Campfire Call Transcript – August 2, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Home Is Where Your Heart Is - Source From Within”

Delivered through Sonoktar, August 2, 2009 Opening Transmission:Na-Ke-Hana. Ohm. Ke-Han. Thot. Ohm. Home. Home comes from inside. You are a home-maker. You are the source of your home. The items you bring together - the bricks, the floor, the furniture, the foundation, the beautification, the meaning - all of those things come from the organizational principle that is your heart. When your home is disrupted - when your home is moved or changed - you can create a new home anywhere, any time, any place, with anything, because ‘home’ is sourced from you, by you, through you. It is true, you often have preferences for those things you are connected to habitually, those things you know familiarly that make your home - that make you feel comfortable, secure, consistent in your world. But all of those things were brought to you by your heart, that is why they feel good. And that means that your heart was actually the source of the implementation of the home, in every case. All of the homes you have had (and you have had many) have all come together around a common point, and that source, that place, that point, is your heart. If it were only practicality that made the home, you would call it a house. Perhaps it would be called a dwelling, or an office, a protection, a building. But if you call it a home, it is because your heart has called it home, and your heart calls home that which it is a mirror of. When you are lost, when you have been troubled and that system of elements around you that makes your world has changed, dramatically, and you find yourself needing a home, it is time to try the heart. Knock on the door of the heart. Call on the heart. Make the heart your mission and begin to organize whatever is around you - even if it is just dirt, or stones, or shells, or grass, or people - begin to organize them according to what speaks to your heart, and you will find yourself creating another home. Anywhere you go, even if it is only for twenty minutes that you will be in that place, you can create a home there. And that is the beginning. That message is the beginning of a very large subject that we will explore, and it will be called ‘Source from Within.’ And it will be a mission we carry out together. What are your questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: Thank you for the connection, I appreciate being able to speak with you again. I was wondering if you could give me advice as to what I should focus on the most in the next six months. Recently I have been feeling kind of down - the place where I am, my work, my place where we live has come full cycle. I feel like there is something else I should be focusing on. I was wondering if my gut feeling is correct and if you could give me a little bit of direction. Thank you very much. RESPONSE: “Do you play sports?” Seeker: “No, I don’t.” RESPONSE: “You could try.” Seeker: “Okay.” RESPONSE: “There is a reason. What you need - the element you need, the vitamin - is the very immediate challenge of creating a success. For example, scoring a point in a game is a very good example of a very immediate gratification of a kind of a challenge being met, and that challenge being completed successfully. Now, when you have a change, when your life has come to a completion point for some series of efforts and you have the great blessing of a rest, a pause, a chance to be in the emptiness before the next mission arrives, it is a very, very good time to celebrate. Celebrate everything you have achieved. Celebrate everything you have given yourself and given the world, the things you have tried for, the things you have served. Celebrate them with some other people who can understand your celebration. And then have a rest. Have a short rest, be on pause. And there is an important reason why. If you are trying to fill the space, the empty space that is created by a change, if you try to fill it immediately with something that makes it again feel full (your life), then you will inevitably find yourself filling it with something that is from the past simply because it makes you feel complete, makes you feel occupied. But if you let there be a change, let there be a pause. Take a rest. Do not fill the space so fast. Emptiness is a gift. It is the great gift. It is an acquired taste; it can only be appreciated after some time living. But emptiness is the gift. And when you allow yourself to receive that gift, that emptiness, then you find something truly new can begin. But if you are simply continuing the old as an effort to keep yourself occupied, then it will always continue. The old will always be there, and the new will not have space. So create the emptiness, allow it to be. Feel your time. Take a walk. Do nothing for some time. And then only when you are truly called to move forward, then act. And act in the way that the true call calls for, so that your next step can truly come from the deep place. Do not worry if you are doing it correctly or not. Simply do whatever matches those words, and then you will find yourself