9-27-2009 “The Heart Center”

Campfire Call Transcript - September 27, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“The Heart Center”

Delivered through Sonoktar, September 27, 2009 Opening Transmission:Wahr. Naysh. Mah. When you fall into nothing, Nothing catches you. When you melt into Love, Love is all there is. Once you have sung even one pure note, your Heart becomes a life-long singer of songs of pure notes. It is always possible and, in fact, highly probable that you will return again and again to confusion, to loss and gain in the game of the world between those two. But once your Heart has touched her center, tasted her nectar, its nectar, you will not be able to lie in the same way as a giver of gifts who has never tasted their own Heart. The Heart is not a promise. The Heart is not a celebration of giving. The Heart is simply the truth of what is, when everything is trusted, when everything is taken into account and included as being part of the overall truth of truths. The Heart is a mystery. It is not simple, and yet it is absolutely as simple as a Sunrise. The fact that it moves and changes and echoes itself like a flame and can never quite be handled, never quite be held, never be contained, never be added up to make a sum conclusion total - the fact that it is a slippery fish makes the Heart the true catch, the true hunt. But it is like a door from a temple that only opens outward, and it is the giving that the Heart does that teaches it about itself. It is the grand prize, it is the chalice. Everyone is seeking it, nobody has found it, and yet it is inside all of us at all times. What are your questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: How can we boost our energy and how can we maintain it after we boost it? RESPONSE: “Cultivating energy is a process of gratitude. Gratitude is actually the receiving of something. Everything that comes to you brings energy. When you receive it with gratitude, then you truly receive it. Maintaining energy is not necessary. Energy is cultivated so that it can be shared, and it is the nature of energy to flow constantly. Perhaps you are saying ‘maintaining’ the level of energy or the clarity, because the energy itself will continue to flow and should not be held onto, should not be contained. It should be shared. The constant process of sharing combined with opening again and receiving with gratitude, that is a cycle that makes the energy replenish itself as you share it. Give what you have, share what you have, and receive everything that comes with gratitude. Not simply the feeling of gratitude but, actually, the resistance too is being engaged and melted as you receive what has come. Oftentimes gratitude requires some kind of a melting, a process of giving in to receiving.” QUESTION: I just came back from a hospice where my ex-wife is. My question is; How can I be more supportive to her as she goes through these last days? What can I do for her in her last days? And my second request is for a clarification of my vibrational name. RESPONSE: “Well, we cannot share more on the name now. The giving, the giving of gifts to her - how could we summarize all that you have to give? You are a symphony. You are a musical, an explosion of stars. You are an absolute feast of gifts. You have so much to give. Mostly it is when you cherish your own delight and you take as being absolutely sacred what it is you feel excited about when you celebrate your own glee. Those are the times that you flow fluidly with your gifts and then it is so clear to others that you are ripe with ways of sharing. If you were to light her candle so that her room would be lit, then let the match be your own delight. The things that bring you joy - bring them into a room and share them with her and do not hold back your own joy. In other words, do not present them as a school master would present a lecture, but present them like the bag of magical gems that they are that you’ve collected along your life path. The books, the segments of poetry, the words of great teachers, great Masters, the few possessions you have that are truly precious and significant to you, share these things like a child would share them with another child, a playmate. That is the greatest compliment you can pay another person is to trust them with what brings you joy. And then from there the conversation will very much unfold.” Seeker: “Thank you. I’m a little confused about how my vibrational name sounds. I think it was Con-Ton-Ya or Ton-Ton-Ya - I’m not sure which.” RESPONSE: “Tuhm-Tuhm-Yah.” Seeker: “With a C?” RESPONSE: “Well, in your language ‘T.’” Seeker: “Okay. So the first two syllables are the same.” RESPONSE: “Yes. It is the beat of the drum - the small… the doumbek drum. It is two of those sounds combined with the release of that into the world, like the volcano.” Seeker: “Could you imitate how that would sound like a drum or am I asking too much?” RESPONSE: “Tuhm-Tuhm. Tuhm-Tuhm-Yah. Tuhm-Tuhm. Tuhm-Tuhm-Yah.” QUESTION: I have a book on Unicorns with many stunning and beautiful, beautiful photos and it’s from diverse parts of the planet. These photos have really impacted me and I’m aware of them when other things are going on. They are somehow helping me, like a steadying factor, most especially when I feel really trampled by a lack of nature around me. I would like to know more about Unicorns. Thank you RESPONSE: “The mind has many layers and gives many gifts. The imagination is a portal that introduces us to a world that is truly beyond our conception, which is the world of Spirit. The world of what is when all language breaks down, when all language ceases because with time and space comes language and beyond time and space, there is no language per se. The imagination is a window into that realm and the mind is the language of that portal so that somehow, it is possible through the mind, through the imagination to get a hold on concepts that are from another realm, a place that is truly beyond conception, but is there. So when it is translated into our language it becomes myth, it becomes fairy tale, it becomes magic. What is represented by a unicorn is an archetype. It is the archetype of the magic