Campfire Call Transcript – July 26, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“From Individual Perspective to Group Co-Creation”

Delivered through Sonoktar, July 26, 2009 Opening Transmission:Mah. Each eye opens differently. Each viewpoint is unique. Each person sees the world from an entirely different context and so universes are distinct based on who views them. Each of you sees a world. Each of you works to create the vision of your heart in a way that your mind allows you to do and prompted by the spirit that you are. The result of all of those tryings, the result of all of those forms of creation that come from each of the unique Beings living in a unique universe, seeing the world differently and yet working together, the result of that is this world. The world as it appears is shaped by the collective efforts to create. The unification of all of the forces that come together when a world of Beings, not only human, come together - that creation, that amazing picture of fullness is what is called Nature. In truth there is nothing that is not natural. Everything is created from Source, and everything that is created is a part of The Whole witnessing itself. So there is nothing that is not part of the balance. There is nothing that is not part of the wholeness of creation. As pleasing or unpleasing as that may seem to you at any particular moment in your life, the truth is everything fits. Everything has a part to play. Everything creates part of the perfection, even the most disappointing, frustrating, tragic, seemingly unnecessary, and yet absolutely necessary events. So how do you navigate if everyone sees the world uniquely, if there is no one truth, but rather there is a world that is made up of many, many, many truths coexisting, working together, sometimes conflicting, and yet they are part of the same whole? How can that be navigated? How can that creation be served when you yourself are only one voice? And the answer lies in the group. The answer lies in the tribe, in the pod, in the schools of fishes, the flocks of birds, the hives of bees. All of these work together to create reality. So in order to have influence, in order to have contribution, you will notice over time that you have to collaborate with others. You have to connect with others, whoever they are in your life. Look at everything in your life that has taken energy to create and recognize that in some way you teamed up with other Beings to create that. You were not able to create it alone. You created it in concert with other musicians, so to speak. And that because there were always others involved, that meant there were always growth opportunities, because to connect to others, to collaborate with others, means you will grow. You will be expanded. You will learn. You will change. And so will the others, and so will the world. So the more connection there is, the more integration there is between a group of people, the more they can create together, and the more they will grow, the more rapidly they will grow. And the more they grow, the more energy. The work they do can have more energy flow through it, and that also increases growth. So the opening to growth and the opening to creativity, the opening to changing what exists to be more aligned with who you are now, all of those things result from connecting to others. And because it is always true that two or more human beings will see the world very differently, even if they appear to be very similar, perspectives are vastly different, and so the connection will have to happen through the heart, the heart that unifies because the mind will always see things differently. And that is part of the perfection. It is part of the gift. It is what makes there be diversity of skills and a variety of perspectives that makes the fullness of the experience possible. But the connection will have to happen through the body or the heart or the spirit because the mind will always see things differently from another mind. The perspective will always be unique. That is our beginning. That is our context for this Tribe of Firekeepers, this light-blanket that is warming the Earth. What are your questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: I’d like to get you to help us understand a little about soul groups. I’m going to start the ball by reading a sentence. “Seers know all life circumstances are events staged with a roving band of actors from one soul group to create needed learning opportunities.” When I say “soul groups” myself, I feel love and closeness. But I would like to know if soul groups created here on Earth are from karma, and I would like you to just generally speak whatever you feel like saying about soul groups. RESPONSE: “Soul groups. The mind cannot comprehend the nature of Spirit. The fish cannot comprehend the nature of flying that an eagle experiences. The reality of the fish is so different from the reality of the eagle. The language is different. You could not even express the experience in the language of the fish. However, it is possible to use metaphors from the fish, the world of the fish, to explain to the fish how the fish fits into a larger cosmos that includes eagles, includes land, animals, elephants, kangaroos, beavers. And yet, all of those will be things that the fish truly cannot comprehend except to know that as a fish it is part of something larger. And that is how it is with the concept of soul groups. It is simply a word that allows a human mind to comprehend in its own terms something that is truly not understandable from the mind’s perspective. And so with that caveat, with that understanding, we shall say a few things about soul groups, what is called soul groups. Really, you are a spirit. You are in your essence Spirit, and Spirit is one thing connected. But like galaxies, like universes, in actuality, all of them are part of something larger and yet also have their own centers. There are galaxies, and there are many, many, many, many galaxies. They are all part of a larger universe, but each one has its own center. Each one orbits its own organizing principle, so to speak. Soul groups are flowers that originate from the same bud. Spirit often works in a