10-4-2009 “Awakening to Purpose”

Campfire Call Transcript – October 4, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Awakening to Purpose”

Delivered through Sonoktar, October 4, 2009 Opening Transmission: “Spirit. Spirit is one - always united, always connected, continuous. When you look at the world, perceive its variety, diversity, you notice many shapes, many sizes, many colors, many ways of living, many ways of forming what exists. And, indeed, there are many approaches. There are countless universes, galaxies, star systems, cultures, and ways of being - all of them unified, all of them singular in their connection, and yet all of them unique, varied, no two the same. No two Beings, even for an instant, ever, are the same. Yet they are all connected. You are all connected. Now it is apparent. Now your unification has manifested, not only through a unity and purpose, but because your lives have become connected; your conscious experience, your pursuits have become connected. That root system - that nourishing web of life-force which connects the group, which makes a tribe out of a group of individuals - that root system is to be celebrated now. Hold it up high like a deity, like a god, like a goddess. Celebrate it like you would a tree, or a sunset, or a baby. Because it is new. It is new birth, new life. It is something unique, and it is not something easy to replace; so it is precious. It gives life-force to everything that it touches. This web of awareness, this web of connectedness, this web of camaraderie, which is community, which is love in action - use it now to nourish the seeds that exist that are here. They will start to come forward from the hearts of the many, the few, who are you. And with each of them comes another part of the body of the whole. Each of them is a unique organ, a part of the forest, another continent on the planet of the community, so to speak. And so, as they come forward, welcome them as the children of the group, the seeds that give hope for the future that will become the platforms, the unique projects, the visions, the desires, the yearnings, the hopes. The hopes of today are the foundation of tomorrow. Those who came before you had dreams and visions. They put energy into them, they collaborated with those around them, and they created platforms for life. The things that are now the fundamental basis for the way you live - all of those things were once simply a vision in the imagination of an ancestor. You are those ancestors now. You are those givers of the future foundations for life. It is no small thing. It is a great, noble, beautiful, humble gift to be part of life and awaken to that purpose.” [Group discussion - no questions or closing] Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: October 4, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: October 12, 2009 Transcribed By: Karin Editing Date: November 6, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 1/6/2010 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: Spirit, unification, tribe, new birth, web, community, hope, dream, vision, purpose


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