8-16-09 “Many Points, One Purpose”

Campfire Call Transcript – August 16, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Many Points, One Purpose”

Delivered through Sonoktar, August 16, 2009 Opening Transmission: “Yes. Yes. Yes. Many points, few centers, one purpose. Multiple centers are important. Multiple purposes can be distracting, but there must be multiple centers - centers of movement, centers of flow. And so there are. You will not agree as a group for long. You will not align and move as one body, you will need to diversify. The solar system has many actions and archetypes occurring simultaneously and this is partly possible because there are many centers. Each planet has its own center, each atom has its own center. The solar system itself has one purpose as a system that is a unified purpose that is contributed to by all of the centers rotating and spinning and acting on their own behalf in concert with each other. Think of that. Think of that model of being [which] the solar system provides. There is a unified core - the Sun, the center. There is also many planets, multiple planets. Each of these has a rotation, each of these has an orbit, each of these often has bodies which orbit it, such as a moon or multiple moons, satellites. So there is spinning on many levels. There are many kinds of centers, and there are multiple centers, and there is one center. As you combine your energies, as you begin to weave the platform for others to celebrate their own being upon so that there can be unification in a time of a diversity of energetic needs and focuses, let there be an awareness, an agreement that there does not always need to be agreement. There does not always need to be one center. There can be multiple centers. And this is important because what it allows is it allows connection to persist even through times of diversity of focus. If you have a friend or a family member who has a very different life and may need to leave, go far away, be focused on something very different than your life is focused on but you still wish to maintain connection, then you would need to agree, “Yes, it is okay. It is fine. You go and do your focus. I will be here, I will be with my focus.” It can be different. That is important for the gift you are giving each other and the world as it develops. Let there be multiple centers that are connected similar to the planets. The reality on Mars, the reality on Jupiter, the reality on the Moon of the Earth are very, very different realities, profoundly different spheres of existence. And many very different kinds of projects are options because there is a wide variety of kinds of environments that are all part of this solar system. Again, we speak in metaphor because what you are doing is to create a web - a web of light, web of support for each other and for others to bring their diversity into. And the more strong, the more diverse the web is, the more kinds of nutrients will be able to come into the system to give support to all of the other parts of the group. When you disagree, when you become obviously aligned with a new center - a center that is not the common agreement, that is not part of the conversation already, it is a new center [and] you find yourself pulled to stand in a new place, different than the others - do not be afraid that that will separate you. It will simply expand the group. It will make there be another leg on the table that is further apart so that the table becomes more stable over time. You are each candles. You are each both a source of light and a beacon for others. You may not realize it, you may be very accustomed to it, but you are each a source of Light. You will draw a different kind of moth, a different kind of brethren, different kind of celebration can occur in each of your lives, each of your spheres. So you must be true to your heart. You must stand in your place. You must become the part of the net that you truly are, and that will mean that sometimes you do not stand right next to the others, you do not all stand in one place, there is not always agreement. That is natural. That is strong. Over time, it will be absolutely necessary so that there can be resilience in the fabric of the group. And remember always that what you do, you do in service to others and that ultimately that is the source of strength because you are each part of something larger than your self. And that is emerging. It is always emerging, no matter what you do, but it is not always recognized. What are your questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: Sonoktar, I had a very kind of unusual thing happen to me sometime around the first of this week, actually last week. I was watching “how to channel” tapes and after I had watched quite a few of them I thought, “Wow, I want to channel.” I thought it’s because I’ve been watching this, but no, it’s not really from my personality, it’s deeper than that. My actual personality is kind of saying, “Oh God, what are you talking about?” I have never really been drawn towards channeling. I love reading channeling and the more that I have experienced it I find it totally fascinating and so much power of truth in it. That is what I wanted to talk with you about. Am I able to do it? Is the step worthwhile for my enlightenment or evolution? And I’d like know if you can tell me what I could do to prepare myself to channel. RESPONSE: “We are not prepared to train you. We have no prerequisite for your human condition. In other words, we are not qualified to speak on the topic of how a human being can open themselves completely to become a vessel for Spirit, which is what that channeling term speaks of. We are simply the voice. What you would need is you would need to find a Master Teacher, a teacher who can teach you the art and the techniques for how to develop the ability to completely release your own motives, your own agenda, so that you