10-25-2009 “Light Enters Through Vision”

Campfire Call Transcript - October 25, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Light Enters Through Vision”

Delivered through Sonoktar, October 25, 2009 Opening Transmission:Ohm. Ohm. The way light enters the world is through vision. Vision is the stream, vision is the voice. Vision is the creator and the creation, simultaneously. Because the eye opens, the vision is seen; because the vision is seen, the world exists. Because the world exists, all of creation must exist to create a context for a world. When you look, you see. When you see, you create and what you create is all that there is. You have always been, and will always be, the creator. The mind, (and this is a new paragraph beginning), the mind is simply not capable of understanding the truth, the complexity, the entirety of creation. It is simply not able to hold the kinds of relationships between parts that creation exists based upon. It would be like a language that simply does not have words for most of the things that exist - you could not create a description of a world using that language. The mind is like that, because the mind always contextualizes any thing or scenario or context in opposition to it’s opposite - in other words, only the white writing on the black paper or the black writing on the white paper - only these show up on the mind’s radar, the landscape of the mind. And so, the mind is always confused because it is always setting part of reality up against the rest of reality as a context for contrast, giving definition to words through that contrast. And so, the mind divides the world into things and not those things. And that is where our world comes into understanding, into description and into language. And so, friends, beloved companions, compadres, journeyers, we have an interesting dilemma. If we are going to create a language-based gift for the world, a tool with which to share wisdom - not only knowledge, but wisdom - we will have to find a way to transcend the limitations of normal language. We will have to move beyond the mind and into the realm of deeper knowing in order even to communicate what it is we wish to share. And we are now speaking as a group of collaborators, not as a visionary source speaking to an audience. But we are now one team, one group working together. This is the beginning. What are your questions?” Questions Asked: QUESTION: My question actually connects right to what you just said. I had a vision in which I was given a download probably and then also saw a written message that was how to talk to extraterrestrials. I’d like to know more about that. RESPONSE: “Well, if you were given a phone, a telephone, what would you do with it?” Seeker: “I guess I would talk to extraterrestrials.” RESPONSE: “And how would you, how would you initialize that?” Seeker: “First I would request someone to talk to.” RESPONSE: “And how would you do that?” Seeker: “I probably would ask for somebody specifically from a certain place.” RESPONSE: “And how would you actually identify that or choose that versus all the other places.” Seeker: “It would be something I had confidence in it being a light source. I probably would ask for someone from Sirius.” RESPONSE: “Well, you would have to dial the number for Sirius. You would have to lift the receiver to your ear, and you would have to know the number, and you would have to dial, and you would have to receive, and then you would have to speak. That is the same order. You have been given a connection, and now you must learn how that connections works.” Seeker: “And so was the message in the vision saying it is time to do that?” RESPONSE: “Well, that is a good question. It is your vision. You must speak the response to that question.” Seeker: “I do quite a bit of receiving but I have not asked for anybody in particular. They just seem to pick me to speak to. I will do that. I will ask for the party I wish to speak to.” RESPONSE: “Good idea.” Seeker: “Okay. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “You’re welcome.” QUESTION: In telepathy, do you silently speak the thought or do you just picture it? RESPONSE: “That is a multiple choice answer. Neither of those answers is correct in terms of how we see silent knowing. Silent knowing is known through the core. It emerges; it emerges because there is contact with essence and through that essential connection all things are known. There is actually no transmission, no receiving; there is simply knowing of what is. And so, it is unlike matter-based transmissions. It is not like electronic transmission or wave-based transmission where there is receiving and bending and time, and language. There is simply knowing what is.” QUESTION: In reference to last week, you made it a point to say the creation of where we are going - our purpose - is up to us, not the Source and that it has to be ‘of us’, we have to be the creators. And it also made some mention to the individuality of each person in the group. And my question is, would it behoove us to have each person as an individual suggest their vision, their own personal vision, their own personnel purpose, their own personal vision of an outcome rather than doing it in a group mode or a group phone call but have each person meditate on it and have them come from their own selves. This would keep our individuality in tact and we have quite a group of individuals, which is wonderful. Should we each individually in our own private time say where we would like to see the group go and then compare notes after the fact? RESPONSE: “That would be a valid way to proceed. What that would create is a multi-centered organism - a kind of an organ that had many cells in it, each cell having its own intelligence, its own center, so to speak. Those cells would work together to create an organ and that organ would serve a larger body. A cell which has to be kept alive by those outside of itself is a burden to the body, although sometimes even those cells are required by the body because it makes the body have to be active, have to be healthy, to deal with that burden. But in general, most of the life-force, most of the sense of direction and giving and living life-force will come from the cells which are sourced from their own center, directed by their own heart, so to speak. That gift - to give the world what is in your heart - is the highest gift that you can give. And, ultimately, the great joy is to realize that that which is your highest gift to give, and that which is your highest path, are the same. So yes, find out what is in your heart, seek it, share it; find the ways that those connections overlap. Do not be concerned about finding one path, one center, one collaboration. Rather, have it be multiple centers, the way a solar system is actually multiple centers. It can appear that the sun is center but actually all of the parts of the solar system are revolving around all of the other parts of the solar system in a great dance. And that is the key that sidereal time provides - an awareness that actually everything is the center of the universe simultaneously.” QUESTION: I have a question about the introduction. Are you suggesting we create a language of symbols? RESPONSE: “That would be a beginning.” Seeker: “Written or of sound?” RESPONSE: “That is a good question.” Seeker: “Well, it seems to me like there already is sound available that is a language, but we don’t have an actual language of symbols - written symbols.” RESPONSE: “It must be a language that can provide a bridge. In other words, that can be understood by your audience - or rather we should say, not necessarily understood but received and processed by your audience. But also at the same time, be aware of the limitations that we spoke of, to find the ways to transcend that.” Seeker: “Okay, I like that project. Thank you.” RESPONSE: “We are enchanted. We like that project, too. In-Tel-e-Mah-Wahr.” Closing Transmission: [No closing] Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: October 25, 2009 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: November 11, 2009 Transcribed By: Karin Editing Date: November 30, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 1/6/09 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: light, vision, creation, creator, the mind, wisdom, language, communicating with extraterrestrials, Sirius, telepathy, highest path, gift, symbols


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