7-19-09 “The Dawn of the New”

Campfire Call Transcript – July 19, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“The Dawn of the New”

Delivered through Sonoktar, July 19, 2009 Opening Transmission:Ohm. As the dawn arrives, as the new place becomes visible - first without clarity, but perceivable, and then later with clarity - humanity makes its first steps into a new world. The world is birthed by a process of change. It is so entirely dramatic that it causes a fundamental shift in humanity’s perspective of existence. The fundamental shift will be that it is entirely impossible to be part of something larger and view yourself as separate from anything around you. In other words, there will be a choice. The choice will be: Do you accept that you are connected to everything around you, integrally, and through that acceptance become part of something larger, larger than yourself; or, do you resist that and try to perpetuate a world where you alone are the resource. And that will not be an option for very long. So the result of the changes is that all people who remain engaged, active, complete, find themselves connected and unified, operating as one larger Being together. That is the reality that is being woven, that is the world that is being created. That is the gift that comes. As you find your own role, your own way of walking in this new reality, remember that everything you do affects everything you touch, and everything it touches, and everything that goes beyond that. So move in ways that are always sacred, knowing you are creating your own reality - not uniquely you, there are other forces also playing a role - but what you create will be your environment. What you sow as a seed, you will reap, you will harvest, you will have to be one with. That is the doorway that, while it is early- on resisted as a truth because your culture is so dedicated to its separateness, but once that is embraced you will see a great rejoicing, a great celebration as the unification of people coming together happens on every plane of human endeavor, in every place, in every group, in every section of reality. There will be ‘coming togethers.’ There will be the Great Gathering. And the Gathering is coming - it is occurring, it is already moving together. And that is something to celebrate. Jump in, bring your instrument. There is a great band forming; there is a great celebration afoot and it is the recollection of the true unity of all humankind and humankind’s role in something larger than itself. That is great news. That is the celebration. That is our welcome. What are the questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: Source, I have been told that you have not lived in third dimension. In third dimension we usually give a name and location as to who we are. So I would tell you I’m [omitted] from [omitted], and I would like to know your name and where you are from. Thank you. RESPONSE: “We are assembled by your calling. The name we would give is ‘Ok’tar’ay’ - ‘vision for all going out.’ This Being, this existence, is only possible now in this moment. This configuration, this matrix, holds this Being possible, so it speaks. You have created the opening. The opening allows for an energy transmission. The ‘Where’ - where do we originate? We originate from your need to complete your mission, to fulfill your purpose, to be your actualized energy. That purposefulness that you carry sources the great source, the Source of All That Is, and makes a request of that source. It simply calls us forth to be the fit for that need. So we are your resource, we are your creation. But we are not the creation of your minds, we are the creation of your entirety of being, which is vast. We are the possibility that is held by the coming together of you, through this portal, through this vessel, much as a scene comes together through an open window and is seen by a viewer. And yet, that scene was not created by the window. It was simply made possible to be viewed by the viewer through the window. And that scene would only be viewed from that exact window; from any other window the view would be different. And it is a view of All That Is, viewed from one perspective, through one open window, that was made possible because a viewer went and looked. That is what creates us. That is what we are. You have called us forth, and we are that need satisfied.” QUESTION: What is the effect of the eclipses of July on humanity and Earth? RESPONSE: “Everything is unified. Everything is connected. Everything is one thing occurring. However, it is One thing viewed from one perspective. And so, it is again the perspective that creates the reality. Everything is One, it is One thing viewed from one perspective. As we find our way through the great cycles, we find ourselves introduced to every energy from every perspective. And that is the purpose of the orbit - so that we can be introduced to every energy and in every combination so that there is the maximum opportunity for growth from our perspective, the perspective of the traveler moving through an orbit. When there is an alignment, from our perspective - perspective of Earth - there is an alignment between energies that are manifest as heavenly bodies because each of the bodies in the atmosphere is a manifestation of a fundamental energy in the system. In other words, these are archetypes. These are the momentums of energies manifesting as planets, as bodies, as stars, as star systems. But they are actually all energies. When there is an alignment between those bodies, the archetypes that they held align and create a new relationship. For example, an eclipse is usually either the alignment between the Earth and the sun and the moon, or between the moon and the sun relative to the Earth. That creates a partnership between those energies, those energies which are primary forces in our system. These are not simply peripheral energies; these are primary, causal forces. The sun is literally the source of all that is experienced on this planet, originated through the sun. The moon is the way that the Earth knows itself. By the moon’s existence, by the creation of an orbiting satellite, the Earth has an opportunity to have a relationship with something other than itself that is still of its own domain. In other words, like a parent - because it has a child, the parent can be a parent because there is a child to parent. And that is similar to how the moon and the Earth work together - the Earth knows itself because it has relationship to ‘other than itself’ through its moon. So the moon and the sun are very important for Earth. The eclipse allows a resetting of patterns to occur. It is like the reset button on a system. You have systems that measure how far you have traveled in your vehicle using numbers that roll, and every now and then you want to reset those so that you can create a new relationship between your present location and your destination and measure the distance, so you reset the numbers. All of our history, all of our ways of measuring are based on relationships between orbiting bodies. The year is marked by the sun and the Earth and their relationship, their dance. The day is marked by the movement of the Earth rotating relative to the sun. The month was originally the moon