can be of service to something greater than yourself. And that would need to be a person who was themselves human because that tradition, that technique, needs to come from humanity. In other words, you must be taught by one who is like you, who has been through the journey you would have to go through. It is often mistaken for intuition or for the physic. The psychic and the mystic are not the same. The psychic and the ability to completely allow the release of your ego is different. You would need a Guide, you would need a Teacher. It would need to be a Master Teacher, somebody who has truly completed the journey. And that is all we can say.” Seeker: “Thank you, thank you.” RESPONSE: “The other point: Do not do it for your own enlightenment. If you are doing something like that for your own purposes, even if they are apparently altruistic purposes, if they are for your own purposes then you will create a frustration for yourself because it will not serve your purpose. It will serve the purposes of others. So if you are doing it for your own purpose, then it will most likely not work.” QUESTION: Hello Sonoktar. An assistant principal verbally offered me a teaching position ten days ago in a town more than an hour away. I had hoped by now to have rented a place to stay in that town. The position starts in the morning. I talked with one of the secretaries at the school last week, but every time she just was still waiting for word from the central office about my paperwork. I have received no further communication from the principal or the assistant principal, no paper work. I emailed the principal last Friday after all the school offices closed for the day. All the teaching jobs require background checks and signed papers. This being my fourth teaching job in the last year and a half, along with this lack of the regular hiring procedure, and in addition, the major anger that my Dad threw at me today, make me feel like I’m losing track of my true path or that I’m not even on my path at all. At this time I’m planning to show up at the school early tomorrow morning. But, please give me your advice on going to the school tomorrow and on the communication problems that I am having and any guidance for my path and my truth. And I am grateful. RESPONSE: “Communication is a gift. It is always a gift because it allows more than one Being to experience God - experience Spirit by experiencing ‘other.’ When you communicate, you are always dealing with a completely different reality than your own. It is as if there are many, many universes, each one is containing a Being or a human or a planet or a place. Where there is communication between people or between places, between planets, truly there is an exchange between universes. Does that first concept make sense to you?” Seeker: “Yes, that’s definitely clear.” RESPONSE: “Thank you. We wanted to clarify that first. That is the foundation for our point. You are reaching out beyond your own world. You are going almost to a foreign country because you are going to a place that is not yet part of your world, your daily life. It may become part, but it is not yet, and so you are coming into a place that is completely different than you. And if you encounter it that way, as if you were going to visit another culture and you did not know anything about them - what is appropriate, what is expected of you, what is good, what is common for them - if you approach it like that, you will have the greatest growth from the experience. If you come to it as an exercise in implementing what your customs would be, what you believe is appropriate, then you will have an exercise in frustration because truly, they are not you. They have a different world occurring. They are all negotiating their own realities together as a group. So what it makes you do is it makes you have to open to something different, and that is a good thing. That is a gift for you, not only because they give you something new but because in opening, you will find there are many, many others things that come from the universe through that opening that you did not even expect because you opened. If you open your mouth to bring in a breath of air, you may find that there are also many other things that come in through that opening in that moment that you were not expecting, such as food or a bug or words coming out of the mouth. In other words, an opening makes many things possible. You have a tool. It is a tool you are very eager to use, and it is the ability to organize. What is very important for you is that you use that tool to serve others, not to implement your own plan. In other words, if they need more organization, you are an asset for that, but help them to organize what they wish to create, not what you wish to create. Does that speak to you?” Seeker: “It does…. Yes.” RESPONSE: “You have taken every step of diligence. You have been highly attentive to detail, so you cannot imagine that you have not done your part. But as things proceed, be available to them, knowing [that] you are moving into a new world you do not understand yet. Even if they speak the same language, they do not really speak the same language. And then be open, and then take your gifts forward in that way and see what occurs. And anger is natural and expressing anger is healthy. And you have done that and that is fulfilling.” Seeker: “Thank you.” RESPONSE: “Anger is simply frustration because you care. There are things you care about apparently at stake, although they are not necessarily at stake, and so you care and that is the frustration and that is the anger. It is natural. Do not be dissuaded from your path because of the appearance of anger. It is simply part of the path.” QUESTION: I have read that the Earth completed an initiation that made Earth become a sacred planet. Would you describe that initiation in general? RESPONSE: “There is not an initiation particularly that