9-20-2009 “The Voice Within”

Campfire Call Transcript – September 20, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“The Voice Within”

Delivered through Sonoktar, September 20, 2009 Opening Transmission:Ohm. Ohm. When everything changes, you have an opportunity to see what cannot change, what remains constant through change, that which is unchanging and inevitably constant. That thread, that line, that road that is the central, balancing path (because it is always there; it is always a voice somewhere in the sound of whatever is occurring that says, ‘We are here together. There is awareness here. Consciousness exists here’) – that voice: when you look for it, you will always find it. When you are sitting quiet in the temple, or when you are caught turbulent in the mayhem and maelstrom of life’s storms, either way you will find that thread, that presence, that constant voice that says, ‘We are here. A life is happening. There is consciousness here.’ That voice inside of you that knows it is alive – that voice will be there through whatever you experience. Make that thread – that constant voice – be your lifeline. Clip yourself by a magic, invisible rope to that line that keeps you connected to that voice so that as you have your adventure, as you go on your journeys and you have your relationships, your jobs, your work, your challenges, your dreams unfolding, the callings that call you onward – all of that can be a context - the world happening around you as you connect yourself again and again to that simple voice that says, ‘We are here together. There is consciousness here. You are alive, and we are with you.’ It will not always appear that there are multiple voices. In other words, it is not always ‘I’ and ‘You’ or even ‘We’ together. It is simply the voice of consciousness, the spark of awareness inside of you. That is the voice. And it does not have to speak in complex terms. It does not even need to be understood with the mind. It simply needs to be connected to, and then it will bridge your moment with a kind of generosity of ‘next moment.’ It makes your life rich again and again and again as you consult it. What you will find is that it is difficult sometimes to remember that that spark of consciousness inside of you is there. But every time you remember, return. Connect again. Clip your lifeline to that magic, invisible thread that keeps you attached to consciousness, simply that ‘spark of consciousness,’ ‘awareness,’ ‘life’s presence.’ And that is you. That is a guide. And it does not matter where you are or what is happening around you. That guide is there, and you will be brought forward into the next moment of vibrant living simply by connecting to that voice. What creations, what explorations, would you like to open with your questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: Thank you so much for your message already this evening. I have a question in regards to obstacles tonight – obstacles that may still be present before passing completely into the light. In the last reading I was told there were attachments, noble attachments that I was still clinging to. And I’m wanting to know if you can help me penetrate this anymore? RESPONSE: “Life connects you to your mountain. The mountain is your obstacle. The mountain is your opportunity. The mountain is your path, it is your life. It is not escapable. The mountain is the path. Gravity holds you to it - the attraction that exists between all things as they call each other to their own centers, so that they can be reunited in their wholeness - that force also holds you to your path like the gravity on the mountain. So it is true, you are attached to your path, but the obstacle (and it is also the opportunity) is not to be avoided, is not to be let go of. In other words, it is not the point to drop off of the mountain and no longer have the obstacle. Rather, it is to transcend the perspective of the mountain as ‘obstacle’ and reluctantly let go of your path as the path of you and make it a journey of the mountain. And then what you discover is that the mountain is your foundation, your support, your context, your gift. The mountain makes the view possible. The mountain makes the achievement possible. The mountain makes the struggle possible, which makes hope and faith and triumph and celebration all possible. And, of course, the mountain creates the valley. Without one, there would be no other. And so, everything that occurs in the valley – the ease, the abundance, the community, the flow, the protection – also is all made possible because of the existence of the mountain. So, you are the mountain climber who is trying to figure out how to absolve herself of the challenge of the mountain because it is classified in your mind as being ‘obstacle’ rather than ‘foundation.’ You are the climber who must go higher, and the way to go higher is to drop the insistence that it is about you and simply climb the mountain. Celebrate the gift of the opportunity to transcend a challenge. It is not easy, but it is not supposed to be easy. It is supposed to be ultimately fulfilling to your spirit.” Seeker: “Thank you. I’d like to just ask another part to this question is the metaphor of the gate that I was told that only I could open, and I have been trying to penetrate this. I understand this word ‘I’ needs to go a little bit, but I wonder if you could give me some guidance as to opening this gate or if I am – if it is actually being opened through my activities here.” RESPONSE: “The ‘I’ is important because the ‘I’ allows you to give. In other words, if there were no ‘I’ there would be no ‘other’ and there would be no love. However, in answer to your question – or in response to your question, because your question creates…[that is to say that] it is not to solve your question so much as to allow the unfolding of what begins when a question is asked – your question begins an exploration, and let us assist you on that path of exploration. The wolf outside the gate must be allowed in. Open the gate, feed the dog, and watch the dog that was the wolf become the obedient, giving companion. The gate exists partly as a divider, and you will want to explore the experience of removing the boundary so that you can be unified with whatever it is that is now separate from you because of the gate. That is a key – unify with whatever it is that is separated from you by the gate. That is what it means to open the gate.” Seeker: “Thank you. Thank