Campfire Call Transcript - September 6, 2009
ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers.
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“Fertile Ground”
Delivered through Sonoktar, September 6, 2009
Opening Transmission:
“Ohm. Ohm.
Peace, Love, Surrender, Allowance, Open Celebration, Giving and Acceptance. These are the platforms upon which Spirit grows.
Each of these occurs because there is an environment that makes it possible to bring those things through you. This means it requires a context which demands of you, that makes you have to try because those things are not simply present, you have to cultivate them. This is why your life is challenging. There would not be the great work of art unless there was a world barren of giving, heartless, cold, that needed warmth, that made that artist need to find a solution and create a solution and birth that solution from within themself. The world demands you find what you truly are, bring it out, and give it to the world. Not because the world deserves it or will understand it, and not necessarily because of a moral or an ethical responsibility because those things are all subject to change depending on perspective. But these principles - these spiritual essence pillars - are simply what you are in your essence, so bring them out.
Know that you will always be bringing them into an environment which does not yet fully have enough of those things anyway. In other words, you will be needed. Your love, your giving, your acceptance will always be needed and that is why the world is challenging around you. It is the proving ground for you. It is the perfect canvas upon which you can paint. Life is not meant to be easy. It is meant to be fulfilling and rich and complete. And that often means a kind of struggle, not a struggle which over-taxes you, but the kind of struggle that a writer goes through to find the right words for a poem because the right words will make possible something very important, which is the transmission of an essential feeling, an essential being-ness. So that struggle is important, and it is through that struggle that the right words will be found. And then the poem will be not only a transmission of the beauty and profundity of the feeling of the poet, but the poem will also be a testament to the love of the poet and a record of the struggle that poets go through to find the words. So you see, your struggle creates beauty. Your heart moving through the world in all of its desperation and need and dilemma makes the poetry of your being. And it is not meant to go away. The struggle is not meant to go away. Rather, it is the place that you can be challenged and triumph over your own fears. The shooting star enters the atmosphere and is resisted by the very air it encounters and that fire that results becomes the beautiful message of hope to anyone who sees the shooting star. You are each that star, and your life is resisting you. And yet, you will triumph because you are greater in being than that which resists you. You will become a beacon for others.
What is your need? What are your questions? How can we dance with you?”
Questions Asked:
Question: Greetings and thank you. Gratitude. Last week we talked about how each and every one of us has like a library card with access to our ancestors. And it reminded me that I had a friend, who is now deceased, who was a Hawaiian Kahuna. He told me about the Aborigines and that when they would go on their walk-a-bouts and get out in the middle of nowhere and not know which way to go, that they would access their ancestors and say, “Which way is the water from here?” I was wondering if you could tell us more about the Aborigines. It sounds like they are doing what you talked about last week and they have been doing it for a long time. How long have they been doing it and how might we access the same type of information?
“They have kept their direct link to Star Seed. They have not lost their connection with the link that keeps a species connected to its Source. There is a purpose for each species. Each species was commissioned, so to speak, to become part of the living Earth. Humanity is no exception. Humanity found a role to play on the Earth and so it was accepted as a new admission to the Planet at a certain point in time, quite a long time ago from your viewpoint. When that Star Seed came, when that inheritance was given to begin the species, the species was seeded in multiple places. One of those was in the area of the Earth you speak of.
Most of humanity has been fundamentally disrupted by the shifting continents, the moving land masses, the mountains changing over the vast periods of time of the Earth and humanity, the shifting of the Earth changes as it happens cyclically, and also by humanity itself beginning to evolve in different directions to take on machinery and take on a kind of a memory which is different. The memory you use now primarily in your culture is very different than the memory of your ancestors. You use electronic memory, which has a very short memory span, as your primary source of recording. They used the lineage of ancestry and the conscious link to those who came before you and also the link to…[pause]…there is a pipe… Imagine a pipe that connects everyone with their grandparents and their grandparents’ parents and their parents of their grandparents’ parents, etc. That pipe is a living connection; it is something that simply extends with each generation. But it is difficult to keep that connection if the land masses shift, if the geography shifts for a people. For example, for the people who have long since left the home of their ancestors, the land of their ancestors, it is difficult for them to keep a connection to the ancient link, and especially a link as ancient as the Star Seed.