is apparent to us here now. However, Earth is an absolute shining star, a gem, a gift to all the worlds because what is possible on Earth is not possible most places. Many, many other things are possible in other places, but on Earth there is a magic, there is a majesty, there is a gem. And truly, Spirit prizes this planet because it makes possible a very, very great degree of humility coupled with a high possibility for elevation. In other words, you can have very, very great development in the course of a life while on Earth. It is rich ground for growth. So it is prized and it is unique. It is special. It is an honor to be in any body at any time on this planet and, of course, we would have to say that to be in your body in this time - the fact that you are able to see, breathe, speak, think, act, participate in the changes - means that, indeed, you are very, very fortunate across all of the eons of time to have an incarnation here, now.” Seeker: “I feel that.” RESPONSE: “Celebrate that.” Seeker: “I do.” RESPONSE: “Be it. Yes. It is worth celebrating and it makes it come alive to celebrate.” QUESTION: My Dad recently passed away. Why was he holding on for so long as he neared death? What finally released his spirit? What stage of transition is he in now? What is his purpose in visiting me now in Spirit, and how can I best communicate with him? RESPONSE: “When a life completes, it is because it has balanced itself. In other words, all of the experiences that were needed to complete the picture so that there could be the full lesson - all of those experiences have been achieved. Often times a life that is lived builds up a kind of imbalance because there is a pushing. A young person tends to push towards their goals. When the aging comes, the process of aging, that slows the person down. They have to release their agenda and instead they become the recipients of life’s Grace. Often times that is difficult for the ego, the ego which is no longer in charge. And it is difficult for the others who witness the life because the others are often in the process of their own ego developing and so to watch another person having to surrender their ego is very difficult. However, often times a person must complete the process of releasing what it is they were holding before the death can occur or at the moment of death itself. The release comes one way or the other. Why is it that shape? Why is it that this person, your Father - had the arc he did? It was simply because that was the pattern that made it possible for his life to intersect all of the other lives he needed to connect with to make the perfect combination of experiences so that his life, as a whole, could be balanced. And so that arc, that particular lifetime, made him able to intersect with the paths of others and be in the places at the times that gave him the experiences that would complete his life. And when you complete your life, that is just the beginning of the harvest of your experience. Imagine that you plant a seed and the seed grows into a plant. The plant becomes a fruit. The fruit becomes a meal. It is actually at the moment of cutting the fruit from the plant, the apparent death of the plant, that the harvest of that whole life actually occurs. And that food that is harvested and becomes the meal goes on to live and serve and contribute to life in many, many other forms after that death. So death is, honestly and always, simply a beginning. And it concludes the preparation for death. However, on your questions: The best way to communicate with him is simply to open. Open and awaken your heart. Do not interpret with your mind, simply open your heart. Do not try to interpret every piece of information; rather, get a general kind of a receiving so that the communication from the other side, if indeed it is coming, so that that communication can be in layers like a painting - that will be the best chance you have at getting many parts of the message. Let it come in layers - not all at once, not interpreted by your mind, but rather received by your soul through an open heart over and over again as layers, as impressions. Have patience. Let Love be the canvas, as if it is being painted on your heart. And then the message can come through in its own language because he is in a different place. It is not like phoning your friend; the words will not come through in the same way. It is more like going and communing with a mountain. There are many, many ways a mountain speaks, but you must spend a great deal of time and open to all of its parts. And it is not necessary, particularly, to understand where he is or how he is. He has completed his life. That is all you need to know. He has completed. And there is only one way, ultimately, every Being goes, and that is to assimilate absolutely completely into the unified field of Spirit.” QUESTION: Our society has female and child prostitution. Nobody mentions helping the men. When will the incoming energies balance men’s sexual addictions? RESPONSE: “The earth changes will correct many imbalances; the shift of the crust of the Earth makes it possible for humanity to reconnect again with the surface of Earth. It may appear that human beings are always connected to the Earth because of gravity, but in actuality, there is a great distance between humanity and her bosom, the planet energy. This, in combination with the cycle of time - the way time moves between cycles - has made it so that humanity is experiencing a great imbalance, a great distance from Earth. It would be like a child who comes into the world and is immediately separated from its mother. And imagine the kinds of imbalances that would develop in that child over time because of its disconnection from its source. The men, the women, and the children they produce are all suffering from a great depletion of Spirit. There are many ways that that manifests, but as the body attempts to balance itself through sexuality (which is the role of sexuality - one of the roles is to create balance in the health) and so, as humanity attempts to balance itself through sexuality, there is a great deal of confusion, a great deal of disconnection from the body. So you are seeing symptoms of that. And your question was, ‘When will it come into balance?’ And the answer is that ultimately, it comes into balance over time, with the collapse of the great structures of your culture which have kept people so separate from each other, and from the Earth, and from themselves.” Seeker: “Would you give me an example of that kind of structure?” RESPONSE: “The financial structure - the way that money has come to be a substitute for love. Most peoples’ primary dedication is to whatever their source of financial income is, and the reason for that is that humanity is a tribal creature. There is no option but to exist with the cooperation of others, the collaboration of others. In your society, in your time, by far the primary way of getting collaborators to work with you is through paying them. And so, the money has become a substitute for ‘Tribe’ and a substitute for the living fabric of a community. What that has done is it separates people; it makes people be employees and slaves and wardens, rather than brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, children, grandparents, lovers, collaborators in music and art - all of the things that feed the soul. That is a very unnatural state of affairs. That means that somewhere in the system, that has to be balanced. The opposite of that, the extreme that makes that unnatural extreme be balanced, will also show up somewhere. And it is often in the sexuality. And so, you will find that the things that are sexualized are the same things that are the disease in the culture, for example money. Money becomes sexualized. And it is not a sin, it is simply the natural order. It is an example of the imbalance trying to be balanced, though the process that makes that criminal is the same process that is creating that imbalance.” Seeker: “Is there anything that a group can do to make a positive balance effect for men?” RESPONSE: “For the men?” Seeker: “Yes.” RESPONSE: “You can love people. You could feed them. You could give them a way to have their basic life needs met without them having to compromise themselves.” Seeker: “Without manipulation.” RESPONSE: “Yes. Without them having to be disconnected from themselves. For example, make soup and then have them feed the soup to each other so that there is also an element of service. And that message, the message behind that is: ‘You do not have to disconnect from each other in order to survive’, which currently they believe they do. And, in truth, your system does create that. It is true - most people do have to disconnect from each other in order to make the money to be able to buy the help they need in their life.” Seeker: “Our system doesn’t look at what the men are doing at all. You know, they deal with the women [who are] considered victims, but they don’t ever address what the men are doing ... and why. I think it’s frustrating.... It’s just ignored.” RESPONSE: “It is always a tragedy when any part of the brilliant spectrum of Creation is ignored. And so, you have brought light to that, now bring action to that and you will find yourself fulfilled.” QUESTION: I’m asking a question in regards to my nine-year-old son, who is spending a lot of time being worried about being dirty and worried about germs. It is starting to interfere in his life, changing clothes too often and washing his hands all the time. I was wondering if you had some advice for me to help him through that so that he can have a more normal existence again. RESPONSE: “Teach him about the earth. Take him to a garden and show him the way that the worms make it possible for oxygen to reach the roots of the plants. Show him the dirt and the miracle that the dirt is. The dirt that is the memory of all of the plants, all of the animals. All of the occurrences that have happened in that place have become the dirt and the dirt is the broken-down remains of all the flowers and all the animals. All the beautiful things of the garden have given themselves to become the dirt that nourishes and nurtures the new seeds and becomes the next crop. Take him to the garden and show him that truth, and particularly show him the ways that the worms work. Show him that the microbes, the small pieces of living matter, are not an enemy of the garden. It [the dirt] is not part of un-health, it is actually part of health. Let him get his hands dirty. Let him, if he will, let him touch the worms, touch the dirt, touch the roots, see the miracle that the garden is. Have him reconnect with nature. He is trying to behave himself according to some very intensely mental structures. He is trying to behave himself, and the standards he has set for himself have to do with his mental interpretation of what he has been told. And he needs to see nature. He needs to see dirt and that it is healthy, it is good, it is not the enemy of health and that it is far, far greater than he understands. The beauty of the world is far greater and he can release the pressure on himself.” Closing Transmission: [No closing.] Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: August 16, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: August 27, 2009 Transcribed By: Kathy Thurmer Editing Date: September 8, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 11-11-09 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: Dirt, nature, death, Many Points, Few Centers, One Purpose, solar system, training, channeling, chaneling, channelling, earth changes, financial system, after death, dying, earth, prostitution, sexual addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessive, tribe


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