mandala of energy. In other words, multiple petals, multiple pieces, of a larger existence come together to create something together, the way petals on a flower create the beauty of a flower and the purpose of a flower, which is to pollinate the plant. So, many Beings have others with whom they constellate. They work together. It may be brief. For example, it may be five minutes in one street location, and they may not even know each other’s names, and yet they came together to create something, to make something possible that only the unique alchemy of that group could do in that moment. And that moment may make an entire reality possible for many, many people because those two spirits came together. That is the collaborate energy of Spirit. There is also ‘Spirit Family’ or ‘Greater Spirit,’ which is the pool from which you are drawn as one bucket, and there may be many buckets drawn across time from that one pond. You may be one of many lives your Spirit pool manifests as. But the ways that the Spirit groups, the Spirit families, and the different weavings of Spirit energies come together to create collaborations is…. it is beyond complex. It is similar to the way water molecules combine and separate on the planet Earth. They are constantly combining, constantly separating. Rivers are constantly dividing. Tears are being shed. Water is running from this and that faucet. There are so many ways that the water is interacting with itself, and that is Spirit. It would be impossible to describe. And yet, it is helpful to know that you come together with those around you because it is purposeful, and it is purposeful from the highest perspective. Spirit knows what is needed. It is the perfect artist. It creates exactly what is needed to complete the entire universe. And you are that completion, and that which you touch around you is the other part of what Spirit has created to make the perfect setting for you in that moment, in that instant, so that the most can be possible through the Being that you are. And that does not necessarily mean you are connected in all moments, or beyond this lifetime, to those people. But there is also the creativity of Spirit that it does weave Beings together across time in some instances. And so, that is also one of the colors it uses to paint the perfect picture. Every combination is possible because that makes the maximal growth possible for you. That is what we can say.” QUESTION: Thank you for taking my question. My question is about my family. My daughter and I have been trying to find a home to rent for myself, her children, and her for the last few years. We are having no success in finding one and I was wondering if there was a reason for this or is there something we should be doing. Thank you. RESPONSE: “Go down before you go up. The change that it is all around you will yield but only after you penetrate it. In other words, you must go beyond your bubble of security. And then you will find that the change itself yields and becomes a new environment for you. The reason it seems isolated right now is that you have only just entered the change, but you are still surrounded by your protective bubble. In other words, you are immersed in change, but your immediate surroundings have not yet yielded to that change. And so, it seems like you are an island. Imagine that you are surrounded by a bubble floating in water. Imagine that the water was the thing that would carry you to your new place, but because you were surrounded with an air bubble, you could not actually connect directly with the water yet. The air bubble will burst. The illusion of your protected environment will yield to the changes. And then you will find yourself carried. Simply move towards where the actual needs can be served. Let the actual needs of your family, the people around you, your child, and the needs of other people - how you can serve, where can you fit to serve a need or where can a need be satisfied by you taking an action in that direction. Look for those, and then simply take those leaps of faith. And what that will do is it will place you into the exact position where you have the maximum opportunity for growth and for flow of energy through you because you will be of use there. And that combination, the growth and the flow of energy, is what you are really looking for. That is true stability. That is true dependability because then you fit into the world. So look for where you can serve the need or for a step that, when you take it, it serves the needs of one of the people around you, such as your child. Let that be the guiding force. Do not try to direct your movement and your attention based on what you believe your life should look like, and do not try to direct it based on what you expected to have by now. That is not the point. The point is to dance with the living universe, and that will free you up to be present with the actual opportunities. You are close to some very vibrant forms of nourishment, but you will have to surrender your sense of protection that comes from you being separate from those around you. And it will seem like a drop down first, but then you will see it actually is a step up.” QUESTION: I sent you a picture of a crop circle. I seek to learn to read symbols, and I would like to know what the symbols of that crop circle would mean to you. RESPONSE: “We have not seen the image, but from the connection through you, it is a portal. It is speaking of the way that energy mandalas can create an opening. When energy is balanced, when the forces are balanced in many directions simultaneously and there is motion - and that is very important because these images are trying to depict motion. They are not static. Once they are in motion, then they make sense. But this image is talking about the way if there is a balance of energetic forces in all directions, it creates an opening, creates a portal, and then through that portal you can have a transformation. But it comes from movement. It comes from activity, and it comes from activity that is balanced in all directions and in motion. And it is actually the shape of the heart, but it is shown in a language of the mind.” Seeker: “Very good. