
How Would You Describe Your Energy?

I think a good comparisson is; 'what you feel when you first fall in love'

What Are Your Interests?

Spirituality, living in the Now, service to others

What Would You Like To Share With Others?

I just finished reading this book, and the below quote gave me a better understanding/view/idea of enlightenment. ‘Bringers of the Dawn’ Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniac “…, matter is simply light that is trapped. As you build your light body, you are allowing a reorganization of the molecular structure-a loosening of your grip upon a certain aspect of materialism so that your spiritual understanding can be more in tune with your day-to-day life. The building of the light body is the allowing of less trapped matter to manifest and allow light, which is freer in expression and in seeking its own source, to become who you are so that you are not so solid.”

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