moving forward after some time. In the meantime, what you need is games, fun, sport, celebration, gratitude. And if you find yourself needing to achieve something because you are hungry for action, then play a sport. Find a game that requires a challenging, successful triumph and make the effort and win the game. Give yourself that nutrient and then go back to resting and celebrating and waiting. And then listen for the next steps.” Seeker: “Thank you.” RESPONSE: “You need that nutrient in your life. You need the sense of success. Otherwise you will always feel empty. That is why games would be good for you to fill in this time.” QUESTION: My question is for my grandson, Alex. He is fourteen years old. He has been having an ongoing experience that sometimes, if he’s awake after 11 o’clock at night, he starts to get this drumming that occurs inside of his head and then he starts to see spirits all around him... RESPONSE: “Can we ask a question? Was this question asked by him or from you because you are concerned for him, or was he sending you on his behalf?” Seeker: “Yes, he is sending me on his behalf.” RESPONSE: “Okay, thank you. Please continue.” Seeker: “Okay. He senses these spirits around him, adults and children. He said the children speak to him, and there is an adult male there that just mumbles to himself. And he just wants to understand what is happening, why it’s happening and if there is anything he should do. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “Well… Love. Love is the key. Love is the thing that makes all things be connected. And when things are connected, then it is very clear how they fit, what the purpose of each thing is. Everything that exists has purpose. Everything that exists is part of the great creation, the great work, and that includes his perceptions. That includes all of the energies he is experiencing and witnessing. What we would suggest is tell him it is important to love everything you encounter and love it in your own terms. And love it in a way that feels good to you and matches your gifts in the world. And then let him decide what is the way he can love these energies, just as he would love an animal, or a person, or a place, or a thing, or a house. And then what that will do is that will encourage him to open from his heart to the experience, and that will inform him about what is real for him, what is his work. The actual methods of giving the love must come from him. But the message: Your job is to love and to find the ways to love everything you encounter and include everything you encounter. That is a message you can give him - through you, we can give to him, through you.” Seeker: “Thank you.” RESPONSE: “One addition, one other thing: All of what you create in life is sacred. Never judge the reality of another. If it is true for them, then it is true. It is true for someone, and so it is true. And that creates the opportunity to have the most full, rich experience of what others are in this realm because others can be very, very, very different Beings than you, and still appear similar. And so, it is never appropriate to judge another’s reality. It is only appropriate to share it, to support it, to nourish it, nurture it. Give it everything you can, that is your gift.” QUESTION: I have always, even as a little girl growing up, had a very close attachment with the American Indians, no specific tribe or anything. Can you help me understand why that is? RESPONSE: “You look for the full circle. You search for the place that the world connects its roots with its branches. You find the way that everything can be whole so that there can be completion - holistic nature in existence. The place that that has occurred most recently is in the culture of the people you speak of. They have found the ways to walk with Earth so that the cycles are complete. So that the cycle of water is complete. So that the cycle of the Earth is complete. So that the cycle of the fire completes itself and the air is honored because they use even their voice and even their breath to give back to air. And that speaks to you because you are that kind of a Being that wants to complete everything so that it can become renewed again, the way a leaf becomes the dirt that nourishes the seed and becomes a tree that creates the leaf that becomes the dirt that feeds the seed that becomes the tree, etc. That is a cycle. That is a perfect, perfect cycle because everything that happens in that cycle feeds everything else. And that is the beauty of life. That is how life is designed to be. We complete cycles so that those cycles can renew us. With the advent of mankind’s, humankind’s, womankind’s, perfection of the ability to control the environment artificially - that ability has created imbalances. It has created very, very large cycles, cycles that will take tens of thousands of years to complete because the properties of the matter you have created will take so long to break down and become soil again. And so, you as a Being have a mission. You have a call. You have a sense of the importance of the holistic picture, the completion of one cycle so that everything can be balanced again. And