10-18-2009 “Be the Seed”

Campfire Call Transcript - October 18, 2009 ABOUT THIS TRANSCRIPT: This material has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly conference call called “The Campfire,” facilitated by the Tribe of Firekeepers and delivered through an oracle named Sonoktar. It is offered to you in service, and you are welcome to share it with others if you wish. The weekly conference call is free, open to all, and organized and transcribed entirely by volunteers. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Be the Seed”

Delivered through Sonoktar, October 18, 2009 Opening Transmission: “Be. Be the children. Be beginners. Be empty. Be starters of something new. Confusion is invitation. Love is always a mystery. Proceed with gratitude, let the children be your vision. What will the children learn? Children will always need guidance. There is no way to not give guidance to a child. Even if you restrict your own actions, that will become the example for them and show action even if that action is inaction. Action will be example for future generations. What child do you want to be now? What is the new growth that you want to seed, that you want to be the seed of? That is the question. That is the flower of the day. The day is calling you to be, be something. Be something that is a seed for tomorrow, because you will be the thing today that creates the reality of tomorrow whether it is to be nothing, or to be something of your choice or something not of your choosing, something you are rebelling against or something that you are promoting, something you are creating. Whatever it is you do, that will be the seed. What is the calling? What is it that when you are dead, when you are changed into pure Spirit form, what body do you want to pass on to the children? Begin that. Begin that path. Mah.” Questions Asked: QUESTION: Tell us about totems, what they do and how we should interact with them? RESPONSE: “Yes. Foundations of being. Primitive cultures recognized legacies, recognized the value of what came before as being foundations for today. The poles that show the phases of existence coming into Being, the layers of ancestry, the foundations of Being- those layers were painted into the minds of the children by giving them images to speak of Archetypical energies, languages, myth, surreal and yet clear and tangible, visible, symbols of life and its gifts. Totems are the symbol, the embodiment of what is sacred, what is essential, what is primal so that those symbols can speak a language of becoming, something migrating from the formless void into creation, into tangible existence in the life of a person. How does that happen? How does that energy come from being formless into being formed?” QUESTION: In our past meetings we have had several conversations about change. I’d like to know what the goal is for these changes. What are we trying to do? RESPONSE: “That is wonderful. That is the question. Now you see, you can answer that question, not we. Because if we answer that, then you are simply the repercussion of our action, not the initiation of a creatorship that you are coming into. You are source. You are not consciously aware [of it,] and you will never be able to consciously bridge your true potential to the world [through intellectual understanding]. It is not of language, it is not something you or anyone can understand. However, when you wish, when you put your energy into something tangible, a form that you wish for, when you create through intention - that then becomes action. Then you will be the creator. You will be the artist. You will be the initiator. You will decide ‘why do we act’, ‘what is it we are acting for’, ‘what gives us meaning’. That must come from you. And it will not be one thing, it will be many things. Each of you - bring a seed. We have been calling for this. You must decide what it is you are dedicated to and then the energy can pass through that. And that becomes the mirror, the prism, the energy sphere through which energy can be passed and become a projection of a reality. You can no longer look to anything outside of your own heart to find the reason why to act and from where comes purpose. And so, your question is a question to the group and it is a question to any group you find yourself a part of. And it is a very important question, and it must be answered. Give yourselves the gift of answering that question. Find the purpose. What is the purpose of this gathering? Spirit is yearning for you to answer that question so that the work can begin. We have a brief time. What is the third question?” QUESTION: Hello. Greetings. Thank you. I had a question a couple of weeks ago that didn’t get answered and that is a question about sidereal time. That’s when you are pointed towards the Hu-Nab-Ku as the planet revolves. Now, you said that each and every one of us have gifts. Would it be to our advantage, each and every one on the line, to know day-to-day what hours are sidereal time? And for the one that composes, should he focus on composing music at that time, the one that automatic writes or what ever gifts each individual is trying to make blossom, would it be a good idea for us to know when we are in sidereal time to accentuate our gifts? RESPONSE: “What you are speaking of is of utmost importance, absolutely uniquely qualified to inform the perspective of this counsel. And make no mistake, you are a counsel now. The counsel must achieve a miraculous shift and that is to view, or rather, to shift the perspective through which you view time. Time is the tapestry, the landscape of existence. And when you view that landscape through a new window, you see a new world. Time is almost always seen relative to matter, relative to the movement of matter. And you can understand these words later. Write them down. They will be understood later. When you shift your perspective on time, you will see that all of the relationships between everything that exist in your world shifts. Just as if you shift your perspective in a room, everything is different and yet nothing has changed. But what is above what and what is below what and what is inside of what and to the left of what - all can change, shift, simply by shifting your perspective. What you are speaking of is to shift the perspective of viewing reality from a point that is central rather than a point that is peripheral to the system. That is what is spoken of by the center, the ‘Ku’ - Hu-Nab-Ku. To shift your perspective to be in alignment with that central point makes you be in alignment with all things that come form that central point, which is of course everything. So yes, shift your perspective. Begin to map time differently and use that calendar to schedule your Sacred actions and to understand all of your being in a new Light. You will need tools. The tools exist. You have members of the counsel who can achieve the connection of those tools.” Closing Transmission: “We are celebrating you. We are with you. You are now seeds. We congratulate you. Mah-Hah. Wahr. Mah-Chic-a-Hah-Nah.” Copyright © 2009 Circlecenter This work is licensed to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Details at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recording Date: 10-18-09 Recorded By: Kathy Thurmer Transcription Date: 11-11-09 Transcribed By: Kathy Thurmer Editing Date: December 3, 2009 Edited By: Marianne Final Approval Date: 1/6/2010 Finalized By: Matthew E. Keywords: action, seed, seeds, children, totem, change, source, purpose, sidereal time, gifts, shift, perspective, Hunab Ku


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