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “You’re welcome.” Seeker: “That probably would apply to other crop circle messages too, wouldn’t it?” RESPONSE: “That would apply to images of many kinds of creations from energies that are fundamentally balanced in their perspective, as they are. But they are different. Each is different.” Seeker: “Well, this particular one was very balanced and so your explanation certainly fit it. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “It is attempting to convey the nature of the heart in the language of the mind. Meditate on it with your heart. View it from your heart, and then it will actually open up and become a portal.” Seeker: “And the portal would be used to…” RESPONSE: “You will have to see.” Seeker: “Okay. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “We would not rob you of that journey.” QUESTION: We talked on another [phone] line, and you said that this was a good idea and I want to pass it on to the new people on the line, for the firekeepers - every hour on the hour, give or take 5 minutes from the 9, 10, 11 on the hour – to take that time to pray and send out your energy into the universe. Some of the folks on the line already know this. [The channel's] sources said it was a good idea. Second thing: I have been doing something that seems to work and my intention here is to get the other people on the line to make their lives better. So when I go to the bathroom, when I evacuate in either direction, I turn it into a form of prayer. And I say, “Any negative energy that is in me that is any blockages or whatever, will it leave with this bowel movement or urination.” And it seems to work for me... I know it’s kind of off the wall, but you know, we can make everything in our life into a prayer. And so if you make it into a ritual, you asked the universe to pass negative energy along with whatever you’re doing. Is that a good idea? RESPONSE: “There is birth in every moment. There is creation in every act. What you use as your paintbrush, what you use as your canvas, can be anything that Spirit has provided to you. And indeed, your body is one of the most fundamental tools you have with which to create. It is true that you can breathe in the world. You can hold the world in your heart. You can breathe out the love, the creativity you hold. It is true that you can do that with your children. They come into your life. You love them. You teach them, and you let them go. You can do that with your work. You can receive new work into your life. You can infuse it with your intention and create something new and then send that out into the world in whatever form you do. And yes, absolutely, you can do that with your food and with all that passes through your body. It is truly passing through you, and you have an opportunity to have it be touched by your intention so that as it becomes part of the larger world again. Whatever it is that is passing through your life, in any form, can be touched by your heart. And that is what it is to pray. That is one form of prayer. There are many. So we would say yes, use your creativity. Use every tool you have to bless this planet, and if it is the natural cycles of your food completing its process and making its ways back to the system of wholeness that it is always a part of, then that is as good a messenger as any. And, in fact, it is very much aligned. It is brilliant, really, to use your body in that way because it is very much aligned with the design of the body, which is to receive nourishment and receive nutrients and then release what is no longer needed. And to release everything you no longer have purpose for as part of that process seems brilliantly aligned with the design of your vessel. In terms of whether of not we would recommend it, it would depend. The heart must be - it must endorse everything you do as an individual. Do not do anything that is not endorsed by your heart. And then see the way the world transforms around you simply from that test. Is this endorsed by my heart? And if it is, do it, share it, be it, say it. And if it is not endorsed by your heart, it is simply none of your business. It is not for you, but it may be for another. That is the way to celebrate the music that you are part of, and that will create musicians who are connected and can play together - that approach. Thank you.” QUESTION: I recently spent private time with an ancient crystal skull, who gave me a brief, two-word answer to a question I asked. Then I became foggy-headed and somewhat disoriented for the rest of my thirty-minute visit with the skull. Can you explain what happened during my visit with this skull? Was I given a gift or gifts? And if so, what were they? And did my interaction with the crystal skull affect my mind or even my own skull? If so, what was done, and what was the purpose? And thank you for your assistance. RESPONSE: “When water is poured into a glass, the glass can only be filled so much before it overflows. Even once it is overflowing, if you continue to pour the water into the glass as it is overflowing, the water will still move inside the glass. And so, the glass will still be wiped clean by the movement of the water, even though it is already full and overflowing. Effectively that is what occurs when an energetic presence reaches the maximum of your potential to hold it. You will be filled, and then the maximum holding capacity of your awareness in its current vessel will be reached. And then most likely, you will begin to overflow with energy. That is to say, you will no longer be able to hold or contain the amount of energy that is passing through you, and that is what is unconsciousness, sleep, grogginess, the sense that you’ve lost track of time. But the energy was still clearing you out, much like the glass is being cleaned by the water even though the water is overflowing as it enters the glass. Beyond that, we cannot see the nature of the impact of the change, just simply that you were cleared out. You were cleaned out. You were made free of residue from past experiences that were stuck. And you can be in the mystery. The mystery that comes from having been recently cleared out is a gift. Do not understand it too