cycle; the relationship between the Earth and the moon. And so, Time as we know it is marked by relationships between astral bodies. When these bodies align and become unified, it is similar to the numbers on your dials all becoming the same and allowing a new measurement, a new cycle of time to begin. So it is, in short, an opportunity for resetting your patterns, for allowing something new to come in. And because this is a time of tremendous opportunity (it will seem like breakdown, but it is actually huge, enormous opportunity to connect, reconnect), then it is likely that the opportunity of this eclipse is to allow yourself to reset and become more connected with what exists now, which is a new energy. And fundamentally, the new energy is about creating connections with everything around you so that you can live in an active state of awareness that you are unified with everything around you, you are one with everything that you touch. That means people, places, foods, animals, creations such as technology, ideas - all of it is a part of you, a larger you, manifesting itself to a single observer, which is your own perspective. And in time, that will unfold and you will see it, you will see it more clearly. It is new, so do not distress if it is not yet clear. It would not be clear, yet. It is in the time of new birthing and nothing is clear during a birth, it is chaos. And yet, over time it becomes very clear why that birth happened and what it made possible on planet Earth, but sometimes it takes a long time for that seed to grow into the tree and bear fruit that becomes the market place that feeds a village.” QUESTION: My question is regarding my grandson, Dante, who is eleven years old. A couple of years ago he was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome. Recently he’s been diagnosed with bi-polar, too, and his condition really has the best of him right now. He has terrible violent outbursts, and he believes himself to be crazy. My question basically is, I’m looking for guidance on what would be the best method of how we can help him. RESPONSE: “Yes. Create openings. The issue is that there is a great deal of pressure built up inside of that Being that has not been able yet to express itself. Imagine a volcano. Now, the volcano is actually an expression of Earth activity, in other words, the volcano is not separate from the rest of the Earth. The volcano is the place where the Earth expresses herself through - expresses her heat, expresses her pressure, expresses her creativity. Now, what has happened is that this volcano has become topped - capped - so that the pressure inside the volcano cannot be released through the top of the volcano because the volcano was erupting or in danger of erupting. So the people have put a cap on the volcano. That has created a buildup of pressure inside this boy, and we will speak in the metaphor so that you can understand the complex relationships in a very simple terms. The volcano must be able to express its pressure, there is no other option. The volcano cannot suddenly simply become a silent, dormant hill. That is not possible. The Earth must express her fullness and part of that is volcanoes. Volcanoes must erupt. It is part of the system, it keeps balance. The volcano, once it is connected to Earth’s deep, deep lava flow - as this boy is, metaphorically speaking, connected to the deep sources of energy that exist - he will not have an option. It is not an option not to be a channel for that energy. And so, the volcano must be honored in someway, it must be allowed to express that energy. It is likely that the people - the way that this boy was managed to make sure that the eruption was not too great - it is likely that that is in place now. In other words, that [capping] cannot be undone. However, what can be done is that other openings for the expression of the energy that is inside this volcano, other openings can be created so that there are ways for him to express - and express not only what is beautiful, not only what is simple and kind and friendly, but also to express rage, to express anger, to express frustration, to express confusion, to express self-hatred. He does not want to be a trouble for his world, but he has to express what is in his core. He is a volcano. So what is needed is wise elders - wise elders who can create ways for that energy to be expressed and then, perhaps, even used for something beneficial, but not [be] limited. Volcanoes are beautiful; volcanoes can create places that allow something truly new to grow there, because after the fire there is nothing left but fertile ash, and then something new can spring up. Think of the beauty of the most beautiful islands you know of, the islands that have risen out of the sea because a volcano was allowed to express itself fully. And the action that was the expression of the volcano was chaos, was absolute destruction in its moment of expression, but then over time that exact expression became the islands that you know as paradise. That is what is attempting to happen here, that is the majesty of what you have been given in your midst. But it has been misunderstood; it has been viewed from the perspective of trying to control rather than understanding the larger cycles. And that is not the fault of any one person or any group of people. It is simply symptomatic of your culture’s obsession with control. You are in a position to open some doors. Allow the expression, first on paper and then using music. And then the third mode of expression should come from the boy himself - what is it that he is choosing as his way of expressing. And remember, the islands of Hawaii were created by a volcano. Keep that in mind as you harness the potential this boy brings.” Closing Transmission: “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We thank you, you who have set this creation in motion. We thank you from the voices who you will never hear, who you have touched by your openness. Because everything you do ripples outward and becomes a world, everything you do becomes a world for others to experience. There are many who will be touched by what is put into motion by faith-filled hearts in this and other related groups. There is great weaving occurring. Your circle is part of that basket and that basket will hold many, many fires, many fruits, many loaves of bread, many gifts, many flowers, many celebrations. Some of those you will see, some of those you will experience the warmth of the fire [with]. Others you will never have a chance to know either because they are beyond your lifetime or beyond your scope of experience, simply beyond you in space and time. But we say to you, they are grateful. What you do with your time matters profoundly. Thank you for creating an opening for a gift that can and is being shared with many. Un-Tel-e-Mah-In-Tel-e-Mah-Sa-Look.” Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: July 19, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: August 01, 2009 Transcribed By: Kathy Thurmer Editing Date: August 19th, 2009 Edited By: Matthew E. Final Approval Date: 11/10/09 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: eclipse, aspergers syndrome, earth, moon, sun, Gathering, Earth Changes

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