The species and people you speak of have kept the connection to the land and they have not moved to the technologies of the west. They have not replaced their memory with metal; they have kept their link to the ancients. And so, they have some of the gifts that the ancient Star Seed gave, which actually all of humanity has access to but most have forgotten. And so, those people, those human beings who have kept the link, who remain close to the animal kingdom, and who have not become involved in the craziness of intoxicants that came with the western rolling out of cultural agenda - those very small groups, those very few people on this planet, do have a connection and they can be a resource, but they are hardly ever trusted by your institutions. Mostly they are judged, rejected, overlooked, exploited, because they are simple in their ways. And yet, they have probably one of the most valuable things, which is a connection to the ancient ways. And as those who have spent time with them will tell you, those ways are profound.”
Seeker: “Thank you very much, that was beautiful.”
RESPONSE: “The beauty of that sharing is only possible because you and your heart can hear such beauty. You were the calling for that beauty. You were the questioner, you were the seed, and your heart is the canvas upon which it was then possible to paint such a picture. So, marvel as you encounter the world and you see the beauty of the world. Know that everything you see is a reflection of your nature, your own nature. Every single detail is only possible for you to witness because it is something inside of you that recognizes that thing. And so, these are simply all honorings of your own nature being reflected back to you by a Universe that loves you. And that goes for all of you - what you are perceiving is always that which is inside of you being reflected back to you by Spirit.”
QUESTION: Is there any significance to the renewed gathering that has come together on this line?
“Absolutely. There is a way that the ingredients for wheat bread combine. There are several ingredients; it can be made many ways. If those ingredients do come together, humanity has a way to nourish itself. If those ingredients are not brought together, then perhaps there are ways for humanity to nourish itself, but not as conveniently. If the wheat is never brought together with the yeast and the milk of the cow and the water, etc., if the ingredients are not brought together and the bread is not made, then how will the people eat? They can eat the wheat from the field, but it is not as easily digested if it has not been made first into bread. And when the bread is made, then the feast results and there is an entirely different level of nourishment that comes from the feast and the celebration and the joy of gathering that is additional to the actual nourishment of the bread. And so, the bread creates the festival and the feast and the tribe and the gathering.
The coming together of the elements of this group, and this is one group - there are many, but you are honored to be in this company - the coming together of this group is simply a way that the very precious ingredients that exist can come together and find each other and create that which will nourish others. And the more of yourself - not only your self- concept, but your actual being-ness - the more of yourself, the more of your being-ness you bring (each of you bring) to the others, bring to the process, bring to the solution that is being mysteriously created together, the more you bring, the more rich that feast will be which is made possible by the coming together. And what is being and occurring now, is the fabric. The fundamental fabric is being laid, almost as if the tablecloth is being put on the table. The feast is not even arrived yet, but it is necessary to set the scene. That is the kind of connection that is occurring. And it is purposeful. It can be very purposeful. It depends upon what each of the guests brings, and that will be what determines the depth of the giving that becomes the feast.”
QUESTION: The Mayan Elders and others channels say that at one point in the shift, the photons will cause a sleep blackout for humans of possibly a day and then when we awaken, we will see obvious changes. Can you tell us about that?
“There will be a period of time when you lose connection with that which gives Light. It will not be permanent, but it will be enough that your memory is reset.”
Seeker: “Are we going to forget?”
RESPONSE: “That which is not buried will be lost. That which is not absolutely integrated into the very foundation of being will be changed, swept away.”
Seeker: “That’s a lot more than going to sleep, isn’t it?”
RESPONSE: “Sleep is a metaphor. What is it to sleep? When you sleep, which you do each night, what is that? What is different about that than the daytime?”
Seeker: “Would you consider that our families would be something that is integrated?”
