourself. They appear to be others, other people, but actually others are reflections of you. So to come together, particularly with people who have an intention as you do, to find their wholeness- to remember their completeness, to examine and embody their spiritual natures- those people make excellent mirrors because the agreement is that you are going to see beyond simple appearances, you are going to go deeper. You are going to support each other in going deeper into some kind of truth that is not yet known. So, if your goal is to come into the fullness of who you are- and you are vast, every one of you is vast, as our host likes to say, ‘multi-dimensional and vast’ - and if your intention is to come into alignment with that, then absolutely it is good to connect with others, as many as you can and as many different ways as you can, knowing that each one of them will reflect back to you a different aspect of your own nature. And when you have integrated all of those parts by experiencing them as a world, you will find that you are that world. You are the complete sum total of everything you experience. That universe which appears to be outside of you is your own face reflected back to yourself many, many ways. But that is something that only occurs to you after you have had a great deal of experience, a great deal of openness, a great deal of faith. And that means a great deal of actions, and involving others in that process makes it richer. You are a seed; each of you is a seed. Find the earth that when you plant yourself in that place, in that setting, in that group, in that combination of energies, you begin to sprout. And then you will know your purpose. And that is what it is to ascend. It is to come into conscious realization. What you are calling ascension, which is a little bit confusing because it is used in different contexts, but it is, effectively, to come into conscious alignment with your true nature as Spirit.” QUESTION: Last week you made a reference to “this Creator.” I would like to ask if this Creator feels anything of the polarity that it has allowed us to explore. Does it affect the Creator at all? RESPONSE: “You are creation. You are Creator. That which creates, ultimately, is its own creation. In others words, there could not be a separation between anything that is created and the absolute Creator as a beingness. They would not be separate. So anything that is created, anything that is experienced as part of creation, is an aspect of Creator, including you. And yes, including polarity- the dualistic nature of this realm. You see, only in this realm where there is duality would it even be possible to conceive that there might be a separation between creation and Creator, and that is partly because of the dualistic nature of this realm. It appears, basically because of the mind- because of the nature of the mind- it appears that something could be separate from something else. But especially in the case of creation and Creator, there is no separation.” Seeker: “So this Creator is polarity itself.” RESPONSE: “Polarity is an aspect of creation. And Creator and creation are the same.” Closing Transmission: [None given.] Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: August 23, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: September 1, 2009 Transcribed By: Karin Editing Date: September 10, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 11-11-09 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: Polarity, creator, stillness, death, earth changes, forgiveness, silence, surrender, give it forward, duality, ritual, faith, life purpose, insomnia, entities, entity, candle, fourth dimension, fifth dimension, dimension, groups


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