that kind of natural way of living, that kind of sense of balance - of all the kinds of elements having a beautiful dance that creates a cycle and that creates life - that is something that is fundamental to your nature. You are here to be that, spread that, encourage that, say that, talk about that. And so, of course, you resonate with the great masters of that. You do have a fundamental, deep connection in common with those who have lived that way. You would find if you went to the other continent and you met with the people who also live very close to the Earth and know the cycles, that you would find a similar kind of resonance with them because they are also holistic in their approach. Does that speak to you?” Seeker: “Thank you, yes.” RESPONSE: “In everything you do, honor the cycles, and you will find yourself attuned to your true nature more and more, like a bell that is becoming truer and truer to its harmonic resonance. And then you will find that when you ring, everything around you that rings with you is of the same nature.” QUESTION: I’m finding that I’m having trouble saying prayers and I’m wondering if you can give me some pointers to be effective and know when I’m doing it for the highest good. RESPONSE: “Yes. You can only pray from your true heart. And you can only pray in a true language. And you can only pray to a true God, a spirit, an entity that is clearly, for you, truly compelling. What is occurring is that your mind, with its very powerful and beautiful intentions, has become programmed by itself to perform customary, appropriate kinds of homage - paying homage - to a kind of an idea of Creator, of God. But what is needed is that you yourself have changed, you have deepened, you must now find a deeper relationship with whatever it is that you call your Creator. Whatever it is that gives rise to you, that made you be alive, whatever that is for you - and do not assume you know. You may not have a concept from the past that truly speaks to what you now know is true in your heart. So come up with a new word. Come up with a new way of praying to what is alive now in you. Perhaps even use a new language. Do not try to explain it to anyone other than those with whom you truly share your most deep secrets. Most will not understand. They can love you and that is worth sharing, but it is not about explaining it. It is about you cultivating a deep sense of connection to what is true in you and between you and your creator.” Seeker: “Thank you.” RESPONSE: “Yes. Find the new language. You have already written in [language] that is not English. You know what it is to speak other languages, even if not completely. Let that be a doorway. There are many great spiritual visionaries who have made up their own languages because the language they were given was not sufficient to sing their song. Be as equals with them. Share your vision in whatever language you need to create to make it perfect for your heart to sing its song.” Seeker: “Thank you very much.” RESPONSE: “You are no small wizard.” Energy reading for Kathy QUESTION: I would like to see about an energy reading. I was given that I had cat energy to start with, one time before, but I was wondering if there is an extension on that or if it has changed. RESPONSE: “Once the cat has children and a litter to take care of, the role of the cat changes. The cat becomes the caretaker, the tender to that which is needed, not only by the litter but by everything around. A mother cat will actually adopt other species during a time of recently having kittens, children. That is the phase you are in now. Open your arms, start to embrace all of those who have gathered, who have come to be part of the journey. Because your ability to see beyond the surface appearance of things, your ability to sense beyond simply the mundane, will only be fulfilled once you are able to cast your vision and your love far out into the world around you. And then it will make sense why you have the vision, why you have the ability to pierce reality with your perception and see beyond the appearances of things. Then you will be able to serve using that gift and have an audience, have a fellowship - just as all of them, they with whom you connect, will have their gifts to share. So you are now the gatherer, the gatherer and the nurturer, as well as the cat.” QUESTION: At the present time, I’m going through some internal changes that I notice and I feel like I’m on the verge of something with new energy coming in. I’m wondering if you can give me a little bit of enlightenment in that way. RESPONSE: “Yes. You have been the drum beater. And what has happened is you have broken through. You have actually broken through the drum. That has confused you because you thought you were the drummer, the drum beater - the one who calls, summons, signals, and provides the foundation beat. And now you have broken through to another side of that same role and so it is a little confusing. Imagine the drummer who has broken their drum - what to do? You can try to play from the opposite side. You can try to play again the drummer from the opposite side of the coin, and that will feel familiar. And