fast. Once you have understood it, then all you have done is to simply reframe your current moment using your old perspective. That is what understanding is. That is why understanding is not that helpful. The mind is not the guide. The mind is a tool. The heart is the guide. You do not need to understand. It is more a sense of does your heart resonate with a notion? If it does, then fulfill the notion. Take the step. What is the new resonance that exists in you because of that encounter? What is new in you? That is the thing to find and move with that. And then you will see the gift. But if you try to understand it and understand all of its implications, you will have to use your past experiences and your past understandings in order to grasp. And that will simply recreate your old patterns. So, do not do it too fast. Be in the mystery. Let it unfold. Be cleaned out. Celebrate. Surrender and celebrate. Are there any other questions from the group now, in this moment?” QUESTION: I have been experiencing intermittent vertigo. Can you give me any information on what is causing this and how to treat it? RESPONSE: “You must go out into nature. You must spend some time. You have been too much time in your familiar environment. You must go out into nature by yourself and sing. Sing. Sing to nature. Sing to the trees. Sing to the animals, whether or not you can see them. Sing the song of truth, not of what you understand, not of what you are doing, but simply the song of your heart. What is occurring is that your world is too tightly wound. It is too tightly mapped. And you are actually creating crisis in any circumstance that you sense you may not have control because things are too tightly wound. So go out to nature and sing and do it at least three times for every seven days. In any seven days, give it three journeys out. Do not worry about the mind’s protest. Your mind will protest that this is not practical. The only thing that is not practical is a mind that is in control for too long.” QUESTION: Some of us in the group have had mystical experiences, and my mystical experience was my purpose. I asked the universe, “Why am I here?” And the universe said, “To bring people together.” And it was through thought. It was not a voice from heaven, or whatever. But it is a voice from heaven. And so, I feel like my mission is to bring people together. One of the other people on the [phone] line feels like he is meant to calm people when they’re upset or in a storm or whatever. Do you think that it would be a good idea to ask the other people on the line one at a time, to say I’ve had a mystical experience, and what does this mean, why did I have this experience, what is my purpose in life? We in third density are kind of lost… RESPONSE: “That is a very important question to wonder what is your purpose, what is your mission, what is your sense of being. And it is not an easy question to answer. It is not easy to fully define that. However, to take steps towards that, to even begin the process of wondering that question is tremendously powerful because what it starts to do is it starts to align your mind and your activities and your sense of purpose with your actual center, with the compass inside of you. And ultimately, that is the goal. For every Being, that is the goal - to align all of the aspects of their life to their actual, true nature so that they may be fulfilled in everything they do. It is true that in our culture, in this time, this culture, has trained most people to divert from their true nature to become aligned with societal principles that may or may not serve your actual energetic nature. In most cases they do not. So it is necessary to divert energy away from what is habitual and toward what is actual, what is truly sourced in your own heart. And the heart is the compass. The heart is the way of knowing what is right and what is not right for me. And as long as a path resonates with your heart, continue it, and when it ceases to resonate with your heart, that means it is complete for you, and you have a new path to find. That may be a subject that a group from this group could begin as a conversation. In other words, that could be an ongoing conversation. That could create a sub-group or some kind of way of creating conversation around that topic that others can opt into. They can decide whether or not that is something they are called to. But because that exists, because that conversation exists, it creates the opening for deeper exploration of a very important question for each human Being.” Closing Transmission: “We close by saying thank you. We are fulfilled by you. We are created by you, by your need. Need is a most exquisitely, beautiful thing. When you call for something that you need, you literally create that thing for all Beings. You make that be part of the world because creation responds to the needs of its children, instantly. That does not necessarily mean that thing is in your life instantly. But it makes the possibility for the flow outward to bring a flow inward that can include that thing you have created by stating your need. We celebrate that you have created us – that you have created ‘We’. And we remind you that it is the expression of your needs, as beautiful, honored facets of your being that they are, that creates the opportunity to connect with others. So sing your needs. Sing your praises for all that you wish to be by expressing the things you have a calling for, that you have a space for, that you have a need for. And then watch the universe organize itself around that. But you will have to give. Give everything you have to give and give it to where it is needed. And then watch the flow in and out through your life transform your world. In-Tel-e-Mah-Wahr.” Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: July 26, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: July 27, 2009 Transcribed By: Anonymous Editing Date: August 25, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 10/28/09 Finalized By: Matthew Keywords: Vertigo, Crystal Skulls, Crystal Skull, Soul Groups, Spirit Family, Crop Circles, Crop Circle, Life Purpose, the Heart, Needs


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