RESPONSE: “Perhaps. Sleep is simply metaphor for not being fully awake, not being fully exposed, a period of inactivity, a period of stillness that is temporary. They were speaking of a dramatic shift. It has many layers and it is difficult to speak to people across time of such sophisticated things and so they used simple metaphor. ‘And when the children woke, they found that the Sun and stars, the Earth herself had changed and they called it a new Sun.’ And that is what they speak of with the end of an era.”
Seeker: “I understand.”
RESPONSE: “Now, if you knew that the theater that you worked in if you were a great artist - perhaps a performer, perhaps a magician - and you knew that the place that you worked in was going to possibly radically change, it may not even have its doors open after the change, what would you do with the time you have if you were the great artist or the great performer or the magician? How would you use your time, knowing the change is coming perhaps any moment, although likely with some form of notice? How would you use your time? That is the question. Because you sense the importance of the shift and you yourself are a living heart, so you must share that being-ness. Find the ways to tap into the enthusiasm, the energy, the caring, the diverse fields of interest you have and weave them together to create a richness so that as that transition happens, you have given the most you can to the world so that as that change comes, you are fulfilled and the world has the best chance of having its fulfillment ahead of it, rather than only behind it.”
QUESTION: This is a question that has come up since the last time I spoke with you and this is how it goes. I am needing more guidance in moving through the hedge that was described, and what has come for me is to stop taking anything that would alter my experience - to stop having red wine in the evening, to stop eating any foods with flour and sugar, to stop smoking when a feeling is arising. And I just want to check and see if there is more guidance and if this is the right action or way to go? My intention is to give every part of myself to the Light that is calling me home.
“What are you feeding?”
Seeker: “What am I feeding? ...Those things I am feeding are to change my experience to something that’s more comfortable inside or to numb. So, I’m feeding some kind of a habit that changes or alters ...”
RESPONSE: “That is what you were feeding. You are recognizing or identifying a need to change what you feed. The question is what are you feeding going forward?”
Seeker: “The heart. I am feeding my heart.”
RESPONSE: “What feeds your heart? Knowing your heart as you do, having had quite a bit of experience, what is it that feeds your heart so far as you have noticed?”
Seeker: “Loving. Loving Beings, loving ...”
RESPONSE: “What is important in this shift as you make it - as you change what it is you are feeding with your actions and your energy - remember that you must feed the new things. In other words, it is not only about removing elements from your diet or your daily routine, you must improve conditions for the new things, the new things you wish to feed. You must bring more of that which nourishes the heart, if that is what you are seeking. Or, bring more of that which nourishes the body in the new way, so that as you reduce one area of focus, you are actually increasing focus in another area. And that will help you to make the transition more smoothly; it will help you to understand why are you making room for the new. It is not simply about depriving yourself of things that once gave you pleasure, rather it is a change of focus. You are actually investing your energy into a new set of things, and those things have requirements, they have needs. They are ways of loving yourself just like the other things were, but they are the new things. They are the things which in some way you have seen or decided that this new set of things actual feeds you and loves you more truly. So you are going to feed those things. And that is the way to approach it so that it fulfills itself. It is not simply a way of depriving yourself. It is actually a new way of having additional ways to love yourself and give to yourself because you are feeding the new things. So, identify those things that feed the new, even as you identify the things that you are letting go of. Does that speak to you, do you understand?”
Seeker: “I do. Thank you.”
RESPONSE: “Because for you, you see, for you - you must love inwardly as you increase your love outwardly so that you are nourished even as you dedicate yourself deeply to others. And do not be scant in your loving of yourself. Be extravagant. Be almost impractical in how much you give to yourself to feed the new things. If it is the oil of a particular nut that you notice if you give that to yourself in the morning, then you have a more easy day, that your body is more fluid, then give yourself fully whatever it is you want in that moment, that “nut moment.” Have it fully, receive it fully, give yourself the abundant amount. It is a time in your life when you can receive. And you must.”
QUESTION: Sonoktar, I would like to understand more about our Higher Selves. I feel that our Higher Self has been with us since our first incarnation on Earth, and I believe that it is the same one that comes with each incarnation. And the name, ‘Your Higher Self’, I would like to understand that more. What does that mean to us a human being? Could you explain that?