of that which transcends this realm - transcends the limitations of this realm, combined with what is very earthly, very physical, very mundane which is the horse. It is the star combined with the horse, the magic combined with the Earth. That is all we have to share on that.” QUESTION: I have a question regarding my family. My brother-in-law and his wife are going through some difficult times and other more difficulties coming this week, this next week. The question is how do I become of service to them through those difficult times and yet allow for the lessons that are coming to be seen and learned? RESPONSE: “That question is a vision in itself. You have seen a vision even to question that way. You have seen an insight and the insight is to allow it to happen and yet serve them. If you imagine two planets or perhaps two bodies in space which have developed a relationship and have begun to orbit each other - perhaps a planet and a moon or planet and a Sun or two Suns - and imagine that some energy came into their system such that their pattern of orbit was disrupted and they had to find a new way to relate, a new way to be in gravitational relationship with each other, or perhaps not to be, and that was the dilemma that was occurring and you wished to serve them. First, you can only serve - and this is in all cases - you can only serve that which has requested your service. In other words, you cannot prescribe change and truly be of service, you can only respond to a request. That is the first thing. Secondarily, you can only serve something by assisting it in its center from its center to relate more directly to its Source. In other words, you cannot try to relate to its extremities or its eccentric movements. If you do that you will only interfere with its relationship with its center, so you cannot try to address the relationship between them. You can only support them as individuals, each as individuals, each as a Heart that is trying to have a relationship with its own Source, whatever that Source is for each of those Hearts, which is always a mystery to you as an outsider. So that is a rather long way of saying: Support them as individuals by supporting their Hearts as individual Hearts questing to know their own selves more truly, knowing that you can only serve them if they request it and you cannot serve them as a whole unit. You can only serve them as individual Hearts, otherwise you will be contributing to the disruption, to the number of factors they are having to manage as they attempt to navigate the change of their orbit with each other. Does that make sense?” Seeker: “Absolutely. Thank you very much, very clear. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “And you see, by doing that you will inherently avoid interfering with what it is that they have to learn, which is always about their own relationships with Spirit as Spirits.” QUESTION: I had a vision that I went into a void or a nothingness. I just found myself there and a great ball of light appeared with moving, extending rays from it, and returned me out of that void. I would like to know whatever you can tell me about that. If it has a dimensional understanding I’d like that too. RESPONSE: “You have had an experience. We have heard of your experience, but we cannot enter that world through simply your sharing. So unfortunately, we have no new news for you. The Void is a very….the Void is magic. The Void is everywhere. It is unseen most of the time and when you encounter it, it is always a gift. So whatever you have encountered there, receive it. Allow it to encounter you.” Seeker: “Would it serve in any way to re-visualize it?” RESPONSE: “If you wish. You are being invited. You see, you must now move beyond question-answer. You must move on into experience and then digestion of the experience and as it informs your actions. We can say no more other than ‘encounter it’. Fully encounter it. Learn from it, receive it, it is yours. It is for you to encounter and then share what you experience. We cannot validate nor can we add to your experience. You are having an experience.” Seeker: “Very well. I appreciate your explanation.” RESPONSE: “You are an adult now. You are ready to share your experiences.” Seeker: “I try to. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “When you do, it is always wonderful.” Seeker: “Well that’s a lovely compliment. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “Share it with others in this group. Write. Share your experiences.” QUESTION: I just heard about vibrational names for the first time. How would a vibrational name apply to me? RESPONSE: “Unfortunately we cannot deliver that today. We have a mist, a mask today. It is not a clear day for looking too far into the future, so we will need to save that for another time.” Seeker: “I have a question. What is causing the mask?” RESPONSE: “There is a change occurring. There is a fundamental shift happening. The shift is partway through in its progress and much like a dust storm that is going to change the landscape but it has not yet shifted the dunes, instead the dunes are halfway shifted and throughout the atmosphere and the air there is sand everywhere - that is the kind of day it is. And so, after the sand settles there will be a new landscape and the air will be clear and then it will be time to talk, in a new way.” Seeker: “Could we be experiencing this on a personal level if we had been getting dream messages? Would that be delayed because of this?” RESPONSE: “It is different for each person. It may well be affected. This time is a time of dramatic change. And there will be many times of pockets of clarity and pockets of turbulence, and so it will vary for each person.” Closing Transmission: [none] Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: 09-27-09 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: 10-29-09 Transcribed By: Kathy Thurmer Editing Date: November 24, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 1/4/10 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: Heart, boost of Energy, last days, Unicorn, experience, relationships, imagination, Gratitude, service


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