you very much.” RESPONSE: “And remember, it is a journey. It is like a piece of art. It is impossible to get right, and it is impossible to get wrong. It is a journey, an exploration. Let it be a heart-felt one, and then it will be beautiful. If it is a mental one, it will simply be very strict and very austere and quite lonely.” QUESTION: I would like to ask how geometric shapes can be used in our lives in meditation. I recently heard some information about the octahedron and the effect of it and the pyramid and the effects they have. And I wanted to find out or get any guidance I can for using it in my life. RESPONSE: “You have been taught the language of English. That language has come to be a way that you frame many of your conversations. Many of your interactions with others can be translated into this language of English. What you will find with any language is that when you translate the world into that language, you see the world through a new lens. Then the language allows you to interact with the world through a different kind of framework and then your experience of it is very different. Learn, if you wish to, learn the language of the rectangle, square, circle, triangle, octagon, tetrahedron, dodecahedron, etc. What you will find is that that language is universal for this realm and that it is very, very good at describing relationships between things. And if you wish to be a creator of relationships, in other words, if it is part of your path (as it is for you) to connect things, then the language of the way shapes work will give you a powerful tool for achieving that goal – connecting things, defining relationships between things. There is a branch of geometry that is special in that it speaks to the profound mysteries of creation. That language is worth knowing, and you will find that is has many, many, many applications, and especially in music. And music is a bridge directly to Spirit. So to be able to speak the language of music in the terms of the Earth such as in geometry, that will give you a kind of a bridge between the Earth and the Spirit-plane. And that will unfold for you, what that means. But remember, there is a connection with music, and it assists you in connecting people.” QUESTION: How can we be fully into the moment, in other words, awakened in the Divine Mind, and more importantly, how can we get there more often? How can we change our focus on what I would call the mundane, everyday existence into that greater awareness? RESPONSE: “The greater awareness you speak of is the melting into Spirit, into presence, into light. Light is itself a metaphor for Spirit. It is simply the part of the language of the world that most adequately applies to the principles of Spirit. But it is still a metaphor because to actually combine into Spirit is everything, it is not only light. However, light is a gateway. Your question – it calls forth a kind of mystery, a paradox, because if you melt into the moment, into the world, into the life around you, you cease to experience it as something you are experiencing. In other words, you leave the equation. You leave the picture because you become simply part of the picture. There is no picture being viewed by you, there is simply ‘picture being viewed.’ And that is why you have that dilemma because you are trying to have an experience. And as long as you are there having that experience, then you are having an experience and there is no melting of you possible. What you will notice is that there are times when you are very passionate or very much swept up in simply the awareness and the magic and the existence of the moment that you cease to become aware of yourself. It is simply not about you in that moment, it is about experience. It is about…the world itself takes on life around you. And those moments of melting are close to what you seek. And it is not about you having an experience. Does that make – we do not want to say ‘sense.’ Does that speak to you?” Seeker: “I think I have some awareness of – yes. I know I have – and I think this might be typical of humans – a sort of a fear of disappearing, as you would say, ‘melting into the moment.’ But I’m afraid of losing myself if I just simply... I guess that might be the ego that’s afraid of that, and I would like to be able to just simply be in my being as much as possible instead of just letting my ego run my life.” RESPONSE: “Well then, let your ego dissolve, have its fear, have its experience of terror, and then disappear.” Seeker: “Okay. I think I know... Well, in the beginning the channel was talking about when his life was really working well and then he gets caught up in the everyday life and then he gets back again. I’m wondering just how do you make that shift back into that greater awareness?” RESPONSE: “You bring your attention back to the source, which is that thread that we spoke of. It is simply the thread of awareness of itself. But what will make your journey easier, what will make your life easier as you explore this (because you are exploring it) is to notice that when you forget, when you get caught up in ‘you’ and you have your journey and your experience, your tangent – that you do actually grow as a result, that it is not a terrible thing to forget your spirit and have a completely ego-oriented experience. It is simply like a petal on the flower. It is not the core of the flower, it is one of the petals. Have the petals. And then return to the core. And notice that it is a going back and forth and back and forth. It is not about ending anything. It is always about embracing and engaging What Is even more deeply, from the heart. And that ultimately is what makes the world dissolve around you and into you and you into it, simultaneously. And that is what creates the unification. Most people experience that upon death. And it is not a terrible thing to only experience that at death, and yet it is possible to experience before that.” Seeker: “Yes, that’s my desire to experience it and maybe even, well, make a difference. So thank you very much.” RESPONSE: “Notice the fear, when it comes, of the dissolving. And that fear itself is an experience you can dissolve into. That is a gift. What is your next question as a group.” QUESTION: Hello Sonoktar, a pleasure as always. Talking about some of the things you brought up tonight – about sacred geometry and rectangles, circles, squares, triangles, etc. – there’s also an equation and I forget what it’s called. It goes, 1...3....It’s not an equation, it’s a... RESPONSE: “It is a series.” Seeker: “A series, right. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13... Can you expound on that at all? You see it in a lot of flowers and you were talking about the petals and stuff, but it occurs in nature a lot on the planet...” RESPONSE: “Well, you are speaking of the series of sounds that God utters when God creates something. Creation comes in pulses, and the pulses come in a pattern, and the pattern builds on itself and it is always the new thing in addition to what came before it. And so, that is why the series you speak of is simply the series of numbers which are the unification of themselves and what came before them. And it is the pattern of creation. And you have ways of finding out the details, and in fact, she who asked the question can provide this answer and will, later. And it is a very fascinating exploration, that series of numbers. It absolutely is a key, and it is a key to everything because it is a pattern in which all things were created. It is the number plus itself, plus the numbers that came before it in the series. And so it builds on itself, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc.” Seeker: “I got my numbers wrong then.” RESPONSE: “Fibonacci.” Seeker: “Fibonacci. That’s what I was looking for. Alright, maybe we can get back to that another time. I have another quick question, if you have the energy.” RESPONSE: “Do you have a question?” Seeker: “Yes, I do. Some of the folks in this group and I have talked and we hear these vibrations that are not really in our ears, it’s more like above our ears, and I always...get the take…like when I hear that, something spiritual...is listening in on what I’m thinking or I’m making a good connection at this point, or I kind of shift to – I get out of the mundane [and think], ‘They’re listening to me now.’ Am I deluding myself or what is it with these vibrations that we’re hearing in our heads and it seems to happen more often lately. But I’m not alone in the group... Can you explain what that vibration is about, please. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “When you give your attention to something, it will make that ‘something’ come alive. When you give your attention to anything in your world that is calling for your attention, it will make the world come alive around you. Attention makes things live. It is like sunlight. It makes everything come alive. If something is calling for your attention and you have even the most vague intuition that it might have something, anything, to do with Spirit, then absolutely give your attention to that. What you will notice is that if you simply give your attention to it, put your attention on it and then follow whatever series of transformations that thing goes through as you keep your attention on it. Because it will start to change when you put your attention on it, and that will guide you. It will actually unfold as a path – a series of changes that continually call for your attention and that becomes a pathway, a journey. And, ultimately, the journey you will go on will be the full unfolding of the exploration of that thing. So, take the journey. If you are being called by a slight buzz, then answer the doorbell. Give it your attention, and then follow the series of transformations that come when you put your attention on that thing. And then let us know how it goes.” Seeker: “What you’re saying is – when I hear that vibration sometimes I feel like I have a significant thought and then I hear that vibration. Is that like a...something out there saying ‘Yea, pay attention.’ Is that what you’re saying?” RESPONSE: “Put your attention on the buzz. When that buzz appears, put your attention on the buzz, actually pay attention to the buzz itself – the sound itself – and then that sound will shift. It will change. Some kind of experience will emerge, and then put your attention on that experience, and so forth. It will start to unfold.” Seeker: “Sometimes it goes from the left side to the right side. Is there any significance in that?” RESPONSE: “Follow it. Follow it wherever it goes. Let it take you on a journey. It is like a little bird that you notice when you’re out on a walk on the path and the bird comes, and you follow the bird, and the bird takes you on a journey. It is that kind of thing.” Seeker: “Thank you so much.” RESPONSE: “Ultimately, for each of you, your journey is a journey of your exploration of Spirit. That is why you are here. You are in a place, in a realm, a dimension of being, that allows you to explore Spirit in a certain kind of language – the language of your life. The things and the places and the people of your life is the language you are speaking with Spirit in. So, ultimately, it must be a journey of your conversation with Spirit, and that is why many of our guide-deeds that we speak are intended not to solve your dilemmas but to assist you on moving forward with your exploration of what is occurring in your life.” Seeker: “It’s quite a ride.” RESPONSE: “Yes it is. And the more attention you put on it, the more of a ride it becomes. And the more you attempt to withdraw your attention or hide from things or end things or stop things, the more of a difficult place the ride is.” Seeker: “That’s all of our questions tonight.” RESPONSE: “That will be quite a relief for the one who transcribes.” Closing Transmission: “We are… We are a word. We are a word which comes deep, deep from inside of the mystery of creation herself. And the world is such a word. The word is ‘you exist’. You are. You are alive. And that is a mystery and a gift of such profound, endless, infinite, deep significance that it can only really be understood through a process of however many years you are alive. And tonight in this moment, we simply call your precious point of attention into that very center center of the nectar of time, which is the realization that you are alive. In-Tel-e-Mah-Wahr.” Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: September 20, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: September 21, 2009 Transcribed By: Marianne Editing Date: November 24, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 1/4/10 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: change, consciousness, awareness, obstacles, the gate, geometric shapes, Divine Mind, light, ego, Fibonacci sequence, vibration in ears, ears


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