“What would you like to create? Imagine you were drawing a picture where there were going to be a blueprint for what it is possible to be as a human being. What might that Higher Self look like? Because, in Truth, your Higher Self can speak to anything, including Spirit itself in all of its fullness, which is unimaginable for a human mind. And so, knowing that the sky is the limit and there is no sky, then know that you are creating a vessel whenever you speak of some kind of term such as Higher Self. You are creating a principle, creating a vessel, an idea, a concept, a container for energy to then be put into so that it becomes part of reality. Now you have a Higher Self because you have created that term, if you had just created that term - we realize it came from other mouths first. We would not want to limit you and so we invite you - what are three terms, three words, three concepts that you believe could be an aspect of Higher Self?”
Seeker: “All-Loving.”
RESPONSE: “All-Loving.”
Seeker: “Pure.”
Seeker: “Eternal.”
RESPONSE: “All-Loving, pure, eternal Being. That is what Higher Self is for you. All- Loving, eternal, pure being. And that is what you are in an additional parallel dimension of the current moment.”
QUESTION: I want to know about my animal, my animal name?
“What is the animal you speak of?”
Seeker: “I guess it’s like a totem.”
RESPONSE: “Do you mean if you were an animal, what Being would you be?”
Seeker: “Or what my nature, what animal best describes my nature?”
RESPONSE: “That is not our specialty, but if we were to see you through that
lens, it would be the llama. You are able to reach the high fruit, but you are very much a creature of the Earth. You have many gifts including, primarily, the softness - the way that that which simply results from your being around you gives comfort to others, the way the fur of the llama gives comfort. You are in your nature, effectively, a Spirit-based Being, not only in your Spirit-nature but in your Human perspective. And the thing that awakens you to Spirit is passion. And so, we see you as ‘white llama reaching for the red fruit of the high tree.’”
QUESTION: I have a close friend who has colon cancer. He is from Avalon Beach, Australia. He has got wind of a clinic, I don’t know where it is in Australia, that is run by a fellow that had the same disease, and I was wondering if you could tell me if this would be good for my friend and if this therapy would be good for all of humanity. Are you able to tune into that?
“It would not serve us to reach into the view of another unless they themselves have requested it. Your concern for your friend is a true, dramatic, real concern. You have ability to encourage others to reach into their hearts, to find the thing that compels them to move forward in a Spirit path, in a Heart path, knowing that anything is possible and that only that which truly has heart is worth doing. Then encourage him to move forward with that perspective. And we say that to you because that is your nature, and so we are not giving new information. It is simply encouraging you to be that part of yourself that can serve him in this time. And then if there are others who have actual direct questions, we can serve them.”
Seeker: “Thank you. I am just hoping that someday this will go into print and if it can help as many people as possible. That’s my essence, right?”
RESPONSE: “That is very possible.”
Closing Transmission:
Children of the night, your day has come. Your dawn is on the verge of rising. Hope is your sun, and the river of life has led you out onto the ocean during the night. And so, as the sun rises, as your hope blossoms and becomes your reality, you will find a completely different landscape than that which you remembered from before. The new landscape will always be lit by hope, but remember that hope is like a candle - it must constantly be fed. And it is action - actions in faith - that make hope sustainable, otherwise it becomes an idea and it becomes framed like a picture on your wall, reminding you of what your life is not. So take action, constantly every day, towards what you hope for in the world. Simply create it. Use your energy and your Love, your inspiration, your creativity to create another piece of the actual reality coming into your world. And that will be a fulfilling path that leads to positive change.
Great Spirit, blessings.
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Recording Date: 09-06-09 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer
Transcription Date: 10-28-09 Transcribed By: Kathy Thurmer
Editing Date: 11-02-09 Edited By: Marianne
Final Approval Date: 12-1-09 Finalized By: Matthew E.
Key Words:
Peace, Love, Surrender, Allowance,
Open Celebration, Giving and Acceptance,
challenge, library, ancestors, star seed,
aborigines, aboriginal, Australia, cancer,
animal spirit, totem, higher selfCampfire_Transcript_09-06-09-FertileGround-FINALIZED.rtf