so, it will feel right over a little bit of time. But actually, what is coming for you is a new kind of song. You will emerge from a period of time of being alone, and in that period you will be examining the inner workings of your voice. And when you emerge, you emerge quite differently. We will honor your process and not give you the conclusion of your story. But it is a journey. Do not let the confusing nature of the current and coming season be a deterrent to you, just simply keep progressing, keep being curious, keep seeking the deeper and deeper truth, keep celebrating what you find. Do the next best thing there is to do. And allow the process. Trust it. It is bringing you to a new place. And you will emerge. You are going to go through a tunnel, and the tunnel is not your new home. The tunnel is simply a tunnel and it takes you through, out into another opening.” Seeker: “Thank you. I feel that tunnel.” RESPONSE: “Trust it. Tunnels have only one option. They simply keep going. If you turn around, you will simply be delaying the inevitable, which is you will eventually have to go through the tunnel. And it is not unpleasant; it is simply a little confusing.” QUESTION: I’m in the process of releasing limiting beliefs and feelings - negative or positive feelings - and I wonder if you have any suggestions as to how I may facilitate that process. RESPONSE: “Releasing is action, not intention. If you release a belief that made you act a certain way for years, then the only actual release of that belief is to act differently starting now. Until you act the new way, you will not ground the shift in belief. So, find the thing that is the action, the tangible action - and it must involve others, somehow - that is actually the embodiment of the new perspective, the new way of looking at things. Find the action, embody the action. Simply intending is not enough, and that is why it is confusing.” Seeker: “Great. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “Yes. And it can be any action, but it must be an action that involves others. It can be very small, it can be as small as the way you offer a cup, and to whom you offer that cup. It does not have to be a grand project.” Energy reading for Mary Jo QUESTION: Thank you for all the wonderful work you have done and your selfless source. I would like to have an energy reading. RESPONSE: “Yes. Cork screw dedicates herself to finding the essence, to finding the wine, the juice that has become aged and is now a gift and assists in the celebration. She will penetrate that which has made protection for the nectar. Let us explain. When there is great nectar, when there is great truth or a great gift to the world, it is often protected. It is put into a shell of some kind. For example, the coconut, the milk of the coconut, and the essence of the coconut - the meat - is protected within a hard shell. And in order to access that protected nectar and receive from it and drink from it and be nourished by it, you must penetrate the shell. And in order to penetrate the shell, you need a tool. You need something capable of penetrating. And that is what the corkscrew does. That is why you are able to penetrate shells to find the real gift that lies beneath something, and often times that something is something that has been stored away for a long time. And so, it is often the first emergence of that thing in a long time and so it is quite an art to bring out the deep nature of something because it is often a process of quite dramatic or quite startling discovery about what actually lies beneath the surface of most people or most places. So be cautious, be generous, be loving, be compassionate. But continue. Be dedicated. You are that which makes it possible for the group to access the deep nourishment that lies beneath the shell of what is encountered.” Mary Jo: “Thank you.” RESPONSE: “And that is why you honor the sacred. That is why you cherish the sacred things, the truly sacred things. They are the aged wine that has been stored and preciously cared for and tended to and protected, and that you are able to access so that it can be shared.” Mary Jo: “Thank you. Blessings to you and your Source.” RESPONSE: “Begin to search for the names you have for yourself. Begin to collect the names, the true names - the names of your fairy self, your angel self, your animal self your spirit self. Collect the names and put them together as a group. Let us make a basket, and let us bring together all of the gems, the names we have for ourselves so that they can be shared and explored. That is a beginning. Thank you.” Closing Transmission: “Great Spirit, appreciation for you. An. Shay-Han.” Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: August 2, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: August 11, 2009 Transcribed By: Karin Editing Date: August 26, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 11/22/09 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: Source From Within, Heart, Home, Cycles, sports, belief, drum, corkscrew, ghosts, entities, psychic children, psychic child, void, life changes


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