8-9-2009 “Surrendering to Flow”

Campfire Call Transcript – August 9, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Surrendering to Flow”

Delivered through Sonoktar, August 9, 2009 Opening Transmission:Mah. Mah. Mah. Each opening creates flow. The nature of life is flow. The nature of change is flow. The nature of being is also flow. The river makes its way from the great, high mountains to the vast sea. Its entire navigation system is simply based on flow, principles of flow. And that is how it achieves an almost impossible feat, which is to find its way across a continent to an ocean, simply by going with its flow. You are a river. Your life is the continent. Your birth was the rain that fell on top of a mountain peak, and your birth in Spirit will be your reaching the ocean. Flow is the key. What are your questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: I have a question regarding my work. There’s a lot of turmoil going on at work right now, and it’s really hard emotionally and mentally. I’d gladly move on to doing other things, but I feel stuck, like this flow is just stuck. So I’m wondering, is it time to move on, or is there still a lesson to be learned in the current situation? Did I put myself in this spot to learn something valuable? Thank you. RESPONSE: “You are learning something very, very valuable but that does not mean that you should stay beyond its expiration point. You will know the expiration point because it is simply not possible to continue. When you reach the intersection where you cannot go straight and you have to turn left or right or around, the way to go is left – left because it calls to you rather than pressuring you as the right turn does, left because it is the surrender rather than the domination, which is to the right. Seek the surrender. Seek what calls you next. Obligation is not a form of flow. Obligation requires pressure to make something move; flow is simply the nature of things. So, do not let obligation be your driving force. The first shell of the change is the collapse of your sense of identity. In other words, you will have to let go of your life as you knew it and the way that you fit into a certain kind of configuration. Ultimately, this is a gift because it allows you to be who you are now rather than who you were planning on being by now. It will be scary. Not only you are making this shift. Others will be more dramatic. Just know that as the iceberg melts, the way forward is to flow, not to resist the collapse. The sea calls you. Ultimately, you will find the connection again but in a different form.” Vibrational name reading for Peg QUESTION: Recently, Sonoktar, you gave us a sound vibration that represented your essence or who you are. I would like to have a sound vibration that more accurately represents my energy or essence. RESPONSE: “You can be called ‘Uhlai.’ ” Peg: “Would you say that again, please?” RESPONSE:Uh-la-i. ‘Uhlai’ means ‘the fountain that is climbing steps - the fountain that is finding its way up by taking gradual steps.’ It could also be said it is ‘the ascending aspiration of the grace of flow.’ But that is the long name, so ‘Uhlai’ is more concise.” Peg: “Is there anything else you can give me?” RESPONSE: “That is what the name means.” QUESTION: I’m interested in knowing more about extraterrestrials that visit this planet, and I know there are various kinds. I talked to a woman at the John Mack Institute at Harvard, which is a big-name university on this planet. She said that she thinks it happens to everyone – that everyone is visited by extraterrestrials. So, that’s question number one. Question number two is why are they here? The Australian Aborigines are aware of them, the Native Americans are aware of them. In Europe they teach their police forces that if you encounter something that appears to be extraterrestrial and you see Beings coming out, do not shoot them. Yet, in America, it’s totally denied. So, why is that? We had a president of the United States named Jimmy Carter who saw an extraterrestrial. When he was president, he asked the head of the CIA, who was George H.W. Bush, about the information on extraterrestrials and George H.W. Bush refused him. So who’s really running the country – is it the CIA or is it the president? We’re led to believe it’s the president, but when the head of the CIA denies the president, who’s really in charge? So, why are these Beings here and what’s their function, and are they aware that they very much disrupt so many people’s lives? RESPONSE: “First, let us specify definitions. ‘Extraterrestrial,’ by its definition, indicates a Being which originates from off the surface of the Earth. By that definition, all humanity is extraterrestrial. All humanity originated beyond the sphere of this planet. However, because there has been a long time of development of the species here on this planet – as was the agreement with the planet – because of that long-term development, it has come to be experienced as a native species, much as if a family was born in one country and moved to another country but became, many generations later, rooted in that new country. They would be thought of as indigenous, but they are not. Beings of all kinds exist. If you were Great Spirit, would you not create many, many forms of life, just as there are many forms of life on the Earth? And would you not encourage them to encounter each other, just as the animals in the forest interact with each other? And there will be those who consume each other, those who work together, those who have conflict, and those who have harmony. This is nothing new. It is simply that there is an opportunity to expand awareness beyond this planet, to include galactic and intergalactic fellowship as part of a cosmic view of unity and unification. There are many reasons why authorities control information. Primarily, it is to keep themselves in power. That is nothing new. Do not give your power to authorities. Simply be in the power of your heart. Let the world shine as it does, and continue your path of service and light. There are many learning lessons of humility in this time of change. Those who have placed themselves at the height of a system of order, whether that system is the government system or a view of the universe in which humanity is the most evolved species (which it is not), or at the top of a system of community which seeks to indicate that they themselves know more than others about the universe and the origin of humanity. Those also will be humbled because what is coming is an increased awareness of the Earth’s role in a larger picture. We are each connecting with others to find ourselves part of a larger whole so that the groups, rather than the individuals, can now achieve together. And the Earth is no exception to that. She also will migrate to make herself part of collective energies so that there can be partnerships with those who are beyond the Earth. In truth, there is no reason to fear. It is simply another opportunity to open. That which is not understood is always threatening to the mind. But that which is not understood creates an opening, an opportunity for the heart. Connect to everything from the heart. Do not explain with the mind, simply open to it with the heart. And then you will find your own wisdom answers, as the wisdom-keeper that you are.” Energy reading for Glenda QUESTION: Hello, Sonoktar. Could you please give me an energy reading now? RESPONSE: “Yes. Would you like to say your name?” Glenda: “Glenda...” RESPONSE: “Bell ringing makes a sound. The core of the striking element hits the shell of the bell, and the result is love because sound unifies all things. You enjoy life most when you are encountering others. The bell rings because there is contact between two parts. You are the sound of the world encountering itself. And you are the ringing of that bell.” Glenda: “Thank you.” RESPONSE: “It is important for you not to try to understand. The mind will attempt to weave your encounters into a story. However, the story is not really the truth of your being. The encounters are the truth. And the encounters can be very random, very different. They do not have to necessarily follow from the last moment. And so, the mind confuses you. If you try to tell the story of your being, it will be like trying to tell the story of the shape of the surface of the ocean waves. It is not about shape. It is about experience. It is an endless cacophony of celebration of jubilance. Let your life be that. Like the sound of a children’s band moving down the street, it is utter chaos and utter brilliance. Do not try to make it into a logical story as your culture demands. Be with the chaos of your celebration of life.” Glenda: “Thank you. I needed that. Thank you, thank you.” RESPONSE: “Do not be judged by anyone. Your heart is a unique sun.” Vibrational name reading for Marianne QUESTION: I would also very much appreciate knowing my vibrational name. Thank you. RESPONSE: “Can you say your name?” Marianne: “Yes. This is Marianne.” RESPONSE: “Your name is beyond you. Right now in this point, you would be ‘Uhblado’ or ‘Uhbladahr.’ That is ‘river turning around a rock’ or ‘flow moving into discovery.’ But your actual nature lies around the curve, around the corner. And so, you are on your way to a discovery. And for us to say that name now would rob you of a sweet process – a nectar process. So, for now, be ‘river discovering her future.’ But that is not your full name.” QUESTION: I would like some choice about how to be at flow regarding growing my bank account and if I have a pattern of stuck poverty conscious that I need to release that’s in the way, that’s impeding me. I can sort of feel that as something in me that I would like to know how to shake off as fast as possible. RESPONSE: “Consistency is needed. Consistency is the key to growth. Consistency is more difficult now in times of change but still possible, and that is what is needed. The rhythm of consistent action, the presence of continuous cyclical behavior – those things can create wealth. When you say you know there is a blockage, what is the blockage? ... Do you have an answer?” Seeker: “It’s a feeling of being on the crest of a very big change and just feeling this pressure that I have to change a lot in one area, and that I’m hardly going to know myself.” RESPONSE: “You are not ... yes.” Seeker: “I can feel it, and it’s a bit nebulous. And I’m up for it, and it’s sort of scary at the same time. So, I just feel that ‘eye of the needle’ squeeze feeling that I just need to wing it and trust myself. I also do feel that I’m shaking off old stuff that has been with me. It’s more of a feeling that’s hard to put [into] words to get more exact about it. It feels very old like it’s been hooking me from miasms from the past that I don’t quite know how to get rid of them fast.” RESPONSE: “Well, consistency will make you have to surrender because what the ego does not like is to give up control. And one of your resistances to the consistency of repetition – which is needed for wealth – one of your resistances is that you do not control as much if the same thing happens every week, and that is something you resist. What will occur is that through the ‘eye of the needle,’ as you say, there will be only a very small room for something to pass. And in order for you to pass through that, it will require letting go of almost everything. But a rhythm is very lightweight. A rhythm is something that takes up almost no space. And so, it is possible to have a complete release and still keep a consistency. A consistency of what? Well, that will be provided by life. But keep that image of going through the eye of the needle, letting go of almost everything but keeping a beat, keeping a rhythm, knowing that that rhythm will connect you with ‘other than you’ through that time of change.” Seeker: “I get it, thank you. Thank you so much. That’s exactly apt now when I have an empty bank account for the first time in my life. ... I feel like I can really let go, now that you’ve given me some insight. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “Yes. Yes, let go. Let go of the form, but do not let go of your intention or your dedication. Keep working, but keep moving forward. And that combination creates a shift.” Seeker: “Right. My intention feels greater and more exciting than it ever has by many times.” RESPONSE: “And then, you see, if you bring discipline into that picture, the ego will not like that, but your emergent heart will delight in it because discipline can be aligned with now a more true dedication. Discipline is a chore if it is not a true dedication. But if you are truly dedicated to something, then discipline in your dedication is a joy. To rise every morning and water the plants that you love in a field that you love is a joy. And, in time, that does bring wealth.” QUESTION: I am having a problem trying not to judge myself and others, and I’m wondering how I can possibly rise above that. I suppose that’s going beyond the mind, but I’m not real clear how to do that. RESPONSE: “Allow the drum to beat, but do not dance to the drum. Allow the mind to judge, but do not make the judgments your cause for action.” Seeker: “Ok, I think I have a slight idea what that means. The mind’s going to make judgments anyway, so it doesn’t mean that I have to act upon those judgments.” RESPONSE: “Exactly. And you cannot stop a mind from making judgments. It is the nature of the mind – it constantly makes judgments. However, like a voice in your ear, it does not have to be the voice that runs your moment. You can have a voice in your ear and still be taking your action steps from a different place. So, let the mind judge, and then let the heart act. That is the practice. And then you will find you have much more energy and much more time because to try to make the mind stop its judgments is like trying to make a baby stop crying. It is not possible. Instead, you must simply serve the moment from the heart.” Seeker: “This may sound over-simplistic, but I hear you use the word ‘heart.’ Is that our center, or is that our real self, or is that speaking from our being – or what is that?” RESPONSE: “Excellent question. In fact, that is the question. What is the heart? What is the voice of the heart? It is ever-elusive. It will always need a deeper answer. But it is not the emotions, and it is not anything to do with thought. It is a knowing, and it is something that everyone already has. It is the heart. It is the core. It is the center. It is the voice of your emergent center. It is the call from your deep being. It is the thing that says, yes, this is true for me now in this moment. And it may not be the same answer in the next moment. It can change. It is the thing that unifies all Beings, and it is the thing that unifies all moments.” QUESTION: Would it be appropriate for me to ask what that lesson is that I’m currently learning in this situation here at work? RESPONSE: “There is a gift in diplomacy. To be stretched between two opposing forces, to be made to reach across an impossible chasm makes something be consistent which is actually being torn apart. That will stretch you. That will ultimately make you give up ideals in favor of service. And you will have to choose what it is you truly serve because you will not have the option to make everything better. You will have to choose. And so, ultimately it teaches you about what it is that is your true dedication. And that empowers you to move forward with more of your energy focused and a greater chance of fulfillment for that energy.” QUESTION: I have had a wonderful relationship, and I think that the best thing that I can do for this lady is to let her go. But I feel like my heart is breaking. And I try to listen to my heart, and I try to tell my mind to listen to my heart, but when I listen to my heart, my heart really hurts. So, how do I deal with that? RESPONSE: “The heart has many seasons. Joy is only one. Yearning is another. Grief is another. Sorrow is another. Loneliness is another. Like the seasons, some of your days will fall in one, others of your days will fall in a different season. When the heart calls – when the voice of the heart is so strong that your mind cannot dominate today – that is often cause for anxiety in humans. But actually, it is simply a sign that you are awake to your heart. And grief is one of the seasons of the heart. It is not necessarily an indication that anything is wrong to be in grief, it may be that you are actually very aware and very connected, very sensitive. Should you not try to escape the grief, simply be in the season of the heart. Let it be the color of the day. Live your day through that color. And yes, it is painful. But ultimately, the actual pain is not the pain of the opening that is occurring. The pain is the pain of the resistance to the opening. Because to let yourself be so great – so expansive – so as to be able to hold and include even that grief means that you are truly a more vast Being than you have experienced before. And that is the actual stretching that is occurring. You are opening to your ability to hold great things. And part of that is the tragedy of not owning any moments no matter how precious they are so that you can always be in a flow. That is what you are learning about – how to flow, even when it requires you to be as great as you are in terms of an expansiveness of heart – to allow things to flow even when they are precious, like diamonds through your fingers, because to hold them would be to stop the flow. And you know you cannot hold the diamonds. You must let them fall through your fingers so that they can continue to flow.” Closing Transmission: Seeker: “Thank you for such beautiful answers today.” RESPONSE: “You are the flower. We are the sun. You see yourselves shining in the light. Gratitude for What Is. In-Tel-e-Mah-Sa-Look.” Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: August 9, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: August 11, 2009 Transcribed By: Marianne Editing Date: August 26, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 11/22/09 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: flow, spirit names, energy names, authority, self judgment, judgment, heart, surrender, discipline, extraterrestrial, ET, origin, humanity


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