The Certainty Factor
Just as surely as your lungs inflate and deflate, and as surely as your consciousness inhabits the molecules that is your bodily vehicle, that surely can you expect your requests borne of your desire, to flow towards you as the tide brings back and delivers it’s treasure to the shore.
You do not doubt that your lungs will inflate, so never doubt your own magnetic ability. Your will is free but you can’t help forming thought any more than you can hold your breathe for very long, so you are always creating as you are always breathing.
Greater consciousness thinks thoughts of giving to it’s thought children. Imagine being born by thought alone? You are fractal children who copy the pattern of the Greater pattern. Are we dreams and visions placed in a dream that seems so real even the dreamer believes it?
As thoughts, we will all return at some point. That is what thoughts do, they leave us but they always come home again and so as the scripture says, “the thoughts of God go out and find their fulfillment and none comes back unfulfilled.” The question is what kind of thought children are you creating?
That is why you are always looking for our fulfillment, because the larger Mind looks for It’s fulfillment through you. Fulfillment is discovery. Send out thoughts of beauty and beauty returns to you in amazing unexpected forms. That is the fun of consciousness; the expectation of the unexpected. That is why free will is something precious, because it is the agent of discovery.
Everything you are from the hair on your head to the ground under your feet has been thought up and nothing is solid except the realm, the world, the universe you believe in. Here on earth, you get to play out in minor form what the Greater Thought Being has played out in the multi-verses but with one stipulation. How deeply do you believe you can do it?
Those who are good at this earth game are those whose ability to pretend runs deep and yet in the middle of the pretense one finds it becoming real. Thus you bring kingdoms to life and climb mountains and have an abundance of what you need. But allow the weeds of doubt to sprout and grow around your estate because as soon as you think you are not able to do something is when you begin to not be able to do it. Unfurl certainty and let that flag fly over your estate and